Meadows: FBI ‘coordinated leaks’ to media to justify bogus FISA warrants

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Damn, looks like the Republicans are actually starting to play HARD BALL! Now a few indictments before election and we can wrap this baby up!

Deep State: In a bombshell revelation, House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told Fox News‘ Laura Ingraham Thursday that the FBI “coordinated” leaks to the media in order to use them as justification for obtaining FISA court warrants on what appear to be false pretenses.

The FISA warrants, which were used to spy on minor 2016 Trump campaign figure Carter Page in an attempt to link him and Team Trump to a ‘Russian collusion’ narrative, were subsequently renewed three times after the initial warrant was issued in October 2016 — all of the renewals after POTUS Trump won the election.


The President's authority to declassify is absolute as Commander-In-Chief. While the bureaucracy is bound by Executive Orders from past administrations, it is only because the current Executive has permitted the EO to remain in force on the Federal Register, a sitting President's freedom of action is not bound by it. This is because the former Executive that issued that EO is no longer in office. This means that a direct order from a President to the bureaucracy supersedes any EO. As of right now there is no law passed by Congress, and signed by a President that restricts the President's authority to declassify, there are only EOs from Bush and Obama doing which only subordinates are to follow unless told otherwise.

If President Trump orders the declassification of any document it gets released unredacted and there's no recourse
Its time to call out the FISA not them and make them explain themselves.....if not you and your group can be next....

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