Marco Rubio has never had a real job

So maybe the question asked of him by CNBC was legit. He's never held a job or been responsible for the bottom line. Marco Rubio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. He's supposed to steer a $17,000,000,000,000 economy?

Just when has that been big deal for you Moon Bats?

Bill Clinton never had a real job. Except for being a forth rate lawyer for a short time neither has The Hildabeast.

Gore or Kerry never worked in their lives.

Hussein Obama doesn't even know what the word work means.

Bernie Sanders has been a profession communist his entire life.

What the hell do you care?
So maybe the question asked of him by CNBC was legit. He's never held a job or been responsible for the bottom line. Marco Rubio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. He's supposed to steer a $17,000,000,000,000 economy?

Just when has that been big deal for you Moon Bats?

Bill Clinton never had a real job. Except for being a forth rate lawyer for a short time neither has The Hildabeast.

Gore or Kerry never worked in their lives.

Hussein Obama doesn't even know what the word work means.

Bernie Sanders has been a profession communist his entire life.

What the hell do you care?

We care because RWnuts used all of the above to argue why any of those Democrats shouldn't be president.

Why aren't you using that argument to argue why Rubio shouldn't be president?
So maybe the question asked of him by CNBC was legit. He's never held a job or been responsible for the bottom line. Marco Rubio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. He's supposed to steer a $17,000,000,000,000 economy?

Just when has that been big deal for you Moon Bats?

Bill Clinton never had a real job. Except for being a forth rate lawyer for a short time neither has The Hildabeast.

Gore or Kerry never worked in their lives.

Hussein Obama doesn't even know what the word work means.

Bernie Sanders has been a profession communist his entire life.

What the hell do you care?

We care because RWnuts used all of the above to argue why any of those Democrats shouldn't be president.

Why aren't you using that argument to argue why Rubio shouldn't be president?
Better question is "Who is suggesting he SHOULD be president?"

We care because RWnuts used all of the above to argue why any of those Democrats shouldn't be president.

Why aren't you using that argument to argue why Rubio shouldn't be president?

Democrats should never be elected President because they are dumbass shitheads that are dangerous to this country. I think we can all agree on that. That is a given.

There are many reasons to reject the filthy ass greedy incompetent Democrats. The fact that very few of them never had any experience working in the real world is actually pretty far down the list of reasons not to vote for them.

You Moon Bats are hypocritical when you bitch about one of the Republican candidates not having really worked worked in his life after elected that dumbass shit for brains Obama that never had a real job and who will vote for either that corrupt lying bitch Clinton or that silly ass Communist, neither have much of a work record.

It reminds me of your hypocrisy of complaining that Bush never served in Vietnam while voting for a blatant draft dodger like Bill Clinton or someone that didn't have the courage to serve like Obama.
If having worked at a real job is a discriminator for your Moon Bats then you should be looking to vote for Trump, Carlson or Carly. Any of them has a lot more work experience that The Hildabeast or the Commie Clown in the Democrat Party.
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When it comes to the debt Boehner and McConnell own a lot of it.

Lets not forget the contribution made by Peloksi and Reid during the time they had leadership jobs in Congress. That goes back as far as when that filthy ass 2006 Democrat Party took over Congress. Of course we have Hussein Obama who has like the world's record on debt. While a Senator he even voted for two of Bush's debt budgets and then he added nine trillion of his own.
Stupid loserterian idiots!!!!

Bush got us into the trillion dollar wars
Bush got us the massive costly tax cuts from the fires of hell
Bush put millions of people on welfare fallowing his collapse.

Fuck cutting infrastructure, science, r&d and education another cent!!!! Not if we are going to remain a first world country.
So maybe the question asked of him by CNBC was legit. He's never held a job or been responsible for the bottom line. Marco Rubio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. He's supposed to steer a $17,000,000,000,000 economy?

That's a $17trillion DEBT

A DEBT that has done nothing but grow from the current President that never held a job where he was responsible for managing the bottom line

Which presidents in the past 50 years have not seen the debt grow every year of their presidency?

Bill Clinton! He didn't cut infrastructure, science, r&d and education a cent either.

A good reason to elect Hillary!

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