Matt Gaetz Leaves the Fold

In the current state of affairs - a beleaguered White House with the fall-out of its corruption, incompetence, and recklessness catching up with it - nothing but complete and unquestioning subservience to the Dear Leader will do. If not even a tool, like Gaetz, gets away with (allegedly) defending even one of Congress's major prerogatives, you can tell how far this "party" is gone. What a saddening spectacle this all is, which no one should forget over their gloating at Gaetz's predicament.
Supporters of president Trump and people that voted for him in 2016 did so because we are done with never ending PC wars...either get in kick ass and get out or don't get in in the first place....Trump is anti war and always has been...why libs can't learn this or don't know it is just another question mark on their level of awareness....
I applaud Matt, if he is truly voting what he believes is right, and not just bowing to political pressure, it think its admirable.

Wish we had more people vote their heart, rather than party politics.
Step outta line... the man come... and take you A way
Matt knew the vote was meaningless. So do you need to look up what meaningless means?
I think it's not so much about not supporting Trump, but about relinquishing Congressional power.
Gaetz had a moment of mental clarity when he realized that he doesn’t want Trump to get us into a hot war with Iran based on Trump’s gut or psychological issues. Gaetz is a Trumper so I imagine he will get back into the sheep pen rather quickly with all the other Trump sheeple.
Gaetz had a moment of mental clarity when he realized that he doesn’t want Trump to get us into a hot war with Iran based on Trump’s gut or psychological issues. Gaetz is a Trumper so I imagine he will get back into the sheep pen rather quickly with all the other Trump sheeple.
How did this meaningless resolution change what Trump is allowed to do?
Gaetz had a moment of mental clarity when he realized that he doesn’t want Trump to get us into a hot war with Iran based on Trump’s gut or psychological issues. Gaetz is a Trumper so I imagine he will get back into the sheep pen rather quickly with all the other Trump sheeple.
How did this meaningless resolution change what Trump is allowed to do?
Then why are so Trumpers mad at Gaetz?

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