Massive Crowds Flood To Hear Patriotic Governor Palin Speak In Texas

well what was she wearing? maybe the guys just wanted to see her hot/curvacious body.
Massive crowd, huh? Lets look into that a little, shall we?

So reports the 'Odessa American' from Odessa Texas with its 99,000 people. Not exactly what you'd call a metropolis. But I hear its the 31st most populous town in East Texas!
Might check your source and a map.
At least more showed up for Palin in West Nowhere Texas than showed up for American Spring.
well I am pretty sure she attracted a much larger crowd than Ed Schultz did in DC(the mall debacle) back in 2009/2010..forgot which year.
hey, at least she can draw a larger crowd than "Air Supply" "Michael Bolton" and "Yoko Ono".
Hillary Clinton is in trouble.


Palin speaks to near-capacity crowd - Odessa American UTPB
We Love Sarah ! She is a beautiful person, inside and out. What you see, and hear, is what you get. Isn't that transparency ?
Haters gots to hate. Just name calling. Challenge her on an issue.
The secret to Obama's policies is very simple = "Anything to destroy this country."
Sara loves us and loves this country. The American hating bullies on this site will shut down American loving citizens with endless unfounded name calling just to shut you up. This is progressive tolerance, don't you know. A raised voice while name calling in public is a popular device to shut-up an intolerable opinion.
You self hating Americans make me sick. If you have ever lived in another country, it sure makes this country look good. You don't know how good we have it here.
The silence of the good, is all the bad need to justify evil. Works for terrorists. Don't let the evil here shut you up or it may appear the unchallenged bullies are right.
I can still remember when Palin first came on to the scene, even "Straight White Conservative Women" were screaming for her, I guess she created a few more million lesbians.
For some reason, the most ardent diehard fans of Palin are also some of the worst out-of-the-closet racists around.

Is that some sort of a coincidence, or is there a closeted side of Palin the mainstream doesn't know about?
Is Carbs a neeeeegro?...race is all she can talk about.
Massive crowds in Texas also flood to high school football games on Friday nights.
I wonder if the left would of ripped her to shreds in 2008 if she looked like a cross between Michael Moore and Rozanne Barr.
Just another Israeli ass kissing politician...not to bad on the eyes though...:D
I'm a Conservative, and even this bitch creeps me out. Not so much what she has to say but how she says it, her demeanor, her delivery, her Amazonian appearance, her stature. She's like a cross among Wonder Woman, Howdy Doody, She-Ra, and Barbie. You might even throw in a little Shirley Temple. She totally fucked up John McCain's stab at the White House run.

Sometimes, Mr. H you could be a JakeStarkey sock! It boggles a conservative mind, how you can be right on so many other things, but not a lady that brings the right message and patriotism... BUT, as with most candidates, there is always something that one doesn't like!

Yeah...where does he get Amazonian from?
Probably from the same unfertile soil your thoughts come from.... Mass media and subversive talking points.
Obama is reduced to going to high schools because there they force the kids to listen to him so they can say he had a HUGE crowd. lol

Palin has a following the same as Hillary.

who wants to go see grandma read the same speeches written for her, Warren and Obama

they all spew the exact same bs

vote democrat/commie and this could be YOUR LIFE

You become a slave and they will be your Master

Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama and his wife Michelle greet a crowd during a rally at Waterfront Park�yesterday in Portland, Oregon. An estimated 75,000 people came out to see Obama speak as he wraps up his campaign through Oregon ahead of Tuesday's primaries.
Photo: Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP

Celebrity welcome for Obama in Oregon

Looks like candidate Obama drew some pretty big crowds even in a small state like Oregon.

As did Palin when campaigning.....
full capacity and an overflow!
OOPS, I'm sorry I spoiled the low 2 digit IQ'd subversives rants....Please continue, it's entertaining!

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