MATT DRUDGE Goes Off on Twitter Rampage It s the Night of the Republican Suicide

Are RHINOS the controlled opposition of Democrats?

  • Total voters
I'm looking for the roll call vote, but I can't seem to find it.

I didn't see which Republicans didn't vote, but I did see this.

"Every Republican who voted voted to advance fast-track. Democrats were split.

Democrats who backed advancing the bill included Michael Bennet of Colorado, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware, Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Patty Murray of Washington, Bill Nelson of Florida, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Warner of Virginia and Ron Wyden of Oregon."

Senate Votes to Advance Fast-Track Trade Bill
All of the conservative Democrats - I'm so shocked!

Conservative Democrat is an oxymoron
I'm looking for the roll call vote, but I can't seem to find it.

I didn't see which Republicans didn't vote, but I did see this.

"Every Republican who voted voted to advance fast-track. Democrats were split.

Democrats who backed advancing the bill included Michael Bennet of Colorado, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware, Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Patty Murray of Washington, Bill Nelson of Florida, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Warner of Virginia and Ron Wyden of Oregon."

Senate Votes to Advance Fast-Track Trade Bill
All of the conservative Democrats - I'm so shocked!

Conservative Democrat is an oxymoron

Oh man! You are killin' it! You are soooooofucking original.

“They are Democrat agents, working to control the Democrat's opposition.”

No, actually you're a delusional rightwing loon in need of mental health treatment.

This 'RINO' nonsense is also typical of the authoritarian right, where diversity and dissent won't be tolerated, and all must be compelled to conform to sanctioned conservative doctrine and dogma lest they be banished from the Party and branded as heretics.

It's utterly totalitarian.

Eh, that sort of rhetoric exists within any extreme group, not just the far-right. Look at how much of the Democratic left is calling Hillary "Republican-lite" or similar terms, and how the active socialist groups are angry with Bernie Sanders that he'd even think of running in the Democratic primary. There's nothing special here about that.
Eh, that sort of rhetoric exists within any extreme group, not just the far-right. Look at how much of the Democratic left is calling Hillary "Republican-lite" or similar terms, and how the active socialist groups are angry with Bernie Sanders that he'd even think of running in the Democratic primary. There's nothing special here about that.
It may be common, but the wingnuts carry it to an extreme. If a Republican cooperates or compromises with the Dems, they automatically become a RINO. I haven't seen Dems do it to nearly that extent.
If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.

Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.

Interesting. Two questions: first, who would be a candidate other than Paul or Cruz who you would hypothetically get behind? Second, what chances do you estimate that either Paul or Cruz will end up being the nominee?
I'm looking for the roll call vote, but I can't seem to find it.

I didn't see which Republicans didn't vote, but I did see this.

"Every Republican who voted voted to advance fast-track. Democrats were split.

Democrats who backed advancing the bill included Michael Bennet of Colorado, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware, Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Patty Murray of Washington, Bill Nelson of Florida, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Warner of Virginia and Ron Wyden of Oregon."

Senate Votes to Advance Fast-Track Trade Bill
All of the conservative Democrats - I'm so shocked!

Conservative Democrat is an oxymoron

Ever heard of "The South"?

Doesn't seem so.
If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.

Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.

Interesting. Two questions: first, who would be a candidate other than Paul or Cruz who you would hypothetically get behind? Second, what chances do you estimate that either Paul or Cruz will end up being the nominee?

On the Republican side. None.

Very high, unless the controlled opposition run by Karl Rove denies Paul and Cruz their nomination via fraud.

Karl Rove know that Constitutionalists and Libertarians are staying home if Jeb, Christie, Rubio/etc are nominated. Karl Rove also knows that the Democrats will win if we stay home. Hence he's controlled opposition.
If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.

Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.

Interesting. Two questions: first, who would be a candidate other than Paul or Cruz who you would hypothetically get behind? Second, what chances do you estimate that either Paul or Cruz will end up being the nominee?

On the Republican side. None.

Very high, unless the controlled opposition run by Karl Rove denies Paul and Cruz their nomination via fraud.

