Marine Le Pen charged with corruption

Geez...France has had such a problem with corruption it seems :(
Geez...France has had such a problem with corruption it seems :(
Yeah, a lot of that going around, eh?
Somewhat like Senators taking huge sums from companies for support of legislation, but less discreet.
Geez...France has had such a problem with corruption it seems :(

Yes Macron's Government is already caught in various corruption scandals, last week four of his ministers had to resign, all within 48 hours and now they are being investigated.

I posted about this last week. Sorry for the not brilliantly in sync screenshots, but I'm in a hurry at the moment.




Macron appoints new faces to senior roles after four ministers resign

The link to my above post:

Emmanuel Macron's charm offensive in Brussels debut



Key Macron ally François Bayrou quits French government - France 24

The link to my above post:

Emmanuel Macron's charm offensive in Brussels debut
Le Pen misused public funds. It's clear and it's criminal.

It's identical to what the Government Ministers in Macron's Government ALL had to resign over, Modem received EU funds to pay aides and used them to pay Modem staff in France instead.

Nobody will go to prison, they all will just get hit with paying massive fines, it's happened before to others, a massive fine and also they were told to repay the EU funds that were misused.
Le Pen misused public funds. It's clear and it's criminal.

It's identical to what the Government Ministers in Macron's Government ALL had to resign over, Modem received EU funds to pay aides and used them to pay Modem staff in France instead.

Nobody will go to prison, they all will just get hit with paying massive fines, it's happened before to others, a massive fine and also they were told to repay the EU funds that were misused.

It amazes me how many corruption scandals there've been recently in France - no wonder people are tired of the "establishment".
Conservatives around the world simply cannot function without cheating or stealing money. It's like some subconscious impulse in their brains. Trump colludes with the Russians, le Pen steals money. Kim Jong Un commands the population to believe he had 11 hole in ones on his first time playing golf.

The pattern is human beings that are terribly insecure and generally the losers of the population they spring from.
Conservatives around the world simply cannot function without cheating or stealing money. It's like some subconscious impulse in their brains. Trump colludes with the Russians, le Pen steals money. Kim Jong Un commands the population to believe he had 11 hole in ones on his first time playing golf.

The pattern is human beings that are terribly insecure and generally the losers of the population they spring from.

uh.....conservatives? I think that applies to anyone who has power without principles - liberal and conservative.
Le Pen misused public funds. It's clear and it's criminal.

It's identical to what the Government Ministers in Macron's Government ALL had to resign over, Modem received EU funds to pay aides and used them to pay Modem staff in France instead.

Nobody will go to prison, they all will just get hit with paying massive fines, it's happened before to others, a massive fine and also they were told to repay the EU funds that were misused.

It amazes me how many corruption scandals there've been recently in France - no wonder people are tired of the "establishment".

The genius of the Controllers of the Puppet Macron was to persuade enough stupid people that Macron was an "Outsider" and NOT part of The Establishment, when in actuality Macron is the MOST Establishment Establishment person ever to be French President, Macron also is going to fuck the French Blue Collar workers like NOBODYS business....we all look forward to watching all the violent rioting on the television when the Puppet Macron on the orders of his Controllers starts the show.


It is probably why only 48% then 42% of the French even went out to vote, they have lost Faith in the situation that voting DOESN'T change ANYTHING, if you want change, you'll have to have a Revolution, the Legislative Elections had the lowest ever French voter turn out in modern history.

Literally worse than the 1969 Presidential Election, that was after Charles de Gaulle resigned as President when he lost the Constitutional Referendum, it was about Government Decentralisation. Anyway they had to have an election which put de Gaulle's Prime Minister Georges Pompidou against the President of the Senate Alain Poher, Pompidou won in a landslide, but the landslide was dampened because it was at THAT time the lowest voter turnout in French modern history at 68%

UNTIL Macron came along - a VAST MAJORITY of the French don't WANT Macron or Macron's party En Marche! who was elected on 28% (First Round) and 43% (Second Round) actually voting for En Marche!, the turnout in the First Round was 48.7%, the turnout in the Second Round was just 42.6%, both rounds the worst in French modern history.

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I always view Macron's win as much like Trump's - a complete outsider with no political resume representing a repudiation of the political status quo.
I always view Macron's win as much like Trump's - a complete outsider with no political resume representing a repudiation of the political status quo.

Which shows you like most Americans know NOTHING about European politics or Macron.

