McCain is dismayed that Ryan won't accept the nomination "for the good of the party"

Ryan is not stupid nor a pawn. McCain on the other hand is confused as to what the GOP stands for.
Ryan's right smart, Trump's a smelly fart, who fails to understand Politics' an art.

Trump can't make the deal.
:He laid it on the line that they really really were going to screw over everyone and install a king.


If there is one awesome thing that has happened this primary season is that the curtain has been lifted back on the "Wizards of Washington" and they have been shown to be petty bastards who don't give a rats ass for all the people who have voted for them for all these years and paid their salaries.

They only care about themselves. Period. Full stop. And now with the possibility of an outsider taking the nomination all the old sons of bitches are running for Extra Strength Immodium AD.


"Sen. John McCain says he was shocked to hear House Speaker Paul Ryan's formal decision not to accept the presidential nomination should Republicans hand it to him.

"I'm at a loss, OK? I do not know what's going to happen," the Arizona Republican told Bloomberg Politics. "I just don't see that a lot of it's going to turn out well. Because there are too many divisions within our party."

McCain 'at a loss' over Ryan's 2016 decision

Why would Paul Ryan want to be the sacrificial lamb? Republicans already know that Hillary Clinton is going to be the next POTUS. This party is shattered into pieces there's no putting it back together with whomever they choose.

Heck let McCain do it. This is just in an effort to save the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and all the down ballot races across this country. As they fear total loss with a Trump nominee.

Ted Cruz can't win the White House either. Trump is definitely not going too. And maybe total loss is what it's going to take to rebuild a Republican party that is not stuffed full of single issue abortion voters, Evangelicals & Reich wingers that want to invade the privacy and personal matters of the citizens of this country, right wing talk show hosts, and every other nutcase on the planet that keeps Republicans from winning National elections.

If Trump or Cruz isn't the nominee of this party, they're not going to a dam thing. You put up a new face at the convention, who is certain to lose, they'll just think he lost because he wasn't Trump or Cruz.
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The Republican party deserves to get it's ass kicked, get out of the way and let it happen.

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