Karl Rove know that Constitutionalists and Libertarians are staying home if Jeb, Christie, Rubio/etc are nominated. Karl Rove also knows that the Democrats will win if we stay home. Hence he's controlled opposition.

Is very high greater than 50%? Greater than 70%?
If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.

Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.

Interesting. Two questions: first, who would be a candidate other than Paul or Cruz who you would hypothetically get behind? Second, what chances do you estimate that either Paul or Cruz will end up being the nominee?

On the Republican side. None.

Very high, unless the controlled opposition run by Karl Rove denies Paul and Cruz their nomination via fraud.

Karl Rove know that Constitutionalists and Libertarians are staying home if Jeb, Christie, Rubio/etc are nominated. Karl Rove also knows that the Democrats will win if we stay home. Hence he's controlled opposition.

Is very high greater than 50%? Greater than 70%?

Combined, greater than 2/3 (66%) chance. Even here in New York the talk about Paul and Cruz is very good. The RINOS will have to do a mass mudslinging campaign + fraud to remove the Doctor and Harvard graduate in order to ensure a Democrat victory.

I could get behind Ben Carson so long as he doesn't become a quasi-social justice warrior. If he wants to talk aout 17,000,000 black babies being aborted, that's fine.
If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.

Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.

Interesting. Two questions: first, who would be a candidate other than Paul or Cruz who you would hypothetically get behind? Second, what chances do you estimate that either Paul or Cruz will end up being the nominee?

On the Republican side. None.

Very high, unless the controlled opposition run by Karl Rove denies Paul and Cruz their nomination via fraud.

Karl Rove know that Constitutionalists and Libertarians are staying home if Jeb, Christie, Rubio/etc are nominated. Karl Rove also knows that the Democrats will win if we stay home. Hence he's controlled opposition.
At least you're consistent at being delusional.
If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.

Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.

Interesting. Two questions: first, who would be a candidate other than Paul or Cruz who you would hypothetically get behind? Second, what chances do you estimate that either Paul or Cruz will end up being the nominee?

On the Republican side. None.

Very high, unless the controlled opposition run by Karl Rove denies Paul and Cruz their nomination via fraud.

Karl Rove know that Constitutionalists and Libertarians are staying home if Jeb, Christie, Rubio/etc are nominated. Karl Rove also knows that the Democrats will win if we stay home. Hence he's controlled opposition.

Is very high greater than 50%? Greater than 70%?

Combined, greater than 2/3 (66%) chance. Even here in New York the talk about Paul and Cruz is very good. The RINOS will have to do a mass mudslinging campaign + fraud to remove the Doctor and Harvard graduate in order to ensure a Democrat victory.

I could get behind Ben Carson so long as he doesn't become a quasi-social justice warrior. If he wants to talk aout 17,000,000 black babies being aborted, that's fine.

Interesting. So suppose someone offered to make a bet with you where you got $10 if Paul or Cruz won the nomination, and you paid $20 if they don't, would you take it?
I'm looking for the roll call vote, but I can't seem to find it.

I didn't see which Republicans didn't vote, but I did see this.

"Every Republican who voted voted to advance fast-track. Democrats were split.

Democrats who backed advancing the bill included Michael Bennet of Colorado, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware, Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Patty Murray of Washington, Bill Nelson of Florida, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Warner of Virginia and Ron Wyden of Oregon."

Senate Votes to Advance Fast-Track Trade Bill
All of the conservative Democrats - I'm so shocked!

Conservative Democrat is an oxymoron

Oh man! You are killin' it! You are soooooofucking original.

I'm looking for the roll call vote, but I can't seem to find it.

I didn't see which Republicans didn't vote, but I did see this.

"Every Republican who voted voted to advance fast-track. Democrats were split.

Democrats who backed advancing the bill included Michael Bennet of Colorado, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware, Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Patty Murray of Washington, Bill Nelson of Florida, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Warner of Virginia and Ron Wyden of Oregon."

Senate Votes to Advance Fast-Track Trade Bill
All of the conservative Democrats - I'm so shocked!

Conservative Democrat is an oxymoron

Ever heard of "The South"?

