Media and its hatred of America

What people are being killed????????????????????????????
You really haven't heard that people have been killed in the riots ? :puhleeze:

Neither have I. You'll have to provide me with some ink on that claim. While I don't condone property destruction in any form, the bulk of the protests have been peaceful. You get a couple of muckrakers stirring up trouble and everything goes to pot. But I have my suspicions there as well. Umbrella Man has already been outed as a white supremacist starting trouble in Minnesota. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this were the case at other protests. That is the right wings MO.
see post # 17
no--they haven't been peaceful
The opening of the AG Barr shows the World how the media, CNN and MSNBC hate America , as people are being killed, house burnt personellProperty and GovementProperty destroy they say its peaceful protest and thier is nothing wrong with it what a fricking Joke even if your Black ya cannot believe that
What people are being killed????????????????????????????
Check the actual Hospital reports of Deaths of People that were not allowed service under Obama/Biden care that died in the first year in the US because they could not afford the health service they desperately needed its on Public record
Bullshit! Obamacare ACA saved my Sister's life. Medicare & VA saved my Dad's life 3 times.
3 times????!!!!!!!!
and so what Twitter is a Democrate Owened Company what do yo expect but that is a freedom of speech violation abainst the US constiturion mabe AG Barr should bring them to a Federal court and let America see justice
The opening of the AG Barr shows the World how the media, CNN and MSNBC hate America , as people are being killed, house burnt personellProperty and GovementProperty destroy they say its peaceful protest and thier is nothing wrong with it what a fricking Joke even if your Black ya cannot believe that
What people are being killed????????????????????????????
Check the actual Hospital reports of Deaths of People that were not allowed service under Obama/Biden care that died in the first year in the US because they could not afford the health service they desperately needed its on Public record
Bullshit! Obamacare ACA saved my Sister's life. Medicare & VA saved my Dad's life 3 times.
And to think we don't even need doctors
Neither have I. You'll have to provide me with some ink on that claim. While I don't condone property destruction in any form, the bulk of the protests have been peaceful. You get a couple of muckrakers stirring up trouble and everything goes to pot. But I have my suspicions there as well. Umbrella Man has already been outed as a white supremacist starting trouble in Minnesota. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this were the case at other protests. That is the right wings MO.
"CLAIM!!!!!!" you call solid facts of the past 2 months a "CLAIM" ?
Have you been living in a closet for the past 2 months ? Folks, this is what you get when people watch liberal distortion and OMISSION media. This Airhead (if he isn't lying) actually is unaware that dozens of people have been killed in the 2020 post George Floyd death rioting. Can they really be THIS ignorant ?


And you are stupid enough to believe the white supremacist myth ? Wow. Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

"the bulk of the protests have been peaceful" ? HA HA HA HA

Liberals will say anything. I mean ANYTHING.

Do you have any legitimate media source that can back up your bullshit claims? Other than the alt-right examples you've posted here.
Umbrella Man has been outed and I have no doubt that right wingers are the instigators of a lot of stirring up of the crowds.
You want to know where the violence is coming from. Look no further than those jackbooted government "agencies" and the right wing muckrackers.
Do you have any legitimate media source that can back up your bullshit claims? Other than the alt-right examples you've posted here.
Umbrella Man has been outed and I have no doubt that right wingers are the instigators of a lot of stirring up of the crowds.
You want to know where the violence is coming from. Look no further than those jackbooted government "agencies" and the right wing muckrackers.
How fucken stupid are you ? YOu actually get in this forum and BULLSHIT yoiur ass off, pretending that you don't know about people getting killed ? You're a FUCKEN LIAR, and a cheap 2 bit SCUMBAG, who is representitive of the cause of all this tragedy, deaths, sadness sorrow.

You are a lucky bastard that this is just a computer forum, or if I were right next to you now, I'd be inclined beat the fuck out of you. I wouldn't let you go until every bone in your pathetic body was broken, you fucken worthless trashbag.

As for "umbrella man" who the fuck is that ? More of your liberal brainwashing trash ?

