Mattis Waiver Granted

All of them will be confirmed. Especially the FIVE criminals from Goldman Sachs.

The Dems have just demonstrated loyal opposition. They could have shitcanned Mattis....but they aren't interested in fucking with Trump just for the sake of fucking with him.

Mitch McConnell should take lessons.
Senate Confirms Gen. Mattis as Secretary of Defense...

Senate Confirms Mattis as Secretary of Defense
Jan 20, 2017 | The move came after the newly President Donald Trump signed a waiver to permit him to serve as the next Defense Secretary.
The U.S. Senate on Friday confirmed retired Marine Gen. James Mattis to serve as the next secretary of defense. A majority of the upper chamber voted in favor of Mattis taking over the top civilian job at the Pentagon. In a statement later in the evening to Pentagon employees, the former head of Central Command said it felt "good to be back." "Together with the intelligence community we are the sentinels and guardians of our nation," he said. "We need only look to you, the uniformed and civilian members of the department and your families, to see the fundamental unity of our country. You represent an America committed to the common good; an America that is never complacent about defending its freedoms; and an America that remains a steady beacon of hope for all mankind.

Mattis added, "Every action we take will be designed to ensure our military is ready to fight today and in the future. Recognizing that no nation is secure without friends, we will work with the State Department to strengthen our alliances. Further, we are devoted to gaining full value from every taxpayer dollar spent on defense, thereby earning the trust of Congress and the American people. He closed, "I am confident you will do your part. I pledge to you I'll do my best as your Secretary." The Senate voted 98 in support of Mattis, one against and one absent. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat from New York, voted "no" in a symbolic gesture to highlight the need for civilian control of the military. Sen. Jeff Sessions, a Republican from Alabama, recused himself because he has been nominated to serve in the Trump administration as attorney general.


Defense Secretary-designate James Mattis arrives for church service at St. John’s Episcopal Church across from the White House in Washington, Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, on Donald Trump's inauguration day.​

Rep. William "Mac" Thornberry, a Republican from Texas and chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, praised the confirmation. "Reforming and rebuilding our military is an enormous task," he said in a statement. "The American people and the Congress are very fortunate to have an extraordinary leader and partner to help tackle this challenge in our new Secretary of Defense, James Mattis. I can think of no better choice to serve at the helm of the Pentagon beginning on day one of the new Administration." The Senate action came after President Donald Trump, in one of his first acts as the new commander in chief, signed a waiver passed by Congress to permit Mattis to serve in the role.

After taking the oath of office, Trump remained at the Capitol to sign a number of documents officially nominating his choices for cabinet and ambassador posts and to declare Jan. 20 a "National Day of Patriotism." Among the documents was the historic waiver for the 66-year-old Mattis, who led the 2003 invasion of Iraq as commander of the 1st Marine Division, commanded a task force in Afghanistan in 2001, and commanded a battalion in the Persian Gulf war in 1990. In 1947, Congress passed a law barring members of the military from taking the Defense Secretary’s post until seven years after retirement to preserve civilian control of the military. Mattis retired in 2013. The only previous exception to the law was the waiver granted to Gen. George C. Marshall, the five-star Army chief of staff in World War II, who became Defense Secretary in 1950.


See also:

Mattis Arrives at Pentagon as Defense Secretary
Jan 21, 2017 | Retired Marine Gen. James Mattis arrived at the Pentagon Saturday for the first time as the new secretary of defense.
Hours after he was sworn in, retired Marine Gen. James arrived at the Pentagon Saturday for the first time as the nation's 26th Secretary of Defense. Mattis, carrying two briefcases, stepped out of a black sport-utility vehicle and was greeted at noontime on the steps of the Pentagon's River Entrance by Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, who served under Mattis as a regimental commander in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Neither Mattis nor Dunford made any comment as they quickly entered the building, but Mattis said in an earlier statement that "it's good to be back" after three years in retirement.


Secretary of Defense James Mattis greets U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, after arriving at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.​

The historic moment of Mattis' arrival passed without fanfare. He was only the second defense secretary since World War II who needed a special waiver from Congress to accept the position. Members of the military are barred by law from becoming defense secretary until they have been retired for at least seven years in the interests of preserving civilian control of the military. Mattis retired in 2013. The House of Representatives and the Senate voted to grant Mattis the waiver and President Donald Trump signed it shortly after his inaugural address Friday, putting the former head of Central Command in the company of Gen. George C. Marshall, the Army chief of staff in World War II, as the only Defense Secretaries who needed special permission from Congress to take the job.

The Senate voted late Friday 98-1 to confirm Mattis as Defense Secretary. The lone dissenting vote was cast by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a New York Democrat who had praised Mattis military leadership but voted "no" on the issue of civilian control. At the White House Friday night, Mattis was sworn in by new Vice President Mike Pence, making him the first of Trump's cabinet nominees to be cleared to begin work. Retired Marine Gen. John Kelly was sworn in as secretary of Homeland Security immediately after Mattis. In his statement to the nearly three million Pentagon uniformed and civilian personnel, Mattis was typically blunt. While he has the watch at the department, "Every action we take will be designed to ensure our military is ready to fight today and in the future," Mattis said.


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