MC5 guitarist and co-founder of White Panther Party, Wayne Kramer, discusses renouncing violence


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

The entire talk is pretty interesting. He goes into a good amount of deal about how the MC5 got started, the history of rock music (and even a bit of rap music), etc.

But, around the 46:14 mark, he talks about how the MC5 moving away from violence resulted in the MC5 being purged from both the Black Panther Party and the White Panther Party.

He talks about how the rhetoric of violence from the left resulted in things like a C.I.A. office being blown up in Michigan. I think there are some interesting parallels to what Kramer experienced back then to what's going on today with Antifa and BLM as discussed in this video where a former Antifa member talks about leaving Antifa and becoming a Trump supporter for many of the same things that Kramer talked about:


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