Marianne Williamson is more clearly evangelizing from the gospel of Bernie Sanders = you go girl


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Orozco’s willingness to give “a crazy lady” a second look is a sign of how much has changed since 2020, when many Americans knew of Williamson as the kooky crystal woman preaching a politics of love. Now the options for those dissatisfied with the Democratic establishment are scant and Williamson is more clearly evangelizing from the gospel of Bernie Sanders.

“During the last campaign, it was this urgent sense that if only we could defeat the former president, then maybe life will go back to normal,” Williamson tells me later that evening. “Now people realize the problem was bigger than just one man.”

Orozco’s willingness to give “a crazy lady” a second look is a sign of how much has changed since 2020, when many Americans knew of Williamson as the kooky crystal woman preaching a politics of love. Now the options for those dissatisfied with the Democratic establishment are scant and Williamson is more clearly evangelizing from the gospel of Bernie Sanders.

“During the last campaign, it was this urgent sense that if only we could defeat the former president, then maybe life will go back to normal,” Williamson tells me later that evening. “Now people realize the problem was bigger than just one man.”

Hardly anyone knows her and when they do hear her blab they roll their eyes.
Orozco’s willingness to give “a crazy lady” a second look is a sign of how much has changed since 2020, when many Americans knew of Williamson as the kooky crystal woman preaching a politics of love. Now the options for those dissatisfied with the Democratic establishment are scant and Williamson is more clearly evangelizing from the gospel of Bernie Sanders.

“During the last campaign, it was this urgent sense that if only we could defeat the former president, then maybe life will go back to normal,” Williamson tells me later that evening. “Now people realize the problem was bigger than just one man.”

Great candidate for the Party of Moon Bats.
Orozco’s willingness to give “a crazy lady” a second look is a sign of how much has changed since 2020, when many Americans knew of Williamson as the kooky crystal woman preaching a politics of love. Now the options for those dissatisfied with the Democratic establishment are scant and Williamson is more clearly evangelizing from the gospel of Bernie Sanders.

“During the last campaign, it was this urgent sense that if only we could defeat the former president, then maybe life will go back to normal,” Williamson tells me later that evening. “Now people realize the problem was bigger than just one man.”

Marianne for President 2024
Her interview with Russell Brand is excellent.. and yet disturbing. Statements such as "People are waking up to the fact that" {blah, blah, blah..}. Yes, we can and do nod our heads, but what's the solution? Very little to offer on that front. Anarchism? Ron or Rand Paul says? "Cultural revolution"? "A renewed spiritual emphasis"? Come on. "Big" this and that, but where's "Too big" mentioned? Marianne carefully keeps the cart behind the horse, government corruption being firmly rooted in profit centric corporatocracy. Brand not so much.
As of this moment I intend to support Marianne Williamson
until further notice.................. she has two votes at this address.

More about Marianne Williamson:
Williamson is far from an average political candidate, even in the modern era of American politics where it often feels much of what was once unthinkable has become a scary new normal.

She is not a politician for a change but instead an author and wellness guru, whose quixotic first tilt at the White House four years ago was far from successful but saw her grace the Democratic debates and score a viral hit with her message to Donald Trump that she would “harness love” to defeat him.

This time around, Williamson is running a tougher, more grounded campaign – treading the turf as a political outsider appalled at how America’s political elites have ignored the needs of its ordinary people.

The chances that Williamson will become Democratic nominee for president next year are very slim.

But there’s no doubt that her message has the power to resonate, particularly among the young and with women, and with those who feel America’s current travails cut deep and are being ignored.

“I’ve had a 40-year-career working with people whose lives are in trouble. When I started that was the exception, not the rule. The work I did then was an adequate response to the suffering I saw in front of me, but now there seems to be a ubiquitous wave of people’s lives falling apart.”

Williamson is also increasingly clear on some of the traditional barriers she faces. Williamson, 70, is just the second woman – the first being Republican Nikki Haley – to have thrown her name into the 2024 presidential nomination contest ring.

Both have received a seemingly reflexive push-back from their respective parties and some quarters of the media.

