McGovern Times Twelve In 2020: (Better Than Boehner On The GOP Cannabis Train!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary: Called "Oh Christ!" had proposed Equal daily amounts of pay in Matthew 20:1-16. Regardless if the laborers were young or old, disabled or fitness fables,--mostly just alive: At the end of the day there was the denarius, the Roman-era basis daily Living Wage.

Retiring Paul Ryan is mostly famous for Matthew 25:14-30 types of Keynesian usury arithmetic. Raises for the rich far exceeding the market capability to pay them, Then tax cuts for the rich to boot, then federal deficit spending to pay for it anyway. . .or any way. . .screaming, "No Way!"

There was a major bag of shit for twenty years, of one of those kinds of nation-states that get museums to offer loans of toilets made of solid gold.

So out of the mess that GOP White House is making--nuclear chicken, with a likely cartoon-level outcome--there is $1000 per month for every man, woman, and child at the Presidential Candidacy of an ambitious Democrat! Senator McGovern had only promised that much one time, or once per year.

Andrew Yang for President - Humanity First

Whether 'tis nobler to smell a Cannabis plant, or to smoke its leaves, or sprinkle it on the cereal, or bake it in the meat, or spread it on the lunch bread, or to take three or more tokes per meal for medicinal purposes: Then now apparently is House Speaker stuff, Boehner possibly expecting to recruit Paul Ryan.

There is nothing solid gold toilet now being proposed at DNC.

Money is for the market.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(A Market Place with Money to Replace Federal Deficit Spending! Hmmmm! Soon maybe put a Tonto costume on it, in trade for island real estate!)

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