McConnell: I'll repeal Obamacare as majority leader

Unless McConnell thinks Majority Leader means ‘dictator of America,’ he’s not going to repeal anything.

McConnel set the bar on filibuster.

He is not going to do anything

Of course, President Obama still has the veto

Mr. 'get rid of Obama' would have neither the votes to end a filibuster nor override a veto.

No, but the GOP majority could do what the current Dem majority should have done: vote to end the filibuster. They likely will, too.
Good for Mitch McConnell. He's saying, "Forget about Obamacare. We are going to replace it with, uh, with, fuck Americans. We only care about the rich. Everyone else is just crud under our feet".

Did I get it right? Bet I did. If I didn't, show me the Republicans plans to help the middle class. Tee hee.

I love how Republicans are back to Repeal and Replace again

Of course, they have no intention of telling Americans what they intend to replace it with. What we all know is that once repeal takes place, all healthcare reforms go in the trashcan. That is what they did when they blocked Hillarycare.

Tell us Republicans......Doesn't it make more sense to Replace first? Write up a bill that Replaces Obamacare and pass that. First sentence in the new bill says "This bill replaces Obamacare"

"Back to repeal and replace"? When did that happen? I thought they were still shouting "full repeal!"
Good for Mitch McConnell. He's saying, "Forget about Obamacare. We are going to replace it with, uh, with, fuck Americans. We only care about the rich. Everyone else is just crud under our feet".

Did I get it right? Bet I did. If I didn't, show me the Republicans plans to help the middle class. Tee hee.

no, as usual you got it wrong

we don't want you ideas of HELP

You mean except for:

Food stamps






and all the other things Republicans use again and again.

Remember? "Keep government hands off my Medicare"? Hilarious!

Republicans pretend to hate what they depend on. If they lost it, they wouldn't know what to do. "Let him die" is for OTHER people.
Good for Mitch McConnell. He's saying, "Forget about Obamacare. We are going to replace it with, uh, with, fuck Americans. We only care about the rich. Everyone else is just crud under our feet".

Did I get it right? Bet I did. If I didn't, show me the Republicans plans to help the middle class. Tee hee.

no, as usual you got it wrong

we don't want you ideas of HELP

You mean except for:

Food stamps






and all the other things Republicans use again and again.

Remember? "Keep government hands off my Medicare"? Hilarious!

Republicans pretend to hate what they depend on. If they lost it, they wouldn't know what to do. "Let him die" is for OTHER people.

yeah, you all are so charitably with other peoples money
Good for Mitch McConnell. He's saying, "Forget about Obamacare. We are going to replace it with, uh, with, fuck Americans. We only care about the rich. Everyone else is just crud under our feet".

Did I get it right? Bet I did. If I didn't, show me the Republicans plans to help the middle class. Tee hee.

I love how Republicans are back to Repeal and Replace again

Of course, they have no intention of telling Americans what they intend to replace it with. What we all know is that once repeal takes place, all healthcare reforms go in the trashcan. That is what they did when they blocked Hillarycare.

Tell us Republicans......Doesn't it make more sense to Replace first? Write up a bill that Replaces Obamacare and pass that. First sentence in the new bill says "This bill replaces Obamacare"

That would require their focus being on something other than lining their own pockets and big business all day, everyday. Can't have that.
when obama was elected it was about JOBS and the economy..not about a brand new Government program such as OBAMACARE

VOTE out Obama and his Comrades in arms people

You miss the debates?

[ame=]McCain, Obama Differ Dramatically on Health Care - YouTube[/ame]
when obama was elected it was about JOBS and the economy..not about a brand new Government program such as OBAMACARE

VOTE out Obama and his Comrades in arms people

You miss the debates?

[ame=]McCain, Obama Differ Dramatically on Health Care - YouTube[/ame]

good now the people in the 8% unemployed can cheer ANOTHER government run program we can't afford, and cheer all the NEW taxes coming their way compliments of this liar
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no, as usual you got it wrong

we don't want you ideas of HELP

You mean except for:

Food stamps






and all the other things Republicans use again and again.

