Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' Most Frequently Taught Text in U.S. Colleges


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well, one of the tenants of the manifesto was to take over the colleges and medias. And then infiltrate the parties in our country. they have taken over the party they call the : Democrats

Great news, America! Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is the most frequently taught text in U.S. colleges.

This depressing bit of information comes courtesy of Open Syllabus, a project that tracks books and assignments in over one million course syllabi. The project uses an algorithm to mine data from public sites and analyzes what it finds.

Though the organization admits it is continually working out all of the kinks in their program, the current data over at least the last ten years puts Marx's work at the top of the list by a long shot compared to other works.

A table was published at

the list and all of it here:

Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' Most Frequently Taught Text in U.S. Colleges
well, one of the tenants of the manifesto was to take over the colleges and medias. And then infiltrate the parties in our country. they have taken over the party they call the : Democrats

Great news, America! Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is the most frequently taught text in U.S. colleges.

This depressing bit of information comes courtesy of Open Syllabus, a project that tracks books and assignments in over one million course syllabi. The project uses an algorithm to mine data from public sites and analyzes what it finds.

Though the organization admits it is continually working out all of the kinks in their program, the current data over at least the last ten years puts Marx's work at the top of the list by a long shot compared to other works.

A table was published at

the list and all of it here:

Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' Most Frequently Taught Text in U.S. Colleges

You do not understand the purpose of college do you? it isn't high school , college is to explore different ideas's and may books and ideas are discussed and debated, both political and economic , have you read any of Marx's books? Or Hegel or Adam Smiths?

The question should be, is it better to understand the writings and world view that has shaped the world, or better to be an ignorant and uneducated fearful dolt like the op, who has never attended a class in college or have been anywhere near a college
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"TruthRevolt" does not reveal that the college resources in this report are for economics classes and not for all classes. It does not reveal that Adam Smith's is right behind Marx at 99.5% to Marx's 99.7%. The should be the two most import resources works on the subject. The article bemoans that the Constitution and the Bible are not on list of resources. The article admits "kinks" in the system.

Now we can have an objective and open discussion, Steph. Get to it.
well, one of the tenants of the manifesto was to take over the colleges and medias. And then infiltrate the parties in our country. they have taken over the party they call the : Democrats

Great news, America! Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is the most frequently taught text in U.S. colleges.

This depressing bit of information comes courtesy of Open Syllabus, a project that tracks books and assignments in over one million course syllabi. The project uses an algorithm to mine data from public sites and analyzes what it finds.

Though the organization admits it is continually working out all of the kinks in their program, the current data over at least the last ten years puts Marx's work at the top of the list by a long shot compared to other works.

A table was published at

the list and all of it here:

Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' Most Frequently Taught Text in U.S. Colleges


So steph in the book, what was Marx referring to when he spoke of the petty bourgeoisie, bourgeoisie and Lumpenproletariat? looking forward to your insights!!
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I don't think there's anything wrong with being exposed to Marx. His work is flawed and the more students who realize that the better off we all are.
I don't think there's anything wrong with being exposed to Marx. His work is flawed and the more students who realize that the better off we all are.

so what books of Marx have you read?

in Das capital what are the flaws you see ? How about Grundrisse?
You do not understand the purpose of college do you? it isn't high school , college is to explore different ideas's and may books and ideas are discussed and debated, both political and economic , have you read any ... Snip...
. How does one "explore different idea's and debate" when they are demanding safe spaces? Colleges campuses are a joke and should be defunded from public funding.
You do not understand the purpose of college do you? it isn't high school , college is to explore different ideas's and may books and ideas are discussed and debated, both political and economic , have you read any ... Snip...
. How does one "explore different idea's and debate" when they are demanding safe spaces? Colleges campuses are a joke and should be defunded from public funding.

And look at the teachers anymore. they cause more trouble than the students. I've come to call them: commie camps
You do not understand the purpose of college do you? it isn't high school , college is to explore different ideas's and may books and ideas are discussed and debated, both political and economic , have you read any ... Snip...
. How does one "explore different idea's and debate" when they are demanding safe spaces? Colleges campuses are a joke and should be defunded from public funding.

You didn't got to college did you? :eusa_whistle:
You do not understand the purpose of college do you? it isn't high school , college is to explore different ideas's and may books and ideas are discussed and debated, both political and economic , have you read any ... Snip...
. How does one "explore different idea's and debate" when they are demanding safe spaces? Colleges campuses are a joke and should be defunded from public funding.

And look at the teachers anymore. they cause more trouble than the students. I've come to call them: commie camps
you never went to college , ,I bet you got a GED. The closest you got to college was the college tee shirt section in wall mart, so once again you have no idea what you speak of, just word salad
You do not understand the purpose of college do you? it isn't high school , college is to explore different ideas's and may books and ideas are discussed and debated, both political and economic , have you read any ... Snip...
. How does one "explore different idea's and debate" when they are demanding safe spaces? Colleges campuses are a joke and should be defunded from public funding.
Your comment needs to be explored. Did you go to college? What field did you graduate in? Did you have school loans? Have you been successful in your field?
Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America

There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.

Susan Jacoby, author of The Age of American Unreason , says in an article in the Washington Post, "Dumbness, to paraphrase the late senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, has been steadily defined downward for several decades, by a combination of heretofore irresistible forces. These include the triumph of video culture over print culture; a disjunction between Americans' rising level of formal education and their shaky grasp of basic geography, science and history; and the fusion of anti-rationalism with anti-intellectualism."

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
You do not understand the purpose of college do you? it isn't high school , college is to explore different ideas's and may books and ideas are discussed and debated, both political and economic , have you read any ... Snip...
. How does one "explore different idea's and debate" when they are demanding safe spaces? Colleges campuses are a joke and should be defunded from public funding.

And look at the teachers anymore. they cause more trouble than the students. I've come to call them: commie camps
as usual, you write a sentence and say nothing,
I don't think there's anything wrong with being exposed to Marx. His work is flawed and the more students who realize that the better off we all are.

so what books of Marx have you read?

in Das capital what are the flaws you see ? How about Grundrisse?

The main problem I have with Capital is that Marx didn't actually study capitalism before criticizing it, He studied England which was not what we would call capitalist at the time and most of his study wasn't even economic in nature. He was a philosopher play acting at being an economist and even he knew it which is why he called his field of interest social economy.
In a country where a sitting congressman told a crowd that evolution and the Big Bang are“lies straight from the pit of hell,”(link is external) where the chairman of a Senate environmental panel brought a snowball into the chamber as evidence that climate change is a hoax, where almost one in three citizens can’t name the vice president, it is beyond dispute that critical thinking has been abandoned as a cultural value. Our failure as a society to connect the dots, to see that such anti-intellectualism comes with a huge price, could eventually be our downfall.
Critical thinking has never been a major American value, Guno, even among the college educated.

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