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Marianne for President 2024

Under the Whole Health Plan, the Williamson Administration will:​

  • Move beyond the current disease care system, and build a true healthcare system. Health and wellness will be proactively supported in a Williamson administration. We will promote healthy eating through nutrition education, encourage active lifestyles by building more parks with walking paths and physical recreation equipment, and provide greater access to bicycles. We will provide refundable tax credits for gym memberships, supporting people in putting healthy eating and regular exercise into their lives.
  • Address unhealthy water and air, higher toxin exposures such as lead, and limited opportunities to purchase healthy food because of high cost and low availability – all factors which impact health.
  • Improve food quality. Poor diet is one of the leading causes of premature death and chronic disease. In my administration, we will fund research regarding which foods can help us be healthier and live longer.
  • Reduce toxins in our environment and our food that can lead to illness. Williamson will appoint an outstanding environmentalist to head the Environmental Protection Agency and scientists to lead the US Department of Agriculture and the Food & Drug Administration. Their research will be untainted by corporate interests, and the policies which follow will reflect their findings. Williamson will appoint an inter-agency work group to assess ways to reduce the negative impact of environmental, food and water toxins on our health.
  • Encourage and incentivize regenerative agriculture and reduce the use of pesticides. Enforce consumer protections by more regular and serious food inspections; inspectors will be newly empowered to protect the citizens of our country from the hazards of disease-causing agents.
  • Support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to phase out the practice of using antibiotics to promote growth in farm animals, and end the inhumane practice of animal factory farming. Overuse of antibiotics in animals leads to increased risk of antibiotic-resistant infections in humans, according to the CDC. “Up to half of antibiotic use in humans and much of antibiotic use in animals is unnecessary and inappropriate and makes everyone less safe,” the CDC has stated. “Stopping even some of the inappropriate and unnecessary use of antibiotics in people and animals would help greatly in slowing down the spread of resistant bacteria.”
  • Keep weed killer out of our food. Many weed killers like the herbicide glyphosate end up in our food. This herbicide has been linked with cancer by the World Health Organization and the state of California. Glyphosate is the world’s most commonly used weed killer. Some foods including commonly used cereals have it. Primarily used as a weed killer, but is also used to harvest crops like oats, wheat and barley.⁴ A recent study by researchers from the University of Washington shows that exposure to glyphosate raises the cancer risk by 41%. After being sued for selling Monsanto’s Roundup without adequate cancer warnings, the retailer Costco has stopped selling the product.⁵ We need strong action to keep dangerous herbicides and pesticides out of our food.
  • Prevent and reverse many diseases through lifestyle changes: This has been demonstrated in medical research to be effective. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study showed that changes in nutrition and lifestyle factors could potentially prevent 93% of diabetes, 81% of heart attacks, 50% of strokes and 36% of all cancers. This trend is backed up also in studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in their joint Diabetes Prevention Program, and others. Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, dean of the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Dan Glickman, secretary of agriculture from 1995 to 2001, show similar benefits in their NY Times article “Our Food Is Killing Too Many of Us.”
  • The Williamson administration will provide major funding for research and education around how health is impacted by nutrition, exercise, stress, community and toxins in our food and environment. It will also support effective leading-edge approaches like Integrative and Functional medicine—which take a whole body systems approach to cultivating health and healing disease.
  • We will support the distribution of fresh healthy food to underserved communities – benefiting health among all our citizens, foster our children’s developmental capabilities, and serve the environment rather than dumping abundance in landfills.
  • Centers providing stress-reduction benefits like yoga and meditation, and community centers promoting connections that help us care for ourselves and each other, will receive government support. Some level of stress is normal; however, American society today is at a level of toxic stress that is already resulting in myriad biological and mental dysfunctions. We will act on the knowledge that stress suppresses the immune system, and that reducing stress improves both our biological and mental health.
  • Support full inclusion of people with disabilities. As many as 60 million Americans have some kind of disability. Williamson’s administration will work to provide services that enable people with disabilities to live as independently as possible, that protect their civil rights, and that promote their full inclusion in society. This includes quality healthcare as well as closing disparities in employment, housing, transportation, and education. President Williamson will work to pass the Disability Integration Act that would cover home healthcare and fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Act.
  • Treat gun violence as an issue of public health. The Williamson administration will move to prevent Physician Gag Laws and restore research on gun safety as a health issue, which the National Rifle Association wants to block, and allow medical professionals to discuss gun safety with patients.
  • Health promotion and disease prevention will save billions of dollars in healthcare costs. We will also provide health coaches to serve people in making the kinds of lifestyle changes that most benefit their health.‍
Orozco’s willingness to give “a crazy lady” a second look is a sign of how much has changed since 2020, when many Americans knew of Williamson as the kooky crystal woman preaching a politics of love. Now the options for those dissatisfied with the Democratic establishment are scant and Williamson is more clearly evangelizing from the gospel of Bernie Sanders.

“During the last campaign, it was this urgent sense that if only we could defeat the former president, then maybe life will go back to normal,” Williamson tells me later that evening. “Now people realize the problem was bigger than just one man.”

The "Bernie Sanders lane"?!?....LMAO!

You mean a guy who amasses a huge following by spewing preposterous platitudes and economically illiterate nonsense, then betrays those followers to lay down like a little bitch as the nomination is stolen from him....TWICE?

Yeah, that's a great lane to occupy.
Marianne for President 2024


Reproductive Justice​

One hundred percent pro-choice​

I believe abortion is a moral issue, but it is an issue of private, not public morality. I do not believe government has that right to legislate our private morals.
- Marianne WilliamsonTweet

Regarding abortion rights, I am one hundred percent pro-choice.

I believe the decision of whether or not to have an abortion lies solely with a pregnant woman, according to the dictates of her conscience and in communion with the God of her understanding.

I trust the moral decision-making of the American woman, and I do not feel the government has a right to deny or restrict her decisions.