Remember? "Keep government hands off my Medicare"? Hilarious!

Republicans pretend to hate what they depend on. If they lost it, they wouldn't know what to do. "Let him die" is for OTHER people.

yeah, you all are so charitably with other peoples money

Who paid for the war in Iraq?

Where did Michelle Bachmann get that big subsidy for her farm?

Who paid for the roads and bridges?

Who paid for the police?

Who paid for the firemen?

Who pays for the judicial branch that protects copyrights?

Who paid for TARP?
when obama was elected it was about JOBS and the economy..not about a brand new Government program such as OBAMACARE

VOTE out Obama and his Comrades in arms people

You miss the debates?

[ame=]McCain, Obama Differ Dramatically on Health Care - YouTube[/ame]

yeah I missed them, I would of puked if I watched them

So you admit you just posted something that was incorrect.

yeah I missed them, I would of puked if I watched them

So you admit you just posted something that was incorrect.


good now the people in the 8% unemployed can cheer ANOTHER government run program we can't afford, and cheer all the NEW taxes coming their way compliments of this liar

Okay..we've established that you made a mistake in your post.

Well lets dig down a bit.

What lie?

This "freedom" and "liberty" thing as they pertain to health care is pretty shallow thinking.

What about my "freedom" to not to have to wait in the ER with my daughter behind people who flood the place because they have/can afford/can qualify for no other coverage? What about my "freedom" to not have to pay extra to businesses for products & services that cost more because that company is stuck with paying for their employees' health care? What about my "freedom" to start a business with some kind of health insurance if I have a pre-existing condition? What about my "freedom" to not pay MUCH higher medical costs in general to COVER the services provided those who can't get coverage?

I wonder how many people who shout about their "freedoms" like trained seals have actually spent a few precious moments to actually think this through. I'm not a fan of Obamacare for the most part either, but this two-dimensional thinking and sloganeering is getting old.

Your "freedoms" don't trump mine.

Indeed, Obamacare is massive, bloated fucking mess, but the system the Right is so eager to continue is also a disaster. Neither side of this argument has anything to brag about.

So you admit you just posted something that was incorrect.


good now the people in the 8% unemployed can cheer ANOTHER government run program we can't afford, and cheer all the NEW taxes coming their way compliments of this liar

Okay..we've established that you made a mistake in your post.

Well lets dig down a bit.

What lie?

you didn't establish anything
"By using a budget process called reconciliation, a theoretical Senate GOP majority could successfully vote to repeal the law with just 51 votes, rather than a filibuster-proof 60. Republicans need to pick up four seats to win control of the Senate, or three if Romney wins the White House."

McConnell: I'll repeal Obamacare as majority leader -

Ain't never gonna happen. If Mconnell really meant this then he is lying to the American people and should be ashamed. The SCOTUS could have rightly ruled but instead they, in my opinion, have further enslaved the American people to the federal government. The Obamacare decision and Dred Scoot both bad rulings on slavery, in my opinion.
McConnell has been running the Senate from a minority for the last six years. He just assumes that means his power will increase if he becomes Senate majority leader

This "freedom" and "liberty" thing as they pertain to health care is pretty shallow thinking.

What about my "freedom" to not to have to wait in the ER with my daughter behind people who flood the place because they have/can afford/can qualify for no other coverage? What about my "freedom" to not have to pay extra to businesses for products & services that cost more because that company is stuck with paying for their employees' health care? What about my "freedom" to start a business with some kind of health insurance if I have a pre-existing condition? What about my "freedom" to not pay MUCH higher medical costs in general to COVER the services provided those who can't get coverage?

I wonder how many people who shout about their "freedoms" like trained seals have actually spent a few precious moments to actually think this through. I'm not a fan of Obamacare for the most part either, but this two-dimensional thinking and sloganeering is getting old.

Your "freedoms" don't trump mine.

Indeed, Obamacare is massive, bloated fucking mess, but the system the Right is so eager to continue is also a disaster. Neither side of this argument has anything to brag about.