Doesn't seem so.

I live in North Carolina like you. Which you know. Or at least knew at one point. Not sure why liberals don't have a long term memory.

But fiscal conservative Democrats are gone, they are Republicans now. You have Nancy Pelosi down here. That's exactly what Kay Hagan was
There hasn't been an opposition to Obama his entire tenure. There's only been an illusion of one. He's gotten everything he wanted. And that was only achieved by the Republican 'Leadership' fully cooperating.

The awful Trade Deal, Iran Deal, and Patriot Act will be pushed through by the supposed Republican 'Opposition.' Bet on that. There is no Opposition. Time for Republicans to finally get that.

If any liberal can name one thing that RINOS didn't give Obama, let's hear it.
Will you admit you are wrong if I do? Oh that's right, CON$ never admit the truth.

Eager to shoot down President Obama’s legislative agenda just weeks before the election, Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a measure that would have provided $1 billion over five years to help veterans find work in their communities.

The measure, which would have potentially created jobs for up to 20,000 veterans, was blocked on a procedural point by Republicans
Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.

Interesting. Two questions: first, who would be a candidate other than Paul or Cruz who you would hypothetically get behind? Second, what chances do you estimate that either Paul or Cruz will end up being the nominee?

On the Republican side. None.

Very high, unless the controlled opposition run by Karl Rove denies Paul and Cruz their nomination via fraud.

Karl Rove know that Constitutionalists and Libertarians are staying home if Jeb, Christie, Rubio/etc are nominated. Karl Rove also knows that the Democrats will win if we stay home. Hence he's controlled opposition.

Is very high greater than 50%? Greater than 70%?

Combined, greater than 2/3 (66%) chance. Even here in New York the talk about Paul and Cruz is very good. The RINOS will have to do a mass mudslinging campaign + fraud to remove the Doctor and Harvard graduate in order to ensure a Democrat victory.

I could get behind Ben Carson so long as he doesn't become a quasi-social justice warrior. If he wants to talk aout 17,000,000 black babies being aborted, that's fine.

Interesting. So suppose someone offered to make a bet with you where you got $10 if Paul or Cruz won the nomination, and you paid $20 if they don't, would you take it?

He might. But he's a habitual you should not expect payment.
There hasn't been an opposition to Obama his entire tenure. There's only been an illusion of one. He's gotten everything he wanted. And that was only achieved by the Republican 'Leadership' fully cooperating.

The awful Trade Deal, Iran Deal, and Patriot Act will be pushed through by the supposed Republican 'Opposition.' Bet on that. There is no Opposition. Time for Republicans to finally get that.

If any liberal can name one thing that RINOS didn't give Obama, let's hear it.
Will you admit you are wrong if I do? Oh that's right, CON$ never admit the truth.

Eager to shoot down President Obama’s legislative agenda just weeks before the election, Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a measure that would have provided $1 billion over five years to help veterans find work in their communities.

The measure, which would have potentially created jobs for up to 20,000 veterans, was blocked on a procedural point by Republicans

Can you name something substantive, like something that actually matters in regards to the Constitution? NSA spying for instance. You're talking about petty bullshit. This is exactly what "controlled opposition is" in the manner in which Lenin referred to it. It's a group that plays patty cake with the enemy, and occasionally slaps them in the face (over trivial bullshit) to pretend they aren't playing along with the enemy.

You want to create jobs for Veterans? Put 2 or 3 of them in every public school and university with a firearm to defend the children from mass shooters. Problem solved. I very much doubt that Democrats or establishment Republicans would ever consider that, and if proposed by someone outside their circle, they'd deride them as loons terrorizing children.

Meanwhile, who actually would be better than combat experienced veterans to protect children from leftist mass shooters like Lanza, Holmes and Elliot Rodgers? They might even know how to diffuse bombs and IEDS without waiting for a bomb unit.

But there you have it, neither Democrats nor Controlled Opposition Republicans give a shit about Veterans or mass shootings of children, the more children dead the more guns you can swindle away from Americans., the more veterans that suffer the more you can demonize conservatives.
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