Marxist/fascists threaten more violence


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Your enemies will tell you their plans if you are willing to listen. Do they think the other side will just stand down? What about the people like me that just want to be left alone but will absolutely not accept a marxist wokester takeover? It's going to get ugly folks
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Cannot wait to retaliate against the instigating left and oblige them with the war they are calling for and have started.

No mercy
I'm praying it does not come down to this. I want unity in our country. A divided country cannot stand. It's a fact America will never be taken down by a foreign power unless we have taken it apart ourselves. That said, I will not live to see a fascist takeover of our country. I will die fighting if necessary
Cannot wait to retaliate against the instigating left and oblige them with the war they are calling for and have started.

No mercy
I'm praying it does not come down to this. I want unity in our country. A divided country cannot stand. It's a fact America will never be taken down by a foreign power unless we have taken it apart ourselves. That said, I will not live to see a fascist takeover of our country. I will die fighting if necessary
Unity or "bipartisanship" is another trope passed on by global marxists to seduce the stupid.

We are a divided country and always have been. We are supposed to have opposing view points and debates.

We are NOT supposed to be a democracy. That word doesn't appear in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.

Instead we allow voting to be a right, and now political jargons and 3 word tropes are able to seduce swaths of people. The political scientists know precisely how conformity works and the professional educated politicians know exactly how to manipulate.

Propaganda is able to seduce and since politicians desire is to acquire and keep power, they are able easily lie to groups. Take on the form of a sweet shop owner and promise large ignorant emotional groups with large free feasts.

Always accusing others of that which they are guilty. Becoming fascists while accusing others of being fascists.

Those are the fucking fascists and I will have zero mercy when I get my hands on these fucking fascists. None of us will.
I think Trump does a 180 on Nov 4 and begins crushing these soulless shit-eating rodents. They're not that tough.... they just haven't seen much resistance. The survivors will scurry back under their rocks and shake.
That's my hope. They think it's a giant riot party. What happens when we say enough of this sh!t & meet them in the streets? Most will scurry back to their basements & heat up some hotpockets. The rest will learn pretty quick that Burn Loot Murder isn't as popular as they've been led to believe. The videos of them turning tail prove this
Cannot wait to retaliate against the instigating left and oblige them with the war they are calling for and have started.

No mercy
I'm praying it does not come down to this. I want unity in our country. A divided country cannot stand. It's a fact America will never be taken down by a foreign power unless we have taken it apart ourselves. That said, I will not live to see a fascist takeover of our country. I will die fighting if necessary
Unity or "bipartisanship" is another trope passed on by global marxists to seduce the stupid.

We are a divided country and always have been. We are supposed to have opposing view points and debates.

We are NOT supposed to be a democracy. That word doesn't appear in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.

Instead we allow voting to be a right, and now political jargons and 3 word tropes are able to seduce swaths of people. The political scientists know precisely how conformity works and the professional educated politicians know exactly how to manipulate.

Propaganda is able to seduce and since politicians desire is to acquire and keep power, they are able easily lie to groups. Take on the form of a sweet shop owner and promise large ignorant emotional groups with large free feasts.

Always accusing others of that which they are guilty. Becoming fascists while accusing others of being fascists.

Those are the fucking fascists and I will have zero mercy when I get my hands on these fucking fascists. None of us will.

I agree, no mercy for the fascists & the Deep State puppet masters. I'm praying all the others, the "useful idiots" just marching along thinking it's the cool thing to do, these will head back to the basement. We may have to play wack-a-mole for awhile when they pop up with more BS

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