McKayla Maroney Me Too


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2014
McKayla Maroney, gold winning Olympic gymnast, is suing USA Gymnastics which she alleges paid her off to keep her quiet about their team doctor sexually molesting her and other young girls under his care. She also claims that he had taken numerous photos of her (including during sex acts) which she believes he shared with other pedophiles. McKayla is not the only one. This pig is facing 7 charges as well as charges related to child pornography.

McKayla Maroney paid to keep quiet about abuse, lawsuit says - CNN

Olympic gold-medal-winning gymnast McKayla Maroney alleges in a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles on Wednesday that USA Gymnastics paid her to be quiet about abuse by the team's longtime doctor Larry Nassar.

The lawsuit in Los Angeles County Superior Court also names as defendants Michigan State University, the US Olympic Committee and Nassar, the former team doctor who has admitted sexually abusing underage girls.
MSU spokesman Jason Cody said the university does not comment on ongoing litigation. CNN is seeking comment from an attorney for Nassar and from the US Olympic Committee.
In a statement, USA Gymnastics said it learned about the suit from media reports and that "the concept of confidentiality was initiated by McKayla's attorney, not USA Gymnastics."

Ex-USA Gymnastics doctor sentenced to 60 years

USA Gymnastics said Maroney's attorney at the time, Gloria Allred, approached the organization about a confidential mediation process.
The doctor is obviously guilty... sentenced to 60 years......

On the other hand, both sides are guilty of keeping things "confidential".

Some people ( perhaps parents) probably thought keeping things confidential was the best thing for McKayla Maroney at the time.
This is more about the US Olympics Committee direct involvement in covering up and silencing those who knew about the crimes of Larry Nassar. They need to held accountable for their actions. Tear down the "old boys network."
Why is USA Gymnastics using money they collected through charitable means to pay hush money?
The doctor is obviously guilty... sentenced to 60 years......

On the other hand, both sides are guilty of keeping things "confidential".

Some people ( perhaps parents) probably thought keeping things confidential was the best thing for McKayla Maroney at the time.

It should be illegal to do that if there are any kind of abuse allegations. It's all about their "reputations." Same with the Catholic Church and their pedo scandals.
This is what McKayla's attorney has to say about the situation.

"In December of 2016, after suffering for years from psychological trauma of her sexual abuse at the hands of Nassar, and in need of funds to pay for psychological treatment," Maroney was forced to enter into a confidential agreement with USA Gymnastics, the lawsuit said.
John Manly, Maroney's attorney, called the confidentiality agreement "an immoral and illegal attempt to silence a victim of child sexual abuse."

"The US Olympic Committee and USA Gymnastics were well aware that the victim of child sexual abuse in California cannot be forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement as a condition of a settlement," he said in a statement. "Such agreements are illegal for very good reasons -- they silence victims and allow perpetrators to continue committing their crimes. That is exactly what happened in this case."
Nassar was the team physician for the Michigan State University gymnastics and women's crew teams as well as an associate professor at MSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine. He worked at MSU from 1997 to 2016 and served as the USA Gymnastics physician through four Olympic Games.
The suit said the gymnast "was forced to agree to a nondisparagement clause and confidentiality provision" as part of the settlement that held "a six-figure liquidated damages clause over the head of McKayla Maroney and her parents."

Maroney went public in October with allegations that Nassar repeatedly molested her, starting when she was 13 years old.

On her verified Twitter account, Maroney made the accusation under the "#MeToo" hashtag, saying that Nassar abused her under the guise of providing "medically necessary treatment." That "treatment" began when she was 13, continued during her stellar performance at the 2012 London Olympics and only ended when she left the sport in 2016, Maroney said.

"It seemed whenever and wherever this man could find the chance, I was 'treated.' It happened in London before my team and I won the gold medal, and it happened before I won my silver," she wrote.
At the time, USA Gymnastics issued a statement saying that it "admires the courage of those, like McKayla Maroney, who have come forward to share their personal experiences with sexual abuse."
"Because of their strength in coming forward, predators can be held accountable for their actions. We, like so many others, are outraged and disgusted by the conduct of which Larry Nassar is accused. We are sorry that any athlete has been harmed during her or his gymnastics career."

