Matt Gaetz' violence-inciting tweet hidden by Twitter

Anyone who loots and commits arson should be shot.

What would you faggot liberals do if it was your home? Call 911 and hide in your closet?
Lol they aren’t even attacking people’s actual homes.
Yeah, because they'll get smoked.

I will gleefully spray paint the wall with their fucking brains if they even come close to my house.

But it's good to see you out here supporting your communist brothers.

America will never be a socialist country. Cry bitch.

I don’t support the violent activity, but I certainly understand their frustration. They feel powerless if they don’t riot because they are never listened to. Police racism and brutality have always gone unchecked.
Nothing about this case indicates that nobody is doing anything. You've got everybody saying this cop should not have kneed George's neck and should be charged with a crime all the way up to the president.

These motherfuckers have no goddamn excuse.

We are so frustrated about this whole situation, all the property damage and other bullshit, and we're practically begging the commie terrorists to go in the suburbs so that we can all fucking kill them. We are blood thirsty right now.

Matt Gaetz is a ultra-right pro-Trump Congressman. He called for the killing if ANTIFA members, who.cannot legally be called terrorists as many legal experts have noted, despite Trump's threats.

Twitter hid his tweet today although it can be seen by clicking an unhide option.
The tweet cannot be liked or retweeted.
Twitter has grown balls. About time.

lol i wonder what they told the guy who runs twitter moderation

they must said "fucking go nuts brah"
The liberal leaders are elected by the people that commit crimes and riots

The liberal leaders protects their criminals in order to protect their own power

But the crookedness is now over the majority of the men says so and that’s the real power

The liberals will be chased and totally stopped

And a logic test for voting will come

The unwise will be stopped from voting forever
Anyone who loots and commits arson should be shot.

What would you faggot liberals do if it was your home? Call 911 and hide in your closet?
Lol they aren’t even attacking people’s actual homes.

No, but because of them, a good deal of business owners won't be able to afford theirs.

Can it you ANTIFA cheerleader.
Lol only your ilk is even talking about Antifa. They are very much irrelevant these days.
So it's not antifa causing all this bullshit?

So who is it then? Are you saying it's white supremacists starting all this shit?

either way, I don't give a fuck who it is. I want them to come to the neighborhoods where we are all armed.

“Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?”
- Gaetz

Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization.

Twitter is afraid calling for the US to treat this terrorist organization like others will 'incite violence'?

F@ck terrorist-sympathizing Twitter.

Today the Richmond, Va Police Chief broke down as he told the media how 'terrorists' set fire to a multi-family home with a child inside then blocked fire department personnel from going inside to save the child.

F* these animals, & F* Twitter. Its time to treat these animals like the horrific, vile animals they are. Too bad one of the firemen did not have a gun, did not blow a hole in one of their heads, then stepped over his dead body to go rescue the child in the burning building.

The only violence I hope is incited is that by law-abiding citizens sick and tired of this crap, who start acting where / when these terrorist-sympathizing, criminal-facilitating liberal Democrats refuse to protect law-abiding citizens and refuse to enforce the law.

“Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?”
- Gaetz

Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization.

Twitter is afraid calling for the US to treat this terrorist organization like others will 'incite violence'?

F@ck terrorist-sympathizing Twitter.

Today the Richmond, Va Police Chief broke down as he told the media how 'terrorists' set fire to a multi-family home with a child inside then blocked fire department personnel from going inside to save the child.

F* these animals, & F* Twitter. Its time to treat these animals like the horrific, vile animals they are. Too bad one of the firemen did not have a gun, did not blow a hole in one of their heads, then stepped over his dead body to go rescue the child in the burning building.

The only violence I hope is incited is that by law-abiding citizens sick and tired of this crap, who start acting where / when these terrorist-sympathizing, criminal-facilitating liberal Democrats refuse to protect law-abiding citizens and refuse to enforce the law.


Oh the pig doesn't understand...? lol

How about support increased liability to police officers instead of crying on TV you giant pussy

He knows exactly why they're rioting

American police are unnaccountable and act like the fucking douche bags their 40% domestic violencr rate implies. And many having all the hallmarks of fucking serial killers.
Anyone who loots and commits arson should be shot.

What would you faggot liberals do if it was your home? Call 911 and hide in your closet?
Lol they aren’t even attacking people’s actual homes.

No, but because of them, a good deal of business owners won't be able to afford theirs.

Can it you ANTIFA cheerleader.
Lol only your ilk is even talking about Antifa. They are very much irrelevant these days.
So it's not antifa causing all this bullshit?

So who is it then? Are you saying it's white supremacists starting all this shit?

either way, I don't give a fuck who it is. I want them to come to the neighborhoods where we are all armed.

God it’s painful to read your posts lol. Who is it then? It’s fucking people who are upset about police brutality. That doesn’t somehow mean they are part of some boogeyman club known as Antifa. They aren’t flying the banner.
“Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?”
- Gaetz

Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization.

Twitter is afraid calling for the US to treat this terrorist organization like others will 'incite violence'?

F@ck terrorist-sympathizing Twitter.

