Zone1 Marriage Has Lost Its True Meaning

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
As usual B. Tatum hits the nail directly on the head. God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman. Plain and simple, end of story. Of course most of the world doesn't seem to care what God thinks anymore.. but that's only because Satan is running it.

Marriage started out to officially transfer ownership of the woman and her property from her father to her husband. Is that the true meaning of marriage?
The Greek polis was an instrument of society to protect the female from male abuses.
The engagement ring is like signing a contract to promise to marry break the promise and a suit may follow.
As usual B. Tatum hits the nail directly on the head. God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman. Plain and simple, end of story. Of course most of the world doesn't seem to care what God thinks anymore.. but that's only because Satan is running it.

Coming from someone who voted for President a candidate who cheated on three wives, banged porn stars and had a child out of wedlock

But conservatives declare that gays are ruining the institution of marriage
As usual B. Tatum hits the nail directly on the head. God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman. Plain and simple, end of story. Of course most of the world doesn't seem to care what God thinks anymore.. but that's only because Satan is running it.

- the heavens disavow a legal document as the basis for being together, consent is the only requirement.
Like many other religiously sanctioned practices, marriage has a practical social basis as well. From prehistoric times, a stable family unit provided for an efficient division of duties (e.g., hunting and child-rearing) that were necessary for survival. In later societies, marriage served as a legal basis for determining paternity and inheritance. More recently, it served as an incentive to provide a stable family structure for the protection and welfare of children.

Modernly, the significance of marriage has been diluted to a point approaching little more than a semi-religious anachronism. The State has decided that being raised within a stable nuclear family is a form of discriminatory privilege that must be suppressed in favor of a more egalitarian society. The ill effects of this policy are becoming more and more evident.

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