Maxine Waters is the most intellectual Democrat in DC

she/they are so obsessed with race/hate/etc it warps their minds --right is wrong ..wrong is right
Geez you righties OF ALL PEOPLE can’t take a joke . She was zinging trump for his potty mouth and overall stupid crap he spews .

You constantly say “trump was just joking “.

We zing Waters for her stupidity and you people automatically assume racism.
She always wants to keep people in the dark and uninformed.
It's loss of your freedom the name of the safety of your children.
Maxine Waters is one of those rare human beings that would survive a sniper shot being she's mostly hollow
In spite of being Weapons Grade Stupid.

Rep. Maxine Waters calls for a parental advisory when Trump appears on TV

A Complete Blithering Idiot said:
“Whenever he appears on TV there should be a disclaimer that says ‘This may be may not be acceptable for children,'” she said.

You have to stand in awe when faced with such asinine statements. One thing is for certain, it should be found as an insult that this is the best the DNC can offer when finding someone to represent the people of her district.

I hope Maxine doesn't ccrapp on white peoples cars. That would kill thier values

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