Maybe THIS Is Why Liberals Are Freaked Out Over Latest USSC Decision

Again. You are learning. We are warning you to mind your fucking business. Don't push your ideals down our throats.

You see.......I don't care if you are a Moonbat from Cali. I don't live there. If you want to tax yourself to the point of insanity and go.........why is everyone living it tents........That's on you. But when you make NATIONAL policy and try to force it here..........Well you can kiss my ass.

Now is that simple enough for you?
I'm always impressed when a keyboard tough guy such as yourself tries to crow for the first time. It's a sure sign you will soon be trying to caps lock me into submission. You'll need to whistle first, so we can tell which end your ass is on.
Bat Shit Crazy Marxist Revolutionaries demand that arms be taken away from the citizens so they can more easily turn the country into a Socialist Shithole.

Crooks love gun control laws. It makes their job easier.
How long have you been so paranoid?
You are confused Moon Bat.

The Democrats attempted to overthrow a President with a bogus accusation but failed.

Then they did overthrow a legitimately elected President with a stolen election and they installed a dufus for President.
You're funny, but not in the laughing way. More like the odd way.
No…we understand human history and human nature…..

In Europe, in the 1920s the governments of Europe told their people that if they gave up their guns they would be safer…the government was there to keep them safe… the people…..listening to idiots like you….registered their guns, and allowed their governments to ban and take them……

To be safe…..

15 years later the left took over…the socialists in Germany then used the registration lists to confiscate gun from the people who still had them……Jews and the political enemies of the socialists…….

Then, over 6 years the murdered 15 million men, women, and yes…..even children….in the millions….

We took to heart the idea….”Never Forget….”

You idiots don’t remember…….and you have no understanding of human nature and human history…

You truly are a dangerous fool
No matter how many stories you tell trying to justify it, the fact remains you want to be ready for another insurrection.
And why is that, because we believe that criminals shouldn't have guns but law abiding citizens should be allowed to? I would say yes, you are correct, that's the exact way we think.

Good old dishonest Ray
ONE GUY????? Boy, don't I feel stupid. :eusa_shhh:

As the stage show in Congress pointed out, our agencies knew the possibility of violence at the Capital two weeks in advance.

Then Trump shouldn't have ran his mouth saying he was going.
Nope. The attempt to overthrow an election for president and instal a tinpot dictator instead is an insurrection.
You sound like a conspiracy theorist loon, bulldyke. Are you sure you're posting in the right section?
Just like he had every intention of releasing his taxes like he said.

He told Hillary if she releases the transcript of her address to Wall Street he would release his tax returns. She never even thought about it.
Good old lying Ray.

Not a lie, but a simple mistake. It happens when you get older. It was not her Wall Street transcripts, it's her deleted emails.

I confused that with what the NYT was requesting of Hillary with the transcripts, again, she didn't even think of entertaining it.

The 2nd amendment is not there to protect hunting... its there to keep a tyrannical government in check... the same kind of government that is in NY today saying they won't obey this ruling...
You just sent 110,000 liberals scurrying for their safe spaces under their mom's couches. Like little bunnies made from dust. Yes, with exactly that much actual substance.
You just sent 110,000 liberals scurrying for their safe spaces under their mom's couches. Like little bunnies made from dust. Yes, with exactly that much actual substance.
I was shooting for (no pun) for 250,000...
You have this backwards. No one is upset because you have to prove the elections are somehow corrupted, not the other way around.

Despite lawsuit after lawsuit and investigation after investigation with none of them proving this supposed fraud you still think people have to prove something?

The only thing you care about is winning and if you don't you believe it could only be because of fraud.

Step up and
Zero reading comprehension. ^^^

Quite obviously, you know nothing about security. Election or otherwise.

I'm not going to argue with you, but I'm not going to listen to you either.
3 Trump appointed justices made this happen.... :abgg2q.jpg:
And for decades liberal justices have been eroding our rights in favor of ever larger and more powerful government. It’s long past time that we had a majority on SCOTUS that actually did their job and made decisions that were supported by the constitution rather than their social biases.
Well, yeah. It’s not like you’ll get a warning and can run off and buy a gun, wait three days, then get back to defending yourself. It’s the same thing for concealed carry. You always prepare for what may happen in advance. Only an idiot prepares after the fact.
As I was taught in the Army, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Trite but true. After all, you don't buy insurance after you need it.

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