Today the Richmond, Va Police Chief broke down as he told the media how 'terrorists' set fire to a multi-family home with a child inside then blocked fire department personnel from going inside to save the child.

F* these animals, & F* Twitter. Its time to treat these animals like the horrific, vile animals they are. Too bad one of the firemen did not have a gun, did not blow a hole in one of their heads, then stepped over his dead body to go rescue the child in the burning building.

The only violence I hope is incited is that by law-abiding citizens sick and tired of this crap, who start acting where / when these terrorist-sympathizing, criminal-facilitating liberal Democrats refuse to protect law-abiding citizens and refuse to enforce the law.


Oh the pig doesn't understand...? lol

How about support increased liability to police officers instead of crying on TV you giant pussy

He knows exactly why they're rioting

American police are unnaccountable and act like the fucking douche bags their 40% domestic violencr rate implies. And many having all the hallmarks of fucking serial killers.
So, all this fucking bullshit is justified motherfucker?

Go fuck your self in your fucking whore ass.

Fuck you

Fuck you

More fuck you.

These stupid fucks who are rioting and looting seem to be able to fuck themselves up.

I love it. Go Matt. ANTIFA ARE TERRORISTS. They should be dealt with accordingly.

Maybe Obama can call in some drone strikes. He loved to do that regardless of the collateral damage.

Gaetz and Trump are right wing terrorists. They should be dealt with accordingly. Right wing terrorists have killed more people in the US than Islamic terrorists except for 911. Obama used drone strikes against Americans who were fighting overseas with our enemies. I never voted for him but he was right to do that. You want to use drone strikes against Americans in the US?

What is antifa? People who agree with them? There is such a thing as free speech in this country.

Looters and arsonists should be shot.

I don’t care who they are.
“Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?”
- Gaetz

Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization.

Twitter is afraid calling for the US to treat this terrorist organization like others will 'incite violence'?

F@ck terrorist-sympathizing Twitter.

Today the Richmond, Va Police Chief broke down as he told the media how 'terrorists' set fire to a multi-family home with a child inside then blocked fire department personnel from going inside to save the child.

F* these animals, & F* Twitter. Its time to treat these animals like the horrific, vile animals they are. Too bad one of the firemen did not have a gun, did not blow a hole in one of their heads, then stepped over his dead body to go rescue the child in the burning building.

The only violence I hope is incited is that by law-abiding citizens sick and tired of this crap, who start acting where / when these terrorist-sympathizing, criminal-facilitating liberal Democrats refuse to protect law-abiding citizens and refuse to enforce the law.


Oh the pig doesn't understand...? lol

How about support increased liability to police officers instead of crying on TV you giant pussy

He knows exactly why they're rioting

American police are unnaccountable and act like the fucking douche bags their 40% domestic violencr rate implies. And many having all the hallmarks of fucking serial killers.
So, all this fucking bullshit is justified motherfucker?

Go fuck your self in your fucking whore ass.

Fuck you

Fuck you

More fuck you.


Yes, targeted assassinations would be justified IMO

I'm always surprised they don't go that route and just start mowing down anyone with any power in the criminal justice system

Crack cocaine sentencing says it all.
God it’s painful to read your posts lol. Who is it then? It’s fucking people who are upset about police brutality. That doesn’t somehow mean they are part of some boogeyman club known as Antifa. They aren’t flying the banner.
So, then why don't these fucking idiots go attack the police and stop trying to come after businesses?

Don't give me that bullshit.

You're just cheering them on aren't you, you fucking cock suck?

These stupid fucks who are rioting and looting seem to be able to fuck themselves up.

I love it. Go Matt. ANTIFA ARE TERRORISTS. They should be dealt with accordingly.

Maybe Obama can call in some drone strikes. He loved to do that regardless of the collateral damage.

Gaetz and Trump are right wing terrorists. They should be dealt with accordingly. Right wing terrorists have killed more people in the US than Islamic terrorists except for 911. Obama used drone strikes against Americans who were fighting overseas with our enemies. I never voted for him but he was right to do that. You want to use drone strikes against Americans in the US?

What is antifa? People who agree with them? There is such a thing as free speech in this country.

Looters and arsonists should be shot.

I don’t care who they are.
We don't cut off their hands anymore, either. Maybe you're living in the wrong country.
“Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?”
- Gaetz

Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization.

Twitter is afraid calling for the US to treat this terrorist organization like others will 'incite violence'?

F@ck terrorist-sympathizing Twitter.

Today the Richmond, Va Police Chief broke down as he told the media how 'terrorists' set fire to a multi-family home with a child inside then blocked fire department personnel from going inside to save the child.

F* these animals, & F* Twitter. Its time to treat these animals like the horrific, vile animals they are. Too bad one of the firemen did not have a gun, did not blow a hole in one of their heads, then stepped over his dead body to go rescue the child in the burning building.

The only violence I hope is incited is that by law-abiding citizens sick and tired of this crap, who start acting where / when these terrorist-sympathizing, criminal-facilitating liberal Democrats refuse to protect law-abiding citizens and refuse to enforce the law.


