McConnell: I'll repeal Obamacare as majority leader

"By using a budget process called reconciliation, a theoretical Senate GOP majority could successfully vote to repeal the law with just 51 votes, rather than a filibuster-proof 60. Republicans need to pick up four seats to win control of the Senate, or three if Romney wins the White House."

McConnell: I'll repeal Obamacare as majority leader -

Well that kind of talk will certainly energize more people to vote to defend thier health care.

His base was not going to vote any differently anyway. Mitch is a willfully ignorant mealy mouth POS.
when obama was elected it was about JOBS and the economy..not about a brand new Government program such as OBAMACARE

VOTE out Obama and his Comrades in arms people
Yep, Ol' McConnel even looks like a Scrooge. Steal from the poor for the benefit of the rich. Kindly old fellow he is.
Unless McConnell thinks Majority Leader means ‘dictator of America,’ he’s not going to repeal anything.
President Obama will leave office on 20Jan17.

The continued wingnut stance of the present GOP insures that.

lets hope you don't have to eat crow like some others predicting the Walker recall..

well actually we do hope you have to eat CROW
President Obama will leave office on 20Jan17.

The continued wingnut stance of the present GOP insures that.

lets hope you don't have to eat crow like some others predicting the Walker recall..

well actually we do hope you have to eat CROW

The Koch brothers are wealthy but they are not wealthy enough to outspend those they wish to suppress by nearly 2.5 to one nationally. If the same amount of money had been spent on both sides of the Wisconsin recall Walker would have lost in a landslide. Walker survived the recall by just a few percentage points. That fairly narrow margin of "victory"? cost his supporters almost 44 million dollars, the vast majority being outside money, to Barret's 17 million. It is projected that Obama's camp will gather a warchest of up to a billion dollars. Romney doesn't inspire America 2 and a half billion's worth. That is what it would take to polute enough minds with Romney ads to even make the November election close.
President Obama will leave office on 20Jan17.

The continued wingnut stance of the present GOP insures that.

lets hope you don't have to eat crow like some others predicting the Walker recall..

well actually we do hope you have to eat CROW

The Koch brothers are wealthy but they are not wealthy enough to outspend those they wish to suppress by nearly 2.5 to one nationally. If the same amount of money had been spent on both sides of the Wisconsin recall Walker would have lost in a landslide. Walker survived the recall by just a few percentage points. That fairly narrow margin of "victory"? cost his supporters almost 44 million dollars, the vast majority being outside money, to Barret's 17 million. It is projected that Obama's camp will gather a warchest of up to a billion dollars. Romney doesn't inspire America 2 and a half billion's worth. That is what it would take to polute enough minds with Romney ads to even make the November election close.

oh I think you all are UNderestimating what effect the OBAMATAX is going to have on people..

Taxed ENOUGH already people?

Tea party in November, be there
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Yep, Ol' McConnel even looks like a Scrooge. Steal from the poor for the benefit of the rich. Kindly old fellow he is.

So forcefully handing 30-40 million more to those treasonable insurance companies is not handing over more poor peoples monies to the big bad rich??

Logic ???
ObamaTax gets a referendum in November.

It has been trounced each and every time this has happened.
president obama will leave office on 20jan17.

The continued wingnut stance of the present gop insures that.

lets hope you don't have to eat crow like some others predicting the walker recall..

Well actually we do hope you have to eat crow

the koch brothers are wealthy but they are not wealthy enough to outspend those they wish to suppress by nearly 2.5 to one nationally. If the same amount of money had been spent on both sides of the wisconsin recall walker would have lost in a landslide. Walker survived the recall by just a few percentage points. That fairly narrow margin of "victory"? Cost his supporters almost 44 million dollars, the vast majority being outside money, to barret's 17 million. It is projected that obama's camp will gather a warchest of up to a billion dollars. Romney doesn't inspire america 2 and a half billion's worth. That is what it would take to polute enough minds with romney ads to even make the november election close.

Good for Mitch McConnell. He's saying, "Forget about Obamacare. We are going to replace it with, uh, with, fuck Americans. We only care about the rich. Everyone else is just crud under our feet".

Did I get it right? Bet I did. If I didn't, show me the Republicans plans to help the middle class. Tee hee.
The republicans aren't going to repeal Obamacare. They're in favor of it. They only came out against it because Obama came out for it.
Good for Mitch McConnell. He's saying, "Forget about Obamacare. We are going to replace it with, uh, with, fuck Americans. We only care about the rich. Everyone else is just crud under our feet".

Did I get it right? Bet I did. If I didn't, show me the Republicans plans to help the middle class. Tee hee.

no, as usual you got it wrong

we don't want you ideas of HELP
Good for Mitch McConnell. He's saying, "Forget about Obamacare. We are going to replace it with, uh, with, fuck Americans. We only care about the rich. Everyone else is just crud under our feet".

Did I get it right? Bet I did. If I didn't, show me the Republicans plans to help the middle class. Tee hee.

I love how Republicans are back to Repeal and Replace again

Of course, they have no intention of telling Americans what they intend to replace it with. What we all know is that once repeal takes place, all healthcare reforms go in the trashcan. That is what they did when they blocked Hillarycare.

Tell us Republicans......Doesn't it make more sense to Replace first? Write up a bill that Replaces Obamacare and pass that. First sentence in the new bill says "This bill replaces Obamacare"

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