Zone1 Marriage Has Lost Its True Meaning

As usual B. Tatum hits the nail directly on the head. God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman. Plain and simple, end of story. Of course most of the world doesn't seem to care what God thinks anymore.. but that's only because Satan is running it.

Couldn't you say the same thing about murder? Or anything else that you believe is counter to the wishes of God? In other words, it shouldn't be a surprise that man does things that are counter to God's wishes, right? It's not like this is a new thing.
Do you know anyone that does "evil" just for the sake of doing "evil." I don't.

I think there are very few. Nearly all of us, I think, prefer good, would prefer to always do good; but we are all subject to forces that push us toward evil. We are subject to greed, lust, anger, fear, and other such negative drives; and can be driven by them to do things that we know are wrong. We can, in this way, if we give in too much to temptation, be driven to doing more evil than good, and to trying to justify the evil that we do; but I think that even so, deep down, we still prefer good over evil.

I found the depiction of Ben Solo, AKA Kylo Ren, in The Force Awakens, fascinating as a mirror image of what I perceive to be the normal human condition. Here was a depiction of a man that wanted to be evil, and was troubled by temptations toward good.

In real life I can only think of a tiny handful of people I have ever encountered, who I think were inherently evil, who made a conscious preference for evil over good. I can think of two very clear examples among the users on this very forum; who I do not think are essentially good people who have given in too far to the forces that tempt them toward evil; but who have mad a conscious, willful choice of evil over good. Such people, I think, are very rare.

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