Macron isn't an outsider, he's a long standing insider, he was François Hollande's Minister of Economy and Finance from 2014. I would mention why Macron is going to fuck the French workers because of the existing Macron's Law, which Hollande and Prime Minister Manuel Valls knew they would never get the votes for, so they invoked Article 49 Clause 3 of the French Constitution, which meant they rammed Macron's Law into law WITHOUT a vote in the French Senate....just showing how anti-Democracy Leftists are.

Macron's Law is bad enough for the French workers, now the International Banking Houses Puppet is the installed President the French workers are going to get completely fucked, however as we all know the French workers have previously many times brought the whole of France to a standstill whenever they feel they are going to be shafted, so I'd say within six months France will be at a standstill because of the French workers protesting and downing tools.

In France it always develops into a General Strike, because ALL other Unions walk out in solidarity. So if the air traffic controllers walk out, then the lawyers walk out, the nurses and doctors walk out, the train drivers walk out etc etc.
I always view Macron's win as much like Trump's - a complete outsider with no political resume representing a repudiation of the political status quo.

Which shows you like most Americans know NOTHING about European politics or Macron.

Macron isn't an outsider, he's a long standing insider, he was François Hollande's Minister of Economy and Finance from 2014. I would mention why Macron is going to fuck the French workers because of the existing Macron's Law, which Hollande and Prime Minister Manuel Valls knew they would never get the votes for, so they invoked Article 49 Clause 3 of the French Constitution, which meant they rammed Macron's Law into law WITHOUT a vote in the French Senate....just showing how anti-Democracy Leftists are.

Macron's Law is bad enough for the French workers, now the International Banking Houses Puppet is the installed President the French workers are going to get completely fucked, however as we all know the French workers have previously many times brought the whole of France to a standstill whenever they feel they are going to be shafted, so I'd say within six months France will be at a standstill because of the French workers protesting and downing tools.

In France it always develops into a General Strike, because ALL other Unions walk out in solidarity. So if the air traffic controllers walk out, then the lawyers walk out, the nurses and doctors walk out, the train drivers walk out etc etc.

I don't know a lot about European politics - with so many different parties etc it's more confusing. Doesn't France NEED some public sector reforms though? Is he that much of a leftist?
I always view Macron's win as much like Trump's - a complete outsider with no political resume representing a repudiation of the political status quo.

Which shows you like most Americans know NOTHING about European politics or Macron.

Macron isn't an outsider, he's a long standing insider, he was François Hollande's Minister of Economy and Finance from 2014. I would mention why Macron is going to fuck the French workers because of the existing Macron's Law, which Hollande and Prime Minister Manuel Valls knew they would never get the votes for, so they invoked Article 49 Clause 3 of the French Constitution, which meant they rammed Macron's Law into law WITHOUT a vote in the French Senate....just showing how anti-Democracy Leftists are.

Macron's Law is bad enough for the French workers, now the International Banking Houses Puppet is the installed President the French workers are going to get completely fucked, however as we all know the French workers have previously many times brought the whole of France to a standstill whenever they feel they are going to be shafted, so I'd say within six months France will be at a standstill because of the French workers protesting and downing tools.

In France it always develops into a General Strike, because ALL other Unions walk out in solidarity. So if the air traffic controllers walk out, then the lawyers walk out, the nurses and doctors walk out, the train drivers walk out etc etc.

I don't know a lot about European politics - with so many different parties etc it's more confusing. Doesn't France NEED some public sector reforms though? Is he that much of a leftist?

The French are very attached to their decades old labour laws, they also have an obsession with protecting the Code du Travail.

This is a massive book containing all the French labour codes, it's about 3,000 pages long. The Code du Travail because of it's size is often the subject of derision, but the majority of the French consider this book and it's contents as untouchable, it has been in continuous publication since it was first introduced in 1910, it gets added to each year.

Going anywhere near the Code du Travail is going to be VERY explosive, they have had much trouble in the past when even suggestions have been made to touch anything in the book.

Macron is pretty much center on average for France. Comparisons with the American system are difficult. He is intelligent and well educated. He speaks very well. In their 'debate', Le Pen was humiliated, in great part by her own hand. People still shake their head when talking about it, even those who later voted for her. His policies are not what I would pick for the country, but given the options, the election delivered the most that could be realistically hoped for.
No one in France supports gun rights and full freedom of speech, so as far as I am concerned they are far left wack jobs.

The French have very strong sentiments for brotherhood and solidarity; laudable traits.

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