Meanwhile, Saudis shot down Iran Drone


Saudi Arabia: Iran backed Houthi drone intercepted, shrapnel wounds 12

You think Iran is bad now? Just wait. Wait until the Biden Administration re-enters the JCPOA in the weeks ahead. Wait until Iran gets billions of dollars worth of sanctions relief, that it will use to further fund it’s malign terror activities in the Middle East and beyond. Iran must be stopped. Watch the new video from the Israeli Defense Forces below.

OP comment: Iran is still the number one regional threat. Thanks to Biden we no longer have a major base nearby.

Exposing the terrorist state of Israel's crimes against humanity isn't being anti-semitic. .... :cool-45:

Go suck a camel's dick you Nazi Jew-hater.
Thread topic:

Saudi Arabia: Iran backed Houthi drone intercepted, shrapnel wounds 12

You think Iran is bad now? Just wait. Wait until the Biden Administration re-enters the JCPOA in the weeks ahead. Wait until Iran gets billions of dollars worth of sanctions relief, that it will use to further fund it’s malign terror activities in the Middle East and beyond. Iran must be stopped. Watch the new video from the Israeli Defense Forces below.

OP comment: Iran is still the number one regional threat. Thanks to Biden we no longer have a major base nearby.
Biden is pursuing a dangerous policy of appeasement with the Iranian regime

In general, there exist two distinct approaches for dealing with the Iranian regime. There is the easy, but ultimately dangerous method, which involves submitting to the demands of the leaders in Tehran and placating them. And there is the effective path, which involves pressuring the Islamic Republic and holding it accountable for its violations and defiance.

Unfortunately, it appears that the administration of US President Joe Biden has chosen to take the easy but dangerous path. It seems to be appeasing Iran’s leaders in an effort to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran nuclear deal.

This appeasement has come in different forms. The administration first told the Iranian leaders that not only it is willing to lift nuclear-related sanctions, but that it is also considering lifting non-nuclear-related sanctions.

This was followed by the first concession toward Iran’s proxy militia group, the Houthis. Even as the evidence — including a report by the UN — showed that the Iranian regime was delivering sophisticated weapons to the Houthis in Yemen, the Biden administration suspended some of the anti-terrorism sanctions on the Houthis that the Trump administration had imposed. Soon after, the Biden administration revoked the designation of the Houthis as a terrorist group.

In addition, in June 2021 the Biden administration lifted sanctions on three Iranian former officials and several energy companies. Then, in a blow to the Iranian people and advocates of democracy and human rights — just a few days after the Iranian regime hand-picked Ebrahim Raisi to be its next president — the Biden administration announced that it was also considering lifting sanctions against Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

You're pitiful, kid.

I am 56 years old you punkass coward Nazi bitch
I thou
Biden is pursuing a dangerous policy of appeasement with the Iranian regime

In general, there exist two distinct approaches for dealing with the Iranian regime. There is the easy, but ultimately dangerous method, which involves submitting to the demands of the leaders in Tehran and placating them. And there is the effective path, which involves pressuring the Islamic Republic and holding it accountable for its violations and defiance.

Unfortunately, it appears that the administration of US President Joe Biden has chosen to take the easy but dangerous path. It seems to be appeasing Iran’s leaders in an effort to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran nuclear deal.

This appeasement has come in different forms. The administration first told the Iranian leaders that not only it is willing to lift nuclear-related sanctions, but that it is also considering lifting non-nuclear-related sanctions.

This was followed by the first concession toward Iran’s proxy militia group, the Houthis. Even as the evidence — including a report by the UN — showed that the Iranian regime was delivering sophisticated weapons to the Houthis in Yemen, the Biden administration suspended some of the anti-terrorism sanctions on the Houthis that the Trump administration had imposed. Soon after, the Biden administration revoked the designation of the Houthis as a terrorist group.

In addition, in June 2021 the Biden administration lifted sanctions on three Iranian former officials and several energy companies. Then, in a blow to the Iranian people and advocates of democracy and human rights — just a few days after the Iranian regime hand-picked Ebrahim Raisi to be its next president — the Biden administration announced that it was also considering lifting sanctions against Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

I am 56 years old you punkass coward Nazi bitch
You were a teenager
Anytime there is chaos, conflict, social disruption, or war in the Middle East.
Just scratch the surface a little and you'll find a jew Mossad agent behind the scene organizing and funding the event on behalf of Israel. .... :cool-45:
Jawhol! It is always the Jews at work manipulating the world. Kommen Sie zur Besinnung.
Thats a pretty strong argumement that Israel is buying Iran oil

which only suggests that the Israelis are as fallible as everyone else

but the benefit to the islamic guard pales beside the aid that obama, biden and merkle have provided

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