We needed Obamacare to stop that problem? I seriously doubt, if what you describe actually exists to that extent, Obamacare is going to stop it. Matter of fact it might make it worse. But maybe I am being pessimistic. Look how well medicaid and medicare run and fund themselves, I doubt there will be major problems funding Obamacare. Not as long as we hold a Chinese credit card.

The GOP has done a shitty job of offering a clear alternative that covers most people.

Right now it's too easy for the Dems to say "they want you to be on your own."

The GOP had their chance, oh well.


This "freedom" and "liberty" thing as they pertain to health care is pretty shallow thinking.

What about my "freedom" to not to have to wait in the ER with my daughter behind people who flood the place because they have/can afford/can qualify for no other coverage? What about my "freedom" to not have to pay extra to businesses for products & services that cost more because that company is stuck with paying for their employees' health care? What about my "freedom" to start a business with some kind of health insurance if I have a pre-existing condition? What about my "freedom" to not pay MUCH higher medical costs in general to COVER the services provided those who can't get coverage?

I wonder how many people who shout about their "freedoms" like trained seals have actually spent a few precious moments to actually think this through. I'm not a fan of Obamacare for the most part either, but this two-dimensional thinking and sloganeering is getting old.

Your "freedoms" don't trump mine.

Indeed, Obamacare is massive, bloated fucking mess, but the system the Right is so eager to continue is also a disaster. Neither side of this argument has anything to brag about.


We needed Obamacare to stop that problem? I seriously doubt, if what you describe actually exists to that extent, Obamacare is going to stop it. Matter of fact it might make it worse. But maybe I am being pessimistic. Look how well medicaid and medicare run and fund themselves, I doubt there will be major problems funding Obamacare. Not as long as we hold a Chinese credit card.

Obamacare will theoretically improve ER times, but I'm no fan of it either. Both parties have completely failed in working together to improve our health care system. Both parties have been an abject failure in this area.


This "freedom" and "liberty" thing as they pertain to health care is pretty shallow thinking.

What about my "freedom" to not to have to wait in the ER with my daughter behind people who flood the place because they have/can afford/can qualify for no other coverage? What about my "freedom" to not have to pay extra to businesses for products & services that cost more because that company is stuck with paying for their employees' health care? What about my "freedom" to start a business with some kind of health insurance if I have a pre-existing condition? What about my "freedom" to not pay MUCH higher medical costs in general to COVER the services provided those who can't get coverage?

I wonder how many people who shout about their "freedoms" like trained seals have actually spent a few precious moments to actually think this through. I'm not a fan of Obamacare for the most part either, but this two-dimensional thinking and sloganeering is getting old.

Your "freedoms" don't trump mine.

Indeed, Obamacare is massive, bloated fucking mess, but the system the Right is so eager to continue is also a disaster. Neither side of this argument has anything to brag about.


We needed Obamacare to stop that problem? I seriously doubt, if what you describe actually exists to that extent, Obamacare is going to stop it. Matter of fact it might make it worse. But maybe I am being pessimistic. Look how well medicaid and medicare run and fund themselves, I doubt there will be major problems funding Obamacare. Not as long as we hold a Chinese credit card.

Obamacare will theoretically improve ER times, but I'm no fan of it either. Both parties have completely failed in working together to improve our health care system. Both parties have been an abject failure in this area.


One party has failed at the working together thing. The Democrats have continued to reach out to the point of begging for the American people.

Repubs are just upset that they lose all of their arguments because they always end up on the wrong side of things.
good now the people in the 8% unemployed can cheer ANOTHER government run program we can't afford, and cheer all the NEW taxes coming their way compliments of this liar

Okay..we've established that you made a mistake in your post.

Well lets dig down a bit.

What lie?

you didn't establish anything

Sure I did. You posted that Obama said the election was just about Jobs. I posted the debates to illustrate that wasn't correct.

Hence..your post was incorrect.

But enough of that.

What lie?

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