Mayorkas: Americans’ Priorities Are Subordinate to ‘Nation of Immigrants’

A lot of these far-left extremist Democrats such as Mayorkas loath the Wasps who founded America.
This is why Left Wingers have such disdain for American traditions, holidays, culture and patriotism.
They see Wasps as the world's ultimate oppressors.
This is why the far-left brags about "changing demographics" and say racist extremist things like "demographics is destiny".
This is why the Democrats want open borders and mass immigration.
It is because of their cultural hatred.
They will eventually turn America into far left one party police state with the help of third world voters.
Illegal immigrants don't vote.
How do we get back to people working for lawful US citizens ?
Why aren't these border crashers "contributing" to their home countries?

The better question would have been when Mayorkas replied that the border wasn't open and to just ask the 1.4 million we expelled might have been: "Well, if the border isn't open, then how did these 1.4 million undesirables get in, in the first place, to NEED expelled?

Far better to let qualified immigrants in, than to let millions of UNQUALIFIED, ILLEGAL, UNVETTED, DANGEROUS aliens in, then hope to weed out the bad eggs to expel them again!

That is called double handling.

Worse, if these bag eggs got in once, they likely will try again and again.
We Were a National. Of Immigrants in Order to build this country
We are Now a Nation of Americans
Despite liberal wishes, we have Never been a nation of illegals.
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We need a president that will implement round ups and mass deportations.
Then serve-up a candidate who will do just that, and who does NOT carry the Trumpian Baggage of January 6, 2021, et al.'

Do that and you might actually WIN in 2024... run that disgraced orange-tinted con-man again and you are doomed to lose.
Then serve-up a candidate who will do just that, and who does NOT carry the Trumpian Baggage of January 6, 2021, et al.'

Do that and you might actually WIN in 2024... run that disgraced orange-tinted con-man again and you are doomed to lose.
Ohh not so fast. Enemy democrats will phoney up a case against anyone running against a totalitarian Democrat. Enemy democrats think their fraud gives them a lock on 2024. They are probably right. But just in case, they have political show trials, kangaroo courts and biased judges.
Then serve-up a candidate who will do just that, and who does NOT carry the Trumpian Baggage of January 6, 2021, et al.'

Do that and you might actually WIN in 2024... run that disgraced orange-tinted con-man again and you are doomed to lose.
hahaha…Trumps popularity and support has grown GROWN because of J6…..hahahaahaha
I mean, we are a nation of immigrants. Unless you’re a Native American, your immediate ancestors immigrated here one way or another.
I mean, we are a nation of immigrants. Unless you’re a Native American, your immediate ancestors immigrated here one way or another.
We were never suppose to be a nation of dark immigrants…our framers knew better.
I’m scum because you’re scared of truth?
Have you ever been to ANY predominantly dark community, city, state or nation?
Wasn’t our framers spot on with their desire?
My high school was over 50% black. Never once had a problem.

The nurse aides I supervise are probably like 2/3 black, I get along great with them.

Some of us know how to coexist and get along and aren’t racist trash.
My high school was over 50% black. Never once had a problem.

The nurse aides I supervise are probably like 2/3 black, I get along great with them.

Some of us know how to coexist and get along and aren’t racist trash.
Nobody sane and paying attention develops a credible opinion based on myopic personal experiences.
We sane folks not running on feelings like to look at large scale data.

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