Massive Solar flare June 8 is USMB protected?


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
well, its colossal they say and can so some serious damage....... I mean a lousy upgrade promoted sunni man, ravi and the brain to Uber Mod status, wtf can we expect tonight?:eusa_whistle:

Rdean and Truthmatters as Admins? :eek:as admin? be afraid, be verrrrrry afraid...

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of the sun belching out massive quantities of energy and matter on Tuesday, June 7. Though some confuse this with a solar flare, this coronal mass ejection was much larger – and much, much more massive – than any solar flare. Because of this solar outburst, half the planet will be able to see the northern or southern lights on Wednesday night (weather permitting).

Solar flare? Yes, but tonight's northern lights have a more spectacular cause. -

Rdean and Truthmatters as Admins? :eek:as admin? be afraid, be verrrrrry afraid...

I saw that TM had been "promoted" to mod.


I was going to rep Gunny for his staggering open-mindedness!
Well, it's dark here in my part, but I don't see shit (anything)--yet.
well, its colossal they say and can so some serious damage....... I mean a lousy upgrade promoted sunni man, ravi and the brain to Uber Mod status, wtf can we expect tonight?:eusa_whistle:

Rdean and Truthmatters as Admins? :eek:as admin? be afraid, be verrrrrry afraid...

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of the sun belching out massive quantities of energy and matter on Tuesday, June 7. Though some confuse this with a solar flare, this coronal mass ejection was much larger – and much, much more massive – than any solar flare. Because of this solar outburst, half the planet will be able to see the northern or southern lights on Wednesday night (weather permitting).

Solar flare? Yes, but tonight's northern lights have a more spectacular cause. -


Everyone stay calm
I have everything in control
There is no reason to fear.
well, its colossal they say and can so some serious damage....... I mean a lousy upgrade promoted sunni man, ravi and the brain to Uber Mod status, wtf can we expect tonight?:eusa_whistle:

Rdean and Truthmatters as Admins? :eek:as admin? be afraid, be verrrrrry afraid...

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of the sun belching out massive quantities of energy and matter on Tuesday, June 7. Though some confuse this with a solar flare, this coronal mass ejection was much larger – and much, much more massive – than any solar flare. Because of this solar outburst, half the planet will be able to see the northern or southern lights on Wednesday night (weather permitting).

Solar flare? Yes, but tonight's northern lights have a more spectacular cause. -


Everyone stay calm
I have everything in control
There is no reason to fear.

:rolleyes: now I am reeeeally fuking scared...:(
well, its colossal they say and can so some serious damage....... I mean a lousy upgrade promoted sunni man, ravi and the brain to Uber Mod status, wtf can we expect tonight?:eusa_whistle:

Rdean and Truthmatters as Admins? :eek:as admin? be afraid, be verrrrrry afraid...

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of the sun belching out massive quantities of energy and matter on Tuesday, June 7. Though some confuse this with a solar flare, this coronal mass ejection was much larger – and much, much more massive – than any solar flare. Because of this solar outburst, half the planet will be able to see the northern or southern lights on Wednesday night (weather permitting).

Solar flare? Yes, but tonight's northern lights have a more spectacular cause. -


Everyone stay calm
I have everything in control
There is no reason to fear.

:rolleyes: now I am reeeeally fuking scared...:(

Has anyone seen any puffs of smoke yet ?
Or has it gotten excessively hotter than you were normally used to?? ~LoL~
Or has it gotten excessively hotter than you were normally used to?? ~LoL~

Dabs, I am thinking that if you and I met in a hotel room in Vail Colorado for ten hours of pure would take me between 12 and 14 seconds to figure out your birthday.
Uncle Ferd says it liable to short out solar panels...

... `cause dey'll be overloaded with solar power.
Solar flare to shake up power and satellites
June 09, 2011 - AN unusual solar flare observed by a NASA space observatory could disrupt satellites, communications and power on Earth today, officials say.
An eruption of similar magnitude on the sun has not been witnessed since 2006, the US National Weather Service said yesterday. "The sun unleashed an M-2 (medium-sized) solar flare with a substantial coronal mass ejection on June 7 that is visually spectacular," NASA's solar dynamics observatory said.

"The large cloud of particles mushroomed up and fell back down, looking as if it covered an area of almost half the solar surface." However, since the eruption was not pointed directly at Earth, the effects were expected to remain "fairly small", NASA said.

The National Weather Service's Space Weather Prediction Centre described it as a "dramatic eruption" that was "expected to cause G1 (minor) to G2 (moderate) levels of geomagnetic storm from 4am today (AEST). The solar radiation storm includes a significant contribution of high energy (100 MeV) protons, the first such occurrence of an event of that type since December 2006."

The resulting geomagnetic storm could disrupt power grids, satellites that operate global positioning systems and other devices, and could lead to some rerouting of flights over the polar regions, a spokesman said.

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Or has it gotten excessively hotter than you were normally used to?? ~LoL~

Dabs, I am thinking that if you and I met in a hotel room in Vail Colorado for ten hours of pure would take me between 12 and 14 seconds to figure out your birthday.

