Marijuana News

The prohibition of MJ opens the door to the criminal element selling drugs.
So does the prohibition of meth sales.

So does the sale of legal 'scripts...
That doesn't make sense.

It doesn't? Just ask Rush Limbaugh... he knows all about procuring 'legal' drugs illegally. Why do you think heroin use is on the rise 'eh?

Too many people get hooked on legally obtained prescription drugs; then when they can no longer procure them thru a pharmacy... they turn to the street dealers & if their precious oxy or vicodin isn't available... they turn to the next best thing. Heroin.

Ever see the signs some pharmacies will put in their window stating that no oxy or Vicodin is on the premises? Why do you think that is?

Marijuana isn't addictive.
Maybe if your mind was opened, it might have a proper use? My 93 yo dad is stubborn too. He refused to use ice on his aches and pains, insisting on heat and refused to take NSAID's. A month or so ago I was visiting him and he complained about his back and knee pains; I gave him two Ibuprofen and an ice pack for his back and knee (something I told him to do a number of times).

He was very happy an hour later, and now he uses ice regularly, but still balks at the pill. Willful ignorance isn't healthy, IMO.

If I were to yse it my mind woild get opened by a ,45 ACP when I regained functionality later.

Im like your dad.... no ice (heat only) and as few pills as possible. 12 years ago I had 31 teeth extracted over the course of 2 consecutive Mondays and only used Advil (sparingly) for the pain. I deal better with the pain than the loopiness of the drugs.... which is why I'll never use MJ or sllow it to be ysed around me.

Anyone think this dude might be entertaining as hell if someone put LSD in his coffee?

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