Senior Member
- Mar 17, 2008
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At a time when the government is doing all it can to prove the basic theory behind the New Deal economic policy that pumping money into the lower and middle classes helps fuel economic growth John McCain is loving telling the ignorant masses that he will massivly slash that prop to our economy. I think its so funny. So, government spending will be slashed--it won't be, McCain is lying--so that we can all enjoy lower taxes! Reform!
I already addressed the first part of your ignorant, uneducated and uninformed remarks. So let's get to your accusation that McCain was lying when he said government spending would be reduced under him. First of all what has made so many Republicans unhappy with Bush has been his inability to veto bills that included so much wasteful spending. That has been a MAJOR complaint from Republicans since his second year in office. McCain himself has publicly criticized Bush repeatedly for failing to veto bills loaded with pork. And note -once Democrats took control of both Houses of Congress -government spending and the amount of pork took a major jump. Democrat control resulted in a sharply increased rate of government spending. Oddly enough it is these same Democrat members of Congress who are the most vocal in criticizing Bush for the increase in national debt -when that is under THEIR control in the first place! Talk about hypocrisy.
McCain has not asked for nor taken a single earmark the entire time he has been in the Senate. Not ONCE - but has complained bitterly about those Senators who do. Obama has been there just 20 months and has already received more than 57 earmarks for more than $90 million dollars. A really good record for pork for just a freshman Senator too.
Every time McCain has run for President, he has said he would veto any bill with earmarks in them. He managed an entire career without them himself, his state keeps on sending him back to Senate in spite of never "bringing home the pork" -and he expects other Congressional members to do the same.
So who do you figure is more likely to get bills to his desk with the pork cut out? Obama, who easily and quickly settled into the Senate in the "business-as-usual" mode of using it as an opportunity to increase government waste and tack on his own personal pork? Or McCain, who not only has sworn to veto any bill with earmarks in it -but has refused to ask for or accept any earmarks EVER in his career as Senator. LOL
I'm sorry but reducing government spending has always been a Republican thing and everyone knows it. While Democrats believe in the exact opposite of bigger government, higher taxes and spending lots more of our money.
McCain wins this argument hands down.