Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Nice usage of the "most". A couple of wackos is all you needs to destroy families.

again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.

How about the muslims get the fuck out of france if they dont like it?
What the Hell is wrong with you?

Notice Joe's avatar, he has no problem attacking Christianity, but the moment someone say's anything disparaging about Islam, he rushes right in to defend.
Has the president of French blamed the attack on a video?

Could be blamed on a satirical cartoon or anything that makes fun of the radicals.

They trying to silence the press, so far the far left press has done it's part to appease these terrorists..
No its not funny at all really, but here in the states we have people bombing abortion clinics, and school shootings. Freedom of speech I guess can only go so far, one must use good judgment, and well I guess we have freedom of speech so far as it depends on who or what group of people we are talking about, or in the case above, who we are making fun of.

The Gayssot Act or Gayssot Law (French: Loi Gayssot), enacted on July 13, 1990, makes it an offense in France to question the existence or size of the category of crimes against humanity as defined in the London Charter of 1945, on the basis of which Nazi leaders were convicted by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1945-46 (art.9).
After Robert Faurisson was removed from his university chair under the Gayssot Act, he challenged it as a violation of his right to freedom of expression under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The Human Rights Committee upheld the condemnation of Faurisson, but mentioned that the Gayssot Act may be too broad.[1]
The French Constitutional Court's ruling that the Gayssot Act is constitutional but that the 2012 Armenian Genocide Denial Law was unconstitutional because it violated the freedom of speech, has been challenged.
Gayssot Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Sticking their dicks in the hornest's nest?

It was a MAGAZINE with every RIGHT to express itself, even if they don't like it. And it was an antisemitic, not at all funny cartoons mocking Muslims and Jews. Yet only the likes of you, radical-Jihadists-lovers, think it's natural that people come shooting dozen people because of a f****ng CARTOON.

So a bunch of racists got shot up by a bunch of religious fanatics? I'm supposed to be upset about this, why?

The right to express yourself means that the GOVERNMENT can't stop you.

It doesn't mean you won't face the consequences of saying really stupid things.
So the ncaap bombing was justified?
Nice usage of the "most". A couple of wackos is all you needs to destroy families.

again, the West keeps sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest and then expressing absolute surprise when they get stung.

How about the muslims get the fuck out of france if they dont like it?
What the Hell is wrong with you?

Notice Joe's avatar, he has no problem attacking Christianity, but the moment someone say's anything disparaging about Islam, he rushes right in to defend.

While he is a commie prick,that doesnt excuse the total lack of common decency and right and wrong.
Bizarre behavior to say the least.
How about the muslims get the fuck out of france if they dont like it?
What the Hell is wrong with you?

You mean Muslims the French brought in to do the cheap labor frenchmen don't want to do?
They came for the welfare state. They're still coming in rickety boats, a lot of which like in the Med. Like you, these guys never worked a day in their lives.
Notice Joe's avatar, he has no problem attacking Christianity, but the moment someone say's anything disparaging about Islam, he rushes right in to defend.

First, my avatar is an image from the movie "Network", which had nothing to do with Christianity.

Second, I don't defend Islam any more or less than I defend any belief in Magic Sky Pixies.

Third, and I know this is the one you have a hard time getting your arms around, but we make most of our own problems in the Middle East. We nurtured guys like Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. We armed them, we trained them, and then we acted all surprised when these very bad people turned on us.
While he is a commie prick,that doesnt excuse the total lack of common decency and right and wrong.
Bizarre behavior to say the least.

Actually, I'm just seeing wrong and wrong in our middle east policy. The islamists are wrong and the Zionists are wrong.

But it's not like you are going to fight that war. get some poor kid to do it. Yup, we'll promise him a college education.
Notice Joe's avatar, he has no problem attacking Christianity, but the moment someone say's anything disparaging about Islam, he rushes right in to defend.

First, my avatar is an image from the movie "Network", which had nothing to do with Christianity.

Second, I don't defend Islam any more or less than I defend any belief in Magic Sky Pixies.

