Martial Law

In the mind of ruling elites, sure.

IN that case, the Constitution is a failure for the EXACT SAME REASONS.

The Constitution was put into place by the federalists for more government control, more regulation of the economy for economic elites to make a profit. And to crush dissent from those not in charge.

You seem to have a modern-day political axe to grind, and you are trying to use it to alter history. Doesn't work that way.
"And just like that, we see why communism is considered a left wing ideology."

I fixed that for ya, bro.
Yep, fascism and communism are bad ideologies.
I hope Trump understands what happens in cases like this, to the President.
Of course they did.
Of course, if you were a bank, a large plantation, a big manufacturing or import/export interest, yes.

If you were an ordinary every day patriot? False.
is that all you got??

say its irrelevant and then more personal attacks,,

sounds like you know youve gotten yourself in above your head and do like most leftist do..
That you don't understand that YOU are more to the left on your own chart, than I would be?

Is the ultimate irony of this discussion.

That you don't understand that YOU are more to the left on your own chart, than I would be?

Is the ultimate irony of this discussion.

sweetie I can tell from your lack of substance and use of personal attacks instead that you are struggling with reality so I will let you go,,
You seem to have a modern-day political axe to grind, and you are trying to use it to alter history. Doesn't work that way.
I can't believe that a so-called "teacher," is too dumb to understand, that "history," and the narratives that are chosen to be emphasized, are largely the making of those who control society.


I pity your students, I really do. They have someone that is a tool of the STATE, and not the people. Someone who will not teach them reality.

That you don't understand that YOU are more to the left on your own chart,...

It's not my chart and I don't care where you want to place yourself on any stupid chart. Keep grinding that axe.
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