Maxine Waters is Delusional:


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Auntie buckwheat has got to be a rabid lunatic libtart...

Maxine Waters is Delusional: Maybe ‘We Can Work With' North Korea
Sure! They’ll be totes cooperative!


Trey Sanchez

Maxine Waters suggested to TMZ cameras that the United States could perhaps work with the friendly leadership of North Korea instead of threatening retaliation as they point missiles in every direction.

She made her position clear: the United States must deal in diplomacy to avoid war at all costs.

“We cannot afford to be in a war,” the congresswoman said. “And I want us to be very careful, very alert to what’s happening and avoid war.”

The path forward, Waters said, is finding out exactly what the dictatorship wants from us and then basically give it to them:


Maxine Waters is Delusional: Maybe ‘We Can Work With' North Korea
Maxine Waters. Typical Democrat. Dumber than a door knob. She will make the perfect Moon Bat Presidential candidate in 2020.
Ms Dumber than a Door Knob Waters is not the only stupid Libtard.

@AmbassadorRice: Nuclear North Korea is tolerable, Trump's bombast 'lunacy' Ex-national security adviser Rice: Trump's North Korea bombast is 'folly' POLITICO (Politico) August 11, 2017

Democrats blasted Presid. Trump for warning that North Korea will be met "with fire and fury" Democrats blast Trump's "fire and fury" warning to North Korea

CBS News (@CBSNews) August 8, 2017

Isolating the North Koreans has not halted their pursuit of nuclear weapons. Diplomacy is the only path forward. Feinstein Statement on North Korea

Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) August 8, 2017
SO you righty meatheads are saying the only option is to go to war?

Who's the delusional one?
What's so bad about what she said ?

We should try diplomacy!? GASP!
We can't afford another wAr!? OUTRAGEOUS!
What's so bad about what she said ?

We should try diplomacy!? GASP!
We can't afford another wAr!? OUTRAGEOUS!
We've tried diplomacy for decades you idiot. Totalitarian countries don't give a fuck about what others want. They agree to get something, then when they get it they go back on their word. EVERY TIME
Timmy...grow a pair and quit worrying.

If NK fires on Guam and hits it...The war is only going to last from 20
to 40 minutes. Depending on the location of our Subs from where the missiles are launched.
There is
Auntie buckwheat has got to be a rabid lunatic libtart...

Maxine Waters is Delusional: Maybe ‘We Can Work With' North Korea
Sure! They’ll be totes cooperative!


Trey Sanchez

Maxine Waters suggested to TMZ cameras that the United States could perhaps work with the friendly leadership of North Korea instead of threatening retaliation as they point missiles in every direction.

She made her position clear: the United States must deal in diplomacy to avoid war at all costs.

“We cannot afford to be in a war,” the congresswoman said. “And I want us to be very careful, very alert to what’s happening and avoid war.”

The path forward, Waters said, is finding out exactly what the dictatorship wants from us and then basically give it to them:


Maxine Waters is Delusional: Maybe ‘We Can Work With' North Korea

The WH is currently using back alley channels to negotiate with NK sonyou look like a fool and Waters is correct. Dope.
Maxine Waters. Typical Democrat. Dumber than a door knob. She will make the perfect Moon Bat Presidential candidate in 2020.
Think of the dumb fucks who keep electing Ms. Airhead!
Intellectual capacity eludes the type of morons who elect people like her. Elect her once...sure. Hear her lunatic rantings and reelect her? You're as insane as she is.
Maxine Waters. Typical Democrat. Dumber than a door knob. She will make the perfect Moon Bat Presidential candidate in 2020.
Think of the dumb fucks who keep electing Ms. Airhead!

She lives high on the hog in Beverly Hills and those welfare queens that vote for her live in the LA ghetto.

As long as she promises the welfare queens more welfare the greedy little bastards will continue to vote for the ding bat.
Dem's want to talk tough about Russia, but North Korea who's threatening to nuke the US should be babied? WTF libs you people have lost your minds.
What's so bad about what she said ?

We should try diplomacy!? GASP!
We can't afford another wAr!? OUTRAGEOUS!

What she said isn't realistic. Diplomacy has been tried with North Korea for almost 30 years and it hasn't made a bit of difference.

We should have never been involved in the dispute with Korea in the first place. It's yet another example of how we've made ourselves a target by playing world policeman.
Dem's want to talk tough about Russia, but North Korea who's threatening to nuke the US should be babied? WTF libs you people have lost your minds.

Russia is the Moon Bat's scapegoat for Crooked Hillary losing. By blaming Russia they don't have to take responsibility for nominating a corrupt, dishonest and hateful bitch that had more baggage than Delta Airlines.
What's so bad about what she said ?

We should try diplomacy!? GASP!
We can't afford another wAr!? OUTRAGEOUS!

What she said isn't realistic. Diplomacy has been tried with North Korea for almost 30 years and it hasn't made a bit of difference.

We should have never been involved in the dispute with Korea in the first place. It's yet another example of how we've made ourselves a target by playing world policeman.
Your second point is debatable but ultimately pointless as it pertains to what we do with NK now.
Auntie buckwheat has got to be a rabid lunatic libtart...

Maxine Waters is Delusional: Maybe ‘We Can Work With' North Korea
Sure! They’ll be totes cooperative!


Trey Sanchez

Maxine Waters suggested to TMZ cameras that the United States could perhaps work with the friendly leadership of North Korea instead of threatening retaliation as they point missiles in every direction.

She made her position clear: the United States must deal in diplomacy to avoid war at all costs.

“We cannot afford to be in a war,” the congresswoman said. “And I want us to be very careful, very alert to what’s happening and avoid war.”

The path forward, Waters said, is finding out exactly what the dictatorship wants from us and then basically give it to them:


Maxine Waters is Delusional: Maybe ‘We Can Work With' North Korea

she is 100 percent incorrect
You ever notice how you never see Maxine Waters and Dennis Rodman out in public at the same time...?

Just sayin'...


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