Oh the pig doesn't understand...? lol

How about support increased liability to police officers instead of crying on TV you giant pussy

He knows exactly why they're rioting

American police are unnaccountable and act like the fucking douche bags their 40% domestic violencr rate implies. And many having all the hallmarks of fucking serial killers.
Don't give me the bullshit that these murdering terrorists were justified in burning this child alive because some POS cop - who is in jail now - killed a black man.

The same weekend this racist POS cop killed Floyd more than 2 dozen blacks were shot in Chicago...EVERY weekend at least a dozen blacks shoot / kill each other in Chicago ... and there are no protests, no looting, no destroying property, and no burning kids alive in 'protest'.

Do stop attempting to defend and justify heinous f*ing crimes committed by rabid animals who are using the death of Floyd as an excuse.

Floyd's own brother rebuked the scum, told them to STOP because all of this will not bring his brother back & not only destroys their cause but sets their cause back YEARS.

Again, don't even try to justify these terrorists burning a child alive...

“Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?”
- Gaetz

Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization.

Twitter is afraid calling for the US to treat this terrorist organization like others will 'incite violence'?

F@ck terrorist-sympathizing Twitter.

Today the Richmond, Va Police Chief broke down as he told the media how 'terrorists' set fire to a multi-family home with a child inside then blocked fire department personnel from going inside to save the child.

F* these animals, & F* Twitter. Its time to treat these animals like the horrific, vile animals they are. Too bad one of the firemen did not have a gun, did not blow a hole in one of their heads, then stepped over his dead body to go rescue the child in the burning building.

The only violence I hope is incited is that by law-abiding citizens sick and tired of this crap, who start acting where / when these terrorist-sympathizing, criminal-facilitating liberal Democrats refuse to protect law-abiding citizens and refuse to enforce the law.


Oh the pig doesn't understand...? lol

How about support increased liability to police officers instead of crying on TV you giant pussy

He knows exactly why they're rioting

American police are unnaccountable and act like the fucking douche bags their 40% domestic violencr rate implies. And many having all the hallmarks of fucking serial killers.
Don't give me the bullshit that these murdering terrorists were justified in burning this child alive because some POS cop - who is in jail now - killed a black man.

The same weekend this racist POS cop killed Floyd more than 2 dozen blacks were shot in Chicago...EVERY weekend at least a dozen blacks shoot / kill each other in Chicago ... and there are no protests, no looting, no destroying property, and no burning kids alive in 'protest'.

Do stop attempting to defend and justify heinous f*ing crimes committed by rabid animals who are using the death of Floyd as an excuse.

Floyd's own brother rebuked the scum, told them to STOP because all of this will not bring his brother back & not only destroys their cause but sets their cause back YEARS.

Again, don't even try to justify these terrorists burning a child alive...


the kid survived

which is why his crying is fuckign weird
“Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?”
- Gaetz

Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization.

Twitter is afraid calling for the US to treat this terrorist organization like others will 'incite violence'?

F@ck terrorist-sympathizing Twitter.

Today the Richmond, Va Police Chief broke down as he told the media how 'terrorists' set fire to a multi-family home with a child inside then blocked fire department personnel from going inside to save the child.

F* these animals, & F* Twitter. Its time to treat these animals like the horrific, vile animals they are. Too bad one of the firemen did not have a gun, did not blow a hole in one of their heads, then stepped over his dead body to go rescue the child in the burning building.

The only violence I hope is incited is that by law-abiding citizens sick and tired of this crap, who start acting where / when these terrorist-sympathizing, criminal-facilitating liberal Democrats refuse to protect law-abiding citizens and refuse to enforce the law.


Oh the pig doesn't understand...? lol

How about support increased liability to police officers instead of crying on TV you giant pussy

He knows exactly why they're rioting

American police are unnaccountable and act like the fucking douche bags their 40% domestic violencr rate implies. And many having all the hallmarks of fucking serial killers.
Don't give me the bullshit that these murdering terrorists were justified in burning this child alive because some POS cop - who is in jail now - killed a black man.

The same weekend this racist POS cop killed Floyd more than 2 dozen blacks were shot in Chicago...EVERY weekend at least a dozen blacks shoot / kill each other in Chicago ... and there are no protests, no looting, no destroying property, and no burning kids alive in 'protest'.

Do stop attempting to defend and justify heinous f*ing crimes committed by rabid animals who are using the death of Floyd as an excuse.

Floyd's own brother rebuked the scum, told them to STOP because all of this will not bring his brother back & not only destroys their cause but sets their cause back YEARS.

Again, don't even try to justify these terrorists burning a child alive...


the kid survived

which is why his crying is fuckign weird

That's GREAT news - thank you...but it still does not excuse / justify what these terrorists did.

Matt Gaetz is a ultra-right pro-Trump Congressman. He called for the killing if ANTIFA members, who.cannot legally be called terrorists as many legal experts have noted, despite Trump's threats.

Twitter hid his tweet today although it can be seen by clicking an unhide option.
The tweet cannot be liked or retweeted.
Twitter has grown balls. About time.
Hopefully he'll drop dead from a heart attack like his grandfather.
Sound worried?

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