Zone1 Marriage Has Lost Its True Meaning

Who defines the meaning of marriage? Is there some official definition other than the one found in the dictionary? Some definition outside of religion, where men have defined it?
Like many other religiously sanctioned practices, marriage has a practical social basis as well. From prehistoric times, a stable family unit provided for an efficient division of duties (e.g., hunting and child-rearing) that were necessary for survival. In later societies, marriage served as a legal basis for determining paternity and inheritance. More recently, it served as an incentive to provide a stable family structure for the protection and welfare of children.

Modernly, the significance of marriage has been diluted to a point approaching little more than a semi-religious anachronism. The State has decided that being raised within a stable nuclear family is a form of discriminatory privilege that must be suppressed in favor of a more egalitarian society. The ill effects of this policy are becoming more and more evident.
The state has decided it is none of their business who you choose to love
The state has decided it is none of their business who you choose to love
If marriage was truly none of the State's business, there would be no requirements attached to marriage--no marriage license, no justice of the peace, no tax benefits, etc.
The state has decided it is none of their business who you choose to love

Can you link to the statute that says marriage must be between those who love each other. Truth is, now two straight guys can get married.

Yeah, nothing much changed.
Can you link to the statute that says marriage must be between those who love each other. Truth is, now two straight guys can get married.

Yeah, nothing much changed.
Doesn’t have to

All it has to do is not give preferential treatment to one type of marriage over another.
If marriage was truly none of the State's business, there would be no requirements attached to marriage--no marriage license, no justice of the peace, no tax benefits, etc.
I didn’t say it was none of their business. It is up to the state to enforce the contract and any dissolution of that marriage.

But is up to the couple to decide who they can marry…not the state
Russian Tyrant Vladimir Putin has signed a law banning the change of a person's sex. Now it will be possible only on medical grounds. Also, those who have changed their sex will not be allowed to adopt children.
Russian Tyrant Vladimir Putin has signed a law banning the change of a person's sex. Now it will be possible only on medical grounds. Also, those who have changed their sex will not be allowed to adopt children.
Russia has more morals than our country.
Marrange is a contract between consenting adults before it's a sacrament.
It has not lost it's meaning for a lot of people.
No just for a whole lot of other people.... And basically ones who will be inheriting the Earth soon. What does that say about the future? It was pretty clear what such trends were indicative of in ancient Rome.
Our government does not pass laws to appease its bigoted minority

No, it passes laws to pander to fucked-up, insane and evil sexual perverts.

And that is just wrong. The most vivid example of how corrupt and fucked-up a government can be.

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