Marco Rubio repudiates angry anti-Pelosi mob


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2018
The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelosi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:


Marco Rubio on Twitter


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The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelidi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:

The Gutless Wonder strikes again. The GOP needs to understand they are fighting a WAR. If they fail to treat it as such, they are doomed to lose that WAR.
I think Little Marco doesn't like confrontation of any kind.
when it makes sense and you're actually fighting for something, sure. but all i've heard from the right since i've been here are how horrible the tactics of the left are.

i understand karma and payback and figured these times were in fact coming. but now we're back to an "end justifies the means" tactic the left loves to do only now it's for the rights means. but if the tactics are wrong, they are wrong. "they did it first" is how old again?
The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelidi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:


Marco Rubio on Twitter
I agree with him, though unlike the left, they didnt get physical, so that needs to be considered.
Did you agree with him before you saw his tweet?
What bearing would that have on this discussion? I agree with his tweet. If you want to discuss another subject, present them one at a time and ill tell you if i agree.
The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelidi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:


Marco Rubio on Twitter
I agree with him, though unlike the left, they didnt get physical, so that needs to be considered.
Did you agree with him before you saw his tweet?
What bearing would that have on this discussion? I agree with his tweet. If you want to discuss another subject, present them one at a time and ill tell you if i agree.
I want to know if you’re lying about being against the tactics employed by the GOP mob.
Are you saying you agree with Rubio just because you don’t want to criticize a Republican senator?
The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelidi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:


Marco Rubio on Twitter
I agree with him, though unlike the left, they didnt get physical, so that needs to be considered.
Did you agree with him before you saw his tweet?
What bearing would that have on this discussion? I agree with his tweet. If you want to discuss another subject, present them one at a time and ill tell you if i agree.
I want to know if you’re lying about being against the tactics employed by the GOP mob.
Are you saying you agree with Rubio just because you don’t want to criticize a Republican senator?
I dont give 2 shits about criticising anyone, let alone a Senator.
The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelidi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:


Marco Rubio on Twitter
I agree with him, though unlike the left, they didnt get physical, so that needs to be considered.
Did you agree with him before you saw his tweet?
What bearing would that have on this discussion? I agree with his tweet. If you want to discuss another subject, present them one at a time and ill tell you if i agree.
I want to know if you’re lying about being against the tactics employed by the GOP mob.
Are you saying you agree with Rubio just because you don’t want to criticize a Republican senator?

Let's get you on the record YOU disagree with the tactics of the Left?
The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelidi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:


Marco Rubio on Twitter
I agree with him, though unlike the left, they didnt get physical, so that needs to be considered.
Did you agree with him before you saw his tweet?
What bearing would that have on this discussion? I agree with his tweet. If you want to discuss another subject, present them one at a time and ill tell you if i agree.
I want to know if you’re lying about being against the tactics employed by the GOP mob.
Are you saying you agree with Rubio just because you don’t want to criticize a Republican senator?

Let's get you on the record YOU disagree with the tactics of the Left?
No. All I care about is Rubio disagreeing with you and the other right wing nuts in this board.
The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelidi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:

The Gutless Wonder strikes again. The GOP needs to understand they are fighting a WAR. If they fail to treat it as such, they are doomed to lose that WAR.

Well.....war can be fought and won in many different ways. After Hillary shot off her mouth, we didn't come back by saying gays and transexuals were deplorable. That might have cost us the election.
The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelosi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:


Marco Rubio on Twitter

The only mob like behavior I have seen is the GOP judicial committee during the Kav hearing. The rest are protests.
Funny liar, I only saw liberal criminals disrupting the Kavanaugh hearing. You clowns think you can lie and get your sorry asses in power you are mistaken.
It’s good that Marco called for civility. It doesn’t mean they should listen.

Dimms should get some of their own medicine.

Libs who call out Cubans are racist.

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