Third, and I know this is the one you have a hard time getting your arms around, but we make most of our own problems in the Middle East. We nurtured guys like Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. We armed them, we trained them, and then we acted all surprised when these very bad people turned on us.
Why don't you tell us how you feel about Mormon's.
How about the muslims get the fuck out of france if they dont like it?
What the Hell is wrong with you?

You mean Muslims the French brought in to do the cheap labor frenchmen don't want to do?

Now your catching on....
Those muslims came on their own free will,nobody forced them. If they find they dont like the the trade off of jobs for freedom of expression ...? They can get the Fuck out.
While he is a commie prick,that doesnt excuse the total lack of common decency and right and wrong.
Bizarre behavior to say the least.

Actually, I'm just seeing wrong and wrong in our middle east policy. The islamists are wrong and the Zionists are wrong.

But it's not like you are going to fight that war. get some poor kid to do it. Yup, we'll promise him a college education.

Notice Joe's avatar, he has no problem attacking Christianity, but the moment someone say's anything disparaging about Islam, he rushes right in to defend.

First, my avatar is an image from the movie "Network", which had nothing to do with Christianity.

Second, I don't defend Islam any more or less than I defend any belief in Magic Sky Pixies.

Third, and I know this is the one you have a hard time getting your arms around, but we make most of our own problems in the Middle East. We nurtured guys like Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. We armed them, we trained them, and then we acted all surprised when these very bad people turned on us.

I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.

No, they are a danger to the Zionist Entity, but honestly, who gives a fuck about them?

Maybe if the West stopped sticking it's dick in the MIddle East Hornet's nest, it would stop getting stung.

I want to make it ABSOLUTELY clear-----that the
white house did not ask me about either Sadaam or Bin Laden-------the white house had enough information on
those two islamo Nazi pigs to know them for what they
were. The lesson that "the west" missed. (btw---
could you define "the west" ) is NEVAH TRUST AN
ISLAMO NAZI PIG It took more than a decade for the
US to stop kissing Adolf Hitler too. No one asked
the right people ---------da jooooos knew. I was not around
back then-------but my grandfather knew -----and he was
functionally illiterate. As to the Taliban and Osama----
I knew. And as for Sadaam Hussein--------I knew.
and as for the ASSADS------I knew. I did not know
about pol pot
Joey's the kind of guy who thinks the Benghazi attack was justified because of some shoddy film. He's special.

No, special is thinking that if you keep sticking your dick in the hornet's nest you shouldn't worry about getting stung.

publishing a cartoon inside France is an inside business. Fact that they feel it's any of their business what a media newspaper does, is sticking their own noses in the French western bus.

joe accuses those he disagrees with as being racists

of course those muslims are not racists and neither is he

what a hypocrite
That strict gun policy in France is a real plus for democracy. And where the hell were the cops. At least Obabble has condemned the attacks and sent his heart out to those involved.

The police in France are armed, but in this incident they appear to have been outgunned, as two police officers were killed. I heard on the British news that they wounded one police officer then walked up and shot him in the head, before making their escape in a stolen car.
The problem is solved by calling it a terror attack. That puts everything in perspective....except a solution.

The French even went way over the line and called an incident of work place violence a radical Islamist terrrorist attack. I wonder if Obama will shut down our French Embassy for their complete lack of Political Correctness.
The problem is solved by calling it a terror attack. That puts everything in perspective....except a solution.

The French even went way over the line and called an incident of work place violence a radical Islamist terrrorist attack. I wonder if Obama will shut down our French Embassy for their complete lack of Political Correctness.

Why would he do that when he is their back pocket.

Like carrying out illegal wars that France does not want to fight and die for themselves..
The problem is solved by calling it a terror attack. That puts everything in perspective....except a solution.

The French even went way over the line and called an incident of work place violence a radical Islamist terrrorist attack. I wonder if Obama will shut down our French Embassy for their complete lack of Political Correctness.

Why would he do that when he is their back pocket.

Like carrying out illegal wars that France does not want to fight and die for themselves..

What is an illegal war?

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