Really now??
Do tell...what do you have in mind??
10 hours is all the pleasure I get??
Besides, my birthday is on my profile, you wouldn't even need the few seconds :lol:
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Uncle Ferd ready for it - he got his tin-foil hat on...
Brits to shut grid for solar flare
June 20, 2011 - BRITAIN is preparing to invoke emergency powers to turn off its electricity to shield the country from the worst effects of the biggest solar flare in 150 years.
The British government has been warned that a massive surge of energy from the sun could hit the Earth in the next 18 months. In a worst-case scenario, it could blow out the national grid and leave parts of the country without electricity for months. Australian electricity experts are not convinced the solar flare will have anywhere near the catastrophic effects predicted in Britain and think any electromagnetic surge will go largely unnoticed.

Head of electrical engineering at the University of Technology, Sydney, Jianguo Zhu, said communication networks such as the internet would be the systems most likely to suffer from any solar flare. "The power grid is run by a computer network, which could be affected by the surge, which may cause blackouts," Professor Zhu told The Australian. "But the design of these systems should really have taken this into account, so any effect would be diminished."

Scientists have warned that Britain could be disabled by a solar flare five times more powerful than one in 1989 that plunged six million people in Quebec into darkness and caused power disruption as far as California. The most extreme form of solar storm could knockout computers and the banking system, throw satellites off course and disrupt GPS technology, navigation and defence systems.

British Energy Secretary Chris Huhne is so worried about the prospect of a category-five solar storm, the most severe, he has told officials to work with Washington to draw up emergency plans. Turning off the national grid, causing temporary blackouts, may protect it from permanent damage. Australian Energy Market Operators has been working with the Bureau of Meteorology since 1998 to monitor any actual or potential impact on the national electricity system. There has been no known impact of solar flares on the Australian power system.

Uncle Ferd got his tin-foil hat on so's it don't fry his brain...
NASA: Sun Emits Powerful Solar Flare, Produces Coronal Mass Ejection
August 10, 2011 - The U.S. space agency, NASA, says the sun has emitted a powerful solar flare and a coronal mass ejection, but their radiation does not pose a threat to the Earth.
Scientists say the solar flare that exploded with a burst of intense electromagnetic radiation on the sun’s surface early Tuesday is the largest in four years. The flare also produced a coronal mass ejection, or CME - a bubble of super-heated gas and charged particles blasted into space from the sun’s upper atmosphere, the corona.

NASA says the Earth is not in danger from either solar event because they occurred on the side of the sun facing away from the planet. However, experts say some radio or satellite communications could be disrupted.

Astronomers say the sun is entering an increasingly violent period of its normal 11-year cycle. The interval of high activity, called the solar maximum, is expected to peak in 2013. Radiation from solar flares or CMEs that reach the Earth could disrupt power grids and global positioning systems, and interfere with high-frequency airline and military communications.

But CMEs also create beautiful auroras when their charged particles interact with the Earth’s magnetic field. The colorful light displays can be seen glimmering in the night skies over the northern- and southern-most latitudes of the planet. Coronal mass ejections can occur independently, or they can be released in association with some, but not all, solar flares.

Produces Coronal Mass Ejection

no, I won't go there..:eusa_hand:
Solar causin' cancer?...
Hundreds Demonstrate Against China Solar Panel Factory
September 18, 2011 - China's state news agency says protesters have been camped out in front of a solar panel factory in eastern China more than three days, accusing it of spreading cancer-causing pollution.
The Xinhua news agency said Sunday that around 500 protesters gathered in Haining city, Zhejiang province, on Thursday, demanding explanations for the death of large numbers of fish in a nearby river.

The villagers also said industrial pollution had caused at least 31 cases of cancer among residents of Hongxiao village, which is part of Haining.

Xinhua said the demonstrators broke into the Jinko Solar factory, ransacking offices and overturning vehicles before being forced back by police.

The company website says Jinko Solar, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, employs more than 10,000 people in plants located in Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces.

Protests shut down solar plant in China...
China solar panel plant shuts down
Tue, Sep 20, 2011 - China has ordered the closure of a solar panel factory in the east of the country after hundreds of local residents staged violent protests over pollution, authorities said yesterday.
The closure of the plant, which manufactures solar panels for the US-listed company Jinko Solar, follows the shut-down of a chemical factory in northeastern China after about 12,000 residents took to the streets over pollution fears. The swift decision to close the plant demonstrates official concern over mounting public anger about pollution in China, where focus on economic growth in recent decades has led to widespread environmental degradation.

The protesters broke into the factory in Zhejiang Province’s Haining City, ransacking offices and overturning vehicles before being forced back by police in a three-day protest that began on Thursday, according to state media reports. They were demanding an explanation for the death of large numbers of fish in a nearby river, Xinhua news agency said.

Haining City Government said yesterday tests had showed the factory was emitting excessive levels of fluoride, which can be toxic in high doses, as it announced the plant’s closure. “[The city government] ordered the company to halt production and overhaul the production procedures that involve emission of waste gas and waste water,” it said in a statement. “[It will] go all out to maintain stability and seriously deal with those who are suspected of violating laws in the incident in accordance with the law,” it said. The city also said police had detained a man for spreading “rumors” on the Internet about the number of sufferers of leukemia and other cancers living near the plant.

Jinko Solar, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, has more than 10,000 employees in plants in Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces, according to its Web site. The company’s chief financial officer, Zhang Longgen, said waste containing fluoride had been stored outside the factory and polluted a nearby river after heavy rains late last month. “It was an accident. The waste stacks were not taken away on time,” Zhang said by telephone, adding that the company would pay damages to villagers. “There is no need to overreact,” he added.

China solar panel plant shuts down - Taipei Times
Thanks for the heads up.

I'll be sure to look for Northern Lights Wednesday night.

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