Gabby Douglas: US Olympic star alleges abuse

But the lawsuit alleges the confidentiality provision was forced upon Maroney so that "USAG could further conceal and shield from public scrutiny, outside investigation, and law enforcement, the true nature of Nassar's horrific sexual abuse of minors."

The suit alleged that USAG had "a plan to keep the sexual abuse of Nassar quiet, and allow Nassar to quietly leave USAG; further silencing his victims."

Maroney entered the settlement to "obtain funds necessary to pay for lifesaving psychological treatment and care," according to the lawsuit.
Heads need to roll at US Gymnastics

If they knew about it and did nothing, they need to resign

Who, in their right mind would contribute to US Gymnastics?
The confidentiality agreement to silence the victim of a crime is illegal and void ab initio. It cannot be used against her.
Heads need to roll at US Gymnastics

If they knew about it and did nothing, they need to resign

Who, in their right mind would contribute to US Gymnastics?
"U.S. Olympic Committee wants entire board of USA Gymnastics to resign by Wednesday or the organization will be decertified."

In apology, USOC CEO calls for resignation of entire USA Gymnastics board of directors

btw: This be by the coming/next Wednesday, I believe, as this statement was on Wednesday?
Or do they mean 2-days ago? Which would be better. They all need to be jailed. 2-days ago, now
and FFS Wednesday at the latest.
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He did vaginal exams to determine the rigors of gymnastics had not separated their hymen(sp)
How many parents and other parties in the know did nothing for pursuit of Gold
He did vaginal exams to determine the rigors of gymnastics had not separated their hymen(sp)
How many parents and other parties in the know did nothing for pursuit of Gold

Really, Dads may not be the first one a daughter talks to about the lillie kitty down below.
Gee? My Daughters have told me anythang/everthang they were unsure of, or did not know of etc
Hell,...If I did not know, I learned with them. Or I ask them about thangs. It's all in the training.
I told them all my mistakes and failures unvarnished. So they knew, and could say about me.
'Dang? My dad done worse. So I can clearly chat about this stuff in superiority as better,
than my dads screw-ups!.'. See how this works.

It's about comfort, removing their fears to speak freely. Again, it's in the training from young. But you are still
the parent. So, I told them both, you never need to lie, fear or feel ashamed about telling me thangs.
It's about respect. Get all the facts out, no matter what, allows me to help, protect and improve any place
you are/at in, your life, real facts matter. In our family relationship. Really works great.

But, moms/dads mostly in sports, driving their kids know everythang. Or should, at 17 and under
After the last 20 years of couches, priests, teachers treating themselves to our kids FFS!
There are no gods plans here, just parents failures to allow their kids to be abused. Or they could
care less about it, as they see $$$$$$ long term. etc...
Gee. As a mom who did not know, this is all YOUR failures as mothers TOTALLY!
You are The Worst mom's who ever gave birth. Pure EVIL MOMS, wanting to profit
off selling their kids pussy for CASH!

THESE LOSER MOMS need to go to jail, to men's jails, where they can be inspected
and probe.
Entire USA Gymnastics board to resign over sexual assault scandal Entire USA Gymnastics board to resign over sexual assault scandal

:asshole: 'S ALL! And I want MORE Heads on Spikes!

The common denominators in all of this was Nassar and USA Gymnastics. This was a terrible thing for many young ladies and justice needed to be served. At some point though, it becomes making victims of innocent parties to the crimes. No special number of resignations or sentences will take away the pain of the abuses. A healthier option at some point is forgiveness and moving forward in your own life.
Too bad we gave up drawing and quartering as too barbaric.

We need longer more painful solutions.
Can we come up with a plan to make this happen?

To me i think incarceration in solitary (they only way guys like this survive in prison) is a pretty damn severe punishment. We aren't talking about some gangbanger who's in for murder with the 3 hots, a cot, and the jail cred that goes with being in the game.

This is an educated guy who probably likes his creature comforts, now going to spend the next 20-40 years inside a cage. Who knows that if he ever gets into gen pop he is a dead man.

I wouldn't be surprised if he offs himself within 6 months. If he doesn't it just means he's more cowardly than we even thought and will rot in his cell.

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