Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

The problem is solved by calling it a terror attack. That puts everything in perspective....except a solution.
Sticking their dicks in the hornest's nest?

It was a MAGAZINE with every RIGHT to express itself, even if they don't like it. And it was an antisemitic, not at all funny cartoons mocking Muslims and Jews. Yet only the likes of you, radical-Jihadists-lovers, think it's natural that people come shooting dozen people because of a f****ng CARTOON.

So a bunch of racists got shot up by a bunch of religious fanatics? I'm supposed to be upset about this, why?

The right to express yourself means that the GOVERNMENT can't stop you.

It doesn't mean you won't face the consequences of saying really stupid things.

What makes Joe such a scum sucking dick-fucker is he condones violence against people while at the same time insisting that they have no ability to defend themselves.

I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.

No, they are a danger to the Zionist Entity, but honestly, who gives a fuck about them?

Maybe if the West stopped sticking it's dick in the MIddle East Hornet's nest, it would stop getting stung.

So thats how you want to rationalize this attack?
France allows these shitheads into their country and this is how they are thanked?
I see this as a learning event...I hope the rest of America is paying attention.
But the Dow futures are up. A purge in Europe could be good for business.
Sticking their dicks in the hornest's nest?

It was a MAGAZINE with every RIGHT to express itself, even if they don't like it. And it was an antisemitic, not at all funny cartoons mocking Muslims and Jews. Yet only the likes of you, radical-Jihadists-lovers, think it's natural that people come shooting dozen people because of a f****ng CARTOON.

So a bunch of racists got shot up by a bunch of religious fanatics? I'm supposed to be upset about this, why?

The right to express yourself means that the GOVERNMENT can't stop you.

It doesn't mean you won't face the consequences of saying really stupid things.

Like being killed.

Wow, you're an enlightened dude.

If we start shooting every person who said something nasty about our religion, half of this plante's folks would be dead.

You think that makes ANY sense whatsoever?
Joey's the kind of guy who thinks the Benghazi attack was justified because of some shoddy film. He's special.

No, special is thinking that if you keep sticking your dick in the hornet's nest you shouldn't worry about getting stung.

publishing a cartoon inside France is an inside business. Fact that they feel it's any of their business what a media newspaper does, is sticking their own noses in the French western bus.
Drawing a cartoon? You should not have the freedoms others paid for and we have to suffer. You are categorically worthless low life.

If you think our problem with the Islamic world is just about cartoons, you are deluded.

it is you who is deluded defending terrorists.

You know, guy, here's the problem with that.

When Osama Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronald Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter" and gave him a shitload of weapons before those dirty stinking commies taught girls how to read.

When Osama Bin Laden had his lackeys fly planes into American buildings, he became a "Terrorist" and we need a "War on Terror" to get him that involved invading a couple of countries he wasn't hiding in.

If you want to hunt these guys down because they murdered people, I have no problem with that. But make sure that's why you are doing it. If the end result of 60 years of middle East policy of toppling governments and supporting bad guys who eventually turn on us is that we are going to get attacked, then we maybe should look into what our policies are.

Let us not forget, Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA said we could work with in the 1980's. How did that turn out again?
Like being killed.

Wow, you're an enlightened dude.

If we start shooting every person who said something nasty about our religion, half of this plante's folks would be dead.

You think that makes ANY sense whatsoever?

If the Muslims started killing anyone who said something nasty about Islam, half the planet's folks would be dead, too. Most of them don't.

Here's my thing. I'm still waiting for you to tell me why this is really my problem. If you and the Muslims want to stand in your shitty strip of desert and play, "The Magic Sky Fairy Loves me the Bestest" knock yourselves out.

Just don't get me involved, and don't try to get me to care when there's some spillover.
At least three threads on this so far.

As previously noted, a mass shooting is a shocking occurrence in France but just another day here in the US.
this is horrible. I hate france, but I wish this on no one. I do support a massive shock and corner and shoot to kill at all costs ground invasion with bigger bombs that can take out a city. Hit them so hard and send the press in to film the terrorists dead body. Military press. If I was president I'd send in 500,000 ground troops and authorize napalm, and white phosphorous, to be used to kill .

The terrorists who join aren't afraid of dying because they think it will be a gun shot wound, but if they see their flesh will be be melted off to the bone, and the burns from White phosphorous ISIS would lose support in the middle east, and lose control of the countries forever, then it;'s up to the countries to protect their home lands.
Hollande, the terrorist supporting monkey, did not find any words for the dead and injured but protected his fellow terrorists by calling the happening an "exceptional act of barabrism". The attackers shouted "We will take revenge for Mohamed" while they shot around in the building. Among the victims are two police officers who tried to stop them. It is possible that the attackers were killed thereafter, because their car was found with a lot of hit marks - only the car.
Charlie Hebdo -Anschlag im Live-Ticker Tote bei Attentat auf islamkritisches Satiremagazin in Paris - Ausland - FOCUS Online - Nachrichten
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