Margaret Sanger Statues and Planned Parenthood MUST GO

I minded my own business. That's how pro-choice works
Would you proudly mind your own business if the woman were beating her children or starving them to desth?

We now have libs claiming the right to kill or neglect children outside the womb who were the victims of botched abortions

even a few libs might object to that
Clearly not. :rolleyes: Don't drama queen.
She created the Negro Project, to rid America of blacks which Sanger, like Charles Darwin, considered inferior to whites.


Margaret Sanger spoke to the KKK women's auxiliary and was strongly supported by members of the KKK. She also strongly supported eugenics programs to weed out those she felt were "undesirable." The undesirable in her view were mostly poor and black.

In other words, she was a typical Democrat of the era.

Rightwinger is one of the biggest liars on this board. If you doubt any of the facts I listed above please consult Margaret Sanger's Wikipedia page or the deeper reference materials listed there.

thank you.
Rightwinger is one of the biggest liars on this board.

There is a very great deal of Leftist competition for that notoriety. Dozens of them are on my Ignore List because life is too short to waste time reading lies and nonsense and rhetoric. Just like watching nightly news is depressing and spreads ignorance. Turn it off.

Margaret Sanger spoke to the KKK women's auxiliary and was strongly supported by members of the KKK. She also strongly supported eugenics programs to weed out those she felt were "undesirable." The undesirable in her view were mostly poor and black.

In other words, she was a typical Democrat of the era.

Rightwinger is one of the biggest liars on this board. If you doubt any of the facts I listed above please consult Margaret Sanger's Wikipedia page or the deeper reference materials listed there.

thank you.
Sanger was willing to speak to any women who would listen about birth control. There was not a social stigma associated with the klan in the 1920s

What would be wrong with urging Klan women not to reproduce

Eugenics was a popular theory in the 1920s and endorsed by scientists, clergy and politicians.
Sanger was no different
Sanger was willing to speak to any women who would listen about birth control. There was not a social stigma associated with the klan in the 1920s

What would be wrong with urging Klan women not to reproduce

Eugenics was a popular theory in the 1920s and endorsed by scientists, clergy and politicians.
Sanger was no different

So if it was racism in the past it was okay? Well, I guess at least if you were a Dim, right?
Genetic theory from 100 years ago was different
To hold Sanger to modern standards while excusing everyone else shows your bias

So let me understand your logic. Slave owners were okay because it was legal and okay at the time, right. It was the prevailing mindset. Got it!! So Sanger talking to the Klan and saying sterilizing undesirable blacks was cool too for the same reason. :thup:
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