Mass Shooting: Miami Concert Drive-by with Rifles


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020

El Mula Banquet Hall had been rented out for the concert, police said. Some concert-goers were outside when a white Nissan Pathfinder pulled up, Ramirez said. Three unidentified people stepped out of the SUV with assault rifles and handguns and began shooting “indiscriminately” into the crowd, Ramirez said. El Mula was hosting a Memorial Day Weekend album release party on Saturday night, featuring live performances from local rappers, including ABMG Spitta, according to several event flyers posted on Instagram. The flyer incorrectly listed Hialeah as the location of the event.
I wonder why the flyer listed an incorrect location - hiding from something???
Reads as if the concert audience was probably young rap music enthusiasts.
No report of the description of the assailants, other than they were in a WHITE Nissan.

ABMG Spitta
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El Mula Banquet Hall had been rented out for the concert, police said. Some concert-goers were outside when a white Nissan Pathfinder pulled up, Ramirez said. Three unidentified people stepped out of the SUV with assault rifles and handguns and began shooting “indiscriminately” into the crowd, Ramirez said. El Mula was hosting a Memorial Day Weekend album release party on Saturday night, featuring live performances from local rappers, including ABMG Spitta, according to several event flyers posted on Instagram. The flyer incorrectly listed Hialeah as the location of the event.
I wonder why the flyer listed an incorrect location - hiding from something???
Reads as if the concert audience was probably young rap music enthusiasts.
No report of the description of the assailants, other than they were in a WHITE Nissan.

ABMG Spitta
The new thing is to hit planned gatherings. Hood cemeteries have become assassination yards.......lolol

The big family outside barbecue has gone

I just look at it like they gave their lives up for their carbon footprint. Which is better all around for the planet.

The violence is sickening. Because of the loss of life, first and foremost. Because of the inability to get a handle on gang wars. Because every gun-control measure in the world likely won’t make a dent in criminals’ access to stolen guns. Because of the loss of any sense of security.

We’re seeing a disturbing pattern here.
What's the pattern???
This weekend’s shootings are not just tragedies, they speak ill of this community presenting itself as world-class, eager to lure new, high-skilled residents.

Because the shooters don’t care, it’s imperative that the rest of us do.
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I find it interesting that when Trump was in office, gun violence and gun related deaths all seemed rare occurrences, and when O'Biden cheated his way in, the gun violence and deaths went through the roof. Every single day since the Chinese puppet took office, there's been media stories right and left (no pun intended) about shootings, mass shooting, and the deaths left behind them.....on a DAILY basis!!!

This has overshadowed anything that has happened under Trumps administration!!!
And it hasn't even been 6 months of Brainless Bidens administration of doom!!!
This could be a Democrat ploy to help set up their ultimate dream of confiscating all guns. If they thought it would lead to confiscation of all guns, Democrats wouldn't care how many innocent people they murdered.
Put the tinfoil back in the kitchen bro
Four words: Operation Fast and Furious. Let's don't pretend it hasn't happened before. The Democrats are just waiting for their Reichstag Fire

El Mula Banquet Hall had been rented out for the concert, police said. Some concert-goers were outside when a white Nissan Pathfinder pulled up, Ramirez said. Three unidentified people stepped out of the SUV with assault rifles and handguns and began shooting “indiscriminately” into the crowd, Ramirez said. El Mula was hosting a Memorial Day Weekend album release party on Saturday night, featuring live performances from local rappers, including ABMG Spitta, according to several event flyers posted on Instagram. The flyer incorrectly listed Hialeah as the location of the event.
I wonder why the flyer listed an incorrect location - hiding from something???
Reads as if the concert audience was probably young rap music enthusiasts.
No report of the description of the assailants, other than they were in a WHITE Nissan.

ABMG Spitta

So why are you calling it a drive by when the vehicle stopped and the three shooters got out of it?


So why are you calling it a drive by when the vehicle stopped and the three shooters got out of it?
I'm not real smart - how should I have described it?

A simple title like "Miami Mass Shooting" would have served your credibility better. Your link proved your chosen title to be deceptive and inaccurate. Just saying.

Blacks have been encouraged to become more lawless since the police reform movement began.

The Taskforce for 21st century policing was desgned to restore confidence and respect for law enforcement but that was thrown out in 2016 along with the pandemic handbook.
This could be a Democrat ploy to help set up their ultimate dream of confiscating all guns. If they thought it would lead to confiscation of all guns, Democrats wouldn't care how many innocent people they murdered.
Put the tinfoil back in the kitchen bro
Four words: Operation Fast and Furious. Let's don't pretend it hasn't happened before. The Democrats are just waiting for their Reichstag Fire

Bush junior used that program too.

El Mula Banquet Hall had been rented out for the concert, police said. Some concert-goers were outside when a white Nissan Pathfinder pulled up, Ramirez said. Three unidentified people stepped out of the SUV with assault rifles and handguns and began shooting “indiscriminately” into the crowd, Ramirez said. El Mula was hosting a Memorial Day Weekend album release party on Saturday night, featuring live performances from local rappers, including ABMG Spitta, according to several event flyers posted on Instagram. The flyer incorrectly listed Hialeah as the location of the event.
I wonder why the flyer listed an incorrect location - hiding from something???
Reads as if the concert audience was probably young rap music enthusiasts.
No report of the description of the assailants, other than they were in a WHITE Nissan.

ABMG Spitta
A WHITE Nissan ....

Well there you go.

Another White Supremacy attack.

El Mula Banquet Hall had been rented out for the concert, police said. Some concert-goers were outside when a white Nissan Pathfinder pulled up, Ramirez said. Three unidentified people stepped out of the SUV with assault rifles and handguns and began shooting “indiscriminately” into the crowd, Ramirez said. El Mula was hosting a Memorial Day Weekend album release party on Saturday night, featuring live performances from local rappers, including ABMG Spitta, according to several event flyers posted on Instagram. The flyer incorrectly listed Hialeah as the location of the event.
I wonder why the flyer listed an incorrect location - hiding from something???
Reads as if the concert audience was probably young rap music enthusiasts.
No report of the description of the assailants, other than they were in a WHITE Nissan.

ABMG Spitta

White Nissan, all I needed to know.

El Mula Banquet Hall had been rented out for the concert, police said. Some concert-goers were outside when a white Nissan Pathfinder pulled up, Ramirez said. Three unidentified people stepped out of the SUV with assault rifles and handguns and began shooting “indiscriminately” into the crowd, Ramirez said. El Mula was hosting a Memorial Day Weekend album release party on Saturday night, featuring live performances from local rappers, including ABMG Spitta, according to several event flyers posted on Instagram. The flyer incorrectly listed Hialeah as the location of the event.
I wonder why the flyer listed an incorrect location - hiding from something???
Reads as if the concert audience was probably young rap music enthusiasts.
No report of the description of the assailants, other than they were in a WHITE Nissan.

ABMG Spitta
A WHITE Nissan ....

Well there you go.

Another White Supremacy attack.
White AND Asian!

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