MeadHallPirate, aye

Welcome back, MeadHallPirate. Hope you enjoy the boards after all this time away. :)

I went and found your other post from 2010. quite a few people said hello to you, but it's not clear to me that you knew it. :)

Your other post in 2010
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ahoy all,

this be a pretty huge port compared to whar i used to berth me vessel...a swabby could get here. this be me new home, i hope i can stay here fer a few years.


- MeadHallPirate

well, hello. you sure talk weird...but....well...
oro, se do bheatha 'bhaile...

that is about as far as my sea lingo extends

and repped.

i guess general jean humbert was OK, but he was more of a soldier than a sailor.
ahoy Freedombecki,

*takes off his hat and squints*

aye! well, i was lookin' fer me former officers, Imperator and Iamwhatiseem, fer they'd left me former vessel and wanted to give'm a hearfelt "wind at ye back".

i be a bit o'erwhelmed at how huge this place be, and be pokin' 'round to see how this enormous port 'o call be different from me old quarters.


- MeadHallPirate
ahoy Rheabloidheach,

ye have an unusual name, matey, but fankee fer yer welcome. i be workin' on me 15th post so i can be mightier. i still be a mere cabin boy at the moment.


- MeadHallPirate
good lawd

The 18th century called and it wants it's jargon back.

:welcome: anyways, we seem a tad short on crazy.
ahoy TwoThumbs,

thanks fer the welcome.

shiver me timbers!!!! that be an interestin' outfit ye have on.


- MeadHallPirate
avast ye Wolfsister,

"facts have a liberal bias".


thanks fer the welcome. thar be hundreds 'o sailors ondeck, imma still shocked at the size 'o this place.

- MeadHallPirate
ahoy Bobcollun,

thanks fer the welcome matey. i been scribin' me posts like this fer seven years, aye. it be the only way i can converse.


- MeadHallPirate
ahoy BobCollum,

i think it'll be okies, matey. 'tis just a friendly way to converse and exchange idears. thar be no spite or malice to me.

*points to the harbor and beyond*

'tis a big ocean, matey. thar be room fer everyone, aye?

*raises a mug 'o rum and cheers BobCollum*

- MeadHallPirate
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ahoy BobCollum,

'tis silly, thar be no doubt 'o that. if sillyness were keelhauled from political forums, though, the decks would be rather sparsely peopled, aye?

i respect yer take on things, matey. bein' a pirate be hard works, 'tis not fer everyone.

- MeadHallPirate

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