Meaning of life


VIP Member
Oct 26, 2014
Many futurologists predict the emergence of artificial intelligence in the future, in 100, 200 or more years. Then a new society will arise, where a person will not have to work to feed himself, unemployment and poverty will disappear, each person will be guaranteed a certain subsistence level.
People will no longer engage in science and art, instead they will make the machine: to make scientific discoveries and create works of art.
From this it follows that the creation of artificial intelligence should be the meaning of life for all people.
In the United States, the BRAIN Initiative is the study of the human brain. If I had an extra billion dollars, I would have invested it in this project.
Many years ago, there was a movie called Rollerball. Scifi, dystopian society, but all I remember is the AI lost all of Shakespeare. This is unacceptable. Never trust a machine. Ever.
AI will NEVER replace the human mind, which is a blend of intellect and passion, and sometimes empathy.
I can see us being lulled by the technology into believing it is better than us. Less prone to "accidents." That may be true, but i'm with you, at least as far as my preference.
Seems like in terms of the meaning of life... its something, as an individual, we are each blessed with determining for ourselves. Oppression, famine, war, etc. couldn't dictate the fervor in which you decide to grant your mores - despite the illusion sometimes being there. The En Vogue lyric comes to mind, "free your mind, and the rest will follow."
AI will NEVER replace the human mind, which is a blend of intellect and passion, and sometimes empathy.
I can see us being lulled by the technology into believing it is better than us. Less prone to "accidents." That may be true, but i'm with you, at least as far as my preference.
AI and robotics will be extremely useful servants, but we must maintain the “master” role in our technology-driven relationships.
Cogito ergo sum

I think therefore I am

When we as human beings cease to think, to create, to compose we shall cease to exist
Funny that no one mentioned the Monty Python movie before me.

If I didn't, one of the resident trolls would have.

In virtually every other thread on this subject, they have.

In my view, life has only the meaning we give to it and or any meaning that we might allow ourselves to embrace.
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Many futurologists predict the emergence of artificial intelligence in the future, in 100, 200 or more years. Then a new society will arise, where a person will not have to work to feed himself, unemployment and poverty will disappear, each person will be guaranteed a certain subsistence level.
People will no longer engage in science and art, instead they will make the machine: to make scientific discoveries and create works of art.
From this it follows that the creation of artificial intelligence should be the meaning of life for all people.
In the United States, the BRAIN Initiative is the study of the human brain. If I had an extra billion dollars, I would have invested it in this project.
Let’s convince them they’ve committed some original sin so they’ll worship us
Read the book Illusions by Richard Bach
-that was sort of my "Come to Jesus" moment years ago.

The meaning of life is to come on USMB every day?

What on earth did we do before it?

¿Meaning of life?

Yesterday it was:
"Always be Yourself, Unless You Can Be a Unicorn, Then Always Be a Unicorn."

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Many futurologists predict the emergence of artificial intelligence in the future, in 100, 200 or more years. Then a new society will arise, where a person will not have to work to feed himself, unemployment and poverty will disappear, each person will be guaranteed a certain subsistence level.
People will no longer engage in science and art, instead they will make the machine: to make scientific discoveries and create works of art.
From this it follows that the creation of artificial intelligence should be the meaning of life for all people.
In the United States, the BRAIN Initiative is the study of the human brain. If I had an extra billion dollars, I would have invested it in this project.

Futurists always get the future very wrong in the most key ways. A century ago they predicted that the industrial revolution would free man that he would only need to work a 30 hour week. Instead we work harder than ever now and for less. AI isn't 100-200 years away, it is more like only 10-20 years away, at least in its infancy. Then it won't free man from the need to work, it will put man OUT of work, unable to find jobs with massive unemployment. Then man will find himself in the unenviable position of both competing with machines all the while both serving them and building them---- that is, until they learn to build themselves.

Man suffers at the hand of mankind-- -- -- nearly every problem humankind faces today and has faced throughout history was brought to us created-- -- -- by man. War, suffering, and ultimately, servitude to the very machines we created. The signs of it are all around us today! We thought that computers would serve us to free man, instead they are being used to try to make us more like machines. Our slightest "inefficiency" is now tracked by employers and government alike using computers. In the end, perhaps the destiny of all intelligent biological species, we become obsolete by our own choice, to the machine. Machines that don't need sleep, vacation, healthcare, benefits, pay or time off. The perfect employee and ultimately, our eventual employer.
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AI will NEVER replace the human mind, which is a blend of intellect and passion, and sometimes empathy.
I can see us being lulled by the technology into believing it is better than us. Less prone to "accidents." That may be true, but i'm with you, at least as far as my preference.
AI and robotics will be extremely useful servants, but we must maintain the “master” role in our technology-driven relationships.
Got any hints? Is a chain as strong as its weakest ink?
Seems like in terms of the meaning of life... its something, as an individual, we are each blessed with determining for ourselves. Oppression, famine, war, etc. couldn't dictate the fervor in which you decide to grant your mores - despite the illusion sometimes being there. The En Vogue lyric comes to mind, "free your mind, and the rest will follow."
What is real freedom? Do you accept anything?
Many futurologists predict the emergence of artificial intelligence in the future, in 100, 200 or more years. Then a new society will arise, where a person will not have to work to feed himself, unemployment and poverty will disappear, each person will be guaranteed a certain subsistence level.
People will no longer engage in science and art, instead they will make the machine: to make scientific discoveries and create works of art.
From this it follows that the creation of artificial intelligence should be the meaning of life for all people.
In the United States, the BRAIN Initiative is the study of the human brain. If I had an extra billion dollars, I would have invested it in this project.
Do you already have a brain? Do you want to replace it? Try studying philosophy, psychology, NLP and the bible.
Cogito ergo sum

I think therefore I am

When we as human beings cease to think, to create, to compose we shall cease to exist
If you are alive and aware and think you are thinking are you not thinking? Of relevance are ideas like The Prime Mover and Whos line is it anyway? I do agree that we should not share with A.I. It is D.O.A.
Anyone who considers humanity and technology as two separate things is missing the point.
Funny that no one mentioned the Monty Python movie before me.

If I didn't, one of the resident trolls would have.

In virtually every other thread on this subject, they have.

In my view, life has only the meaning we give to it and or any meaning that we might allow ourselves to embrace.
If everything is subjective, is there always a better way? Did you settle on any ideas? How do you adapt in changing times?

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