Expanding a woman’s understanding of her alternatives to termination is a good thing. But eradicating or limiting abortion rights would not decrease their number.

It would simply mean that rich women have safe abortions, while poor women go back to risking injury, or even death, in the modern equivalent of back-alley abortions. That, to me, is morally unacceptable on the part of society.

In several states, restrictive measures such as the closing of abortion clinics and forced vaginal probes are currently in play.

Planned Parenthood, a sole source of medical care for millions of women, is under attack in various states in an effort to block the availability of reproductive choice.

As president, I would seek to protect the right of every woman to make her own decisions, in her own way, regarding her reproductive choices.

The choice of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy is difficult enough without the government weighing in on the decision.

I would vigorously resist any effort to restrict, limit, or diminish the reproductive rights and freedoms granted by Roe v. Wade.

Marianne Williamson Interview on Cavuto via FOX News
Americans are only just beginning to hear the candidates: Marianne Williamson

United States needs a fundamental ‘economic U-turn’: Marianne Williamson

Latest News​


Debate Us, Mr. President | Opinion​

May 31, 2023 | Marianne Williamson
The Democratic Party must allow President Biden to debate his opponents. The fate of our democracy is at stake, and only more democracy can save it.
When I was growing up, presidential primaries were where the voters weighed in on who they chose to be a party’s nominee…
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For Marianne Williamson,​

the Bernie Sanders Lane Looks Wide Open​

May 25, 2023 | Mini Racker
Four years ago, before Gabriela Orozco was old enough to vote, she knew Bernie Sanders was her candidate to take on Donald Trump. She liked how the Vermont Senator wanted to remake the federal government to help those most in need.
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Marianne for President 2024
Orozco’s willingness to give “a crazy lady” a second look is a sign of how much has changed since 2020, when many Americans knew of Williamson as the kooky crystal woman preaching a politics of love. Now the options for those dissatisfied with the Democratic establishment are scant and Williamson is more clearly evangelizing from the gospel of Bernie Sanders.

“During the last campaign, it was this urgent sense that if only we could defeat the former president, then maybe life will go back to normal,” Williamson tells me later that evening. “Now people realize the problem was bigger than just one man.”

Socialism is for losers seeking something for nothing


Crime Prevention​

The State of American Crime​

In America, our approach to managing violence and crime has typically trended towards largely ineffective punitive approaches, ignoring the underlying causes of our problems.
- Marianne WilliamsonTweet

Among all industrialized nations, the United States ranks at the top in violent crime. We have the highest homicide rates, seven times higher than the average for other nations.

For much of the neighborhoods and communities throughout the country, our local governments have failed to supply effective crime prevention solutions.

The biggest group of victims experiencing violence in America is children.

We have some of the highest levels of youth violence and crime in the developed world. Youth violence is a leading cause of injury and death for young Americans aged 15 to 24 years.

At some point in their lifetime, 54.5 percent of children and adolescents (age 0 to 17) experience some form of physical assault. Moreover, nearly a third of women in the United States have reported domestic violence.

In addition to the horrible price of violence for the people who experience it, crime and violence cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars each year.

According to a study by the Institute for Economics and Peace, the annual cost of police, justice systems, corrections facilities, and lost productivity from violent crime, homicide, and robbery, is over $3,000 for each U.S. taxpayer, or $460 billion for the United States economy.

Yet violence and crime don’t happen in a vacuum. A holistic response to this issue requires a deeper focus on its causes, as well as crime prevention solutions.

Many of the underlying causes have been left unattended for far too long and merely addressing symptoms is unlikely to fundamentally reverse the tragic trajectory of violence in America.

Regarding crime, education and culture are the strongest preventative medicines. A core goal of a Williamson administration will be to make every public school in America a palace of learning, culture and the arts. In addition, we will revert to free tuition at state colleges and public universities, as was true until the mid-1960’s.

Research has shown that many of our citizens who live in the most violent, crime-ridden parts of our nation suffer the same kind of emotionally and physically debilitating PTSD as do veterans coming home from war.

Yet for these people, the war is never over and the trauma is unending as these communities have become a breeding ground for continuing violence. Ultimately, it produces a crippling effect on their lives.


Addressing Crime & Violence Prevention​

Fascist DeSantis, Fascist Trump, Fascist Newt G, the Fascist rich then comes MAGA wants to over throw the USA. ALEC wants to over throw the USA Trump and Fascist want to over throw the USA the fake GOP wants to Over throw the USA all GOP candidates will want to over throw USA.

All who contribute money to these campaigns want to over throw the USA.

Over throwing the USA WILL result in massive deregulation which removes all protections for USA citizens and will destroy the USA economy forever which puts millions upon millions upon millions upon millions upon millions out of employment.

The bread lines will be very very long, hunger will be the order of the day, illness will be the order of the day, children will not get educated, will be under fed and will be longing for food ....................

Medical Care will be nowhere in site.

Only those at the top of a Fascist Autocracy Dictatorship government will be doing fine after they stolen most of the money from everyone else for them to keep.

Never vote republican again ................

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