NO, the violence is NOT coming from the local police and the federal police. It's coming from YOU and your filthy thugs in the street, who should have bayonets in their faces, like the ones that got that from US Army troops, sent to Little Rock Arkansas, in 1957, by President Eisenhower.

So now with one little wave of your idiotic INVALIDATION CARD, you think you can get way with invalidating the sources of the links I posted, huh ? HA HA HA HA. ASSHOLE! That means you're saying the content is false.

And where do you think the TRUTH is going to come from ? The same lying, leftist media that my links have exposed ? You think THEY will tell the truth? They are the problem. Which one of them do YOU work for ?

MORON: Everybody KNOWS IT'S TRUE. This is established solid, It's not an issue for debate. Even the liberal slush pumps have already conceded the violence. So what are we doing here, then ? You need VIDEOS ? Is that your game ? They're all over the internet, you ASSCLOWN.

All you've done here is show the forum what a total fucken :lame2:BRAIN IDIOT you are/
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Do you have any legitimate media source that can back up your bullshit claims? Other than the alt-right examples you've posted here.
Umbrella Man has been outed and I have no doubt that right wingers are the instigators of a lot of stirring up of the crowds.
You want to know where the violence is coming from. Look no further than those jackbooted government "agencies" and the right wing muckrackers.
How fucken stupid are you ? YOu actually get in this forum and BULLSHIT yoiur ass off, pretending that you don't know about people getting killed ? You're a FUCKEN LIAR, and a cheap 2 bit SCUMBAG, who is representitive of the cause of all this tragedy, deaths, sadness sorrow.

You are a lucky bastard that this is just a computer forum, or if I were right next to you now, I'd be inclined beat the fuck out of you. I wouldn't let you go until every bone in your pathetic body was broken, you fucken worthless trashbag.

As for "umbrella man" who the fuck is that ? More of your liberal brainwashing trash ?

No the violence is not coming from the local police and the federal police. It's coming from YOU and your filthy thigs in the street who should have bayonets in their faces, like the ones that got that from US Army troops, sent to Little Rock Arkansas, in 1957, by President Eisenhower.

So now with one little wave of your idiotic INVALIDATION CARD, you think you can get way with invalidating the sources of the links I posted, huh ? HA HA HA HA. ASSHOLE! That means you're saying the content is false. MORON: Everybody KNOWS IT'S TRUE. This is established solid, It's not an issue for debate. Even the liberal slush pumps have already conceded the violence. So what are we doing here, then ? You need VIDEOS ? Is that your game ? They're all over the internet, you ASSCLOWN.

All you've done here is show the forum what a total fucken :lame2:BRAIN IDIOT you are/

OOOOOOH. Keyboard commando and a tough guy to boot. Someone calls you out on your crap...and you crap yourself.
You right wingers really do live in your own comfortable bubble of reality don't you? The DOJ under Barr is sending these "agencies" in
under the guise of law and order. But the only thing they do is cause conflict. Dictatorships pull this crap. But I understand you're OK
with totalitarianism.

You're an angry little minion. I take comfort in knowing the days of your ilk are just about over.

Oh yeah..Umbrella Man...unmasked.
OOOOOOH. Keyboard commando and a tough guy to boot. Someone calls you out on your crap...and you crap yourself.
You right wingers really do live in your own comfortable bubble of reality don't you? The DOJ under Barr is sending these "agencies" in
under the guise of law and order. But the only thing they do is cause conflict. Dictatorships pull this crap. But I understand you're OK
with totalitarianism.

You're an angry little minion. I take comfort in knowing the days of your ilk are just about over.

Oh yeah..Umbrella Man...unmasked.
All you can do is come in here and lie and make a FOOL OUT IF YOURSELF, while I simultaneously post the video proof of your dishonesty & IDIOCY. Hey, you want to demean yourself ? No law against that. Keep going, faggot boy.

As for comfort. HA HA HA. Your phony polls can give you that, up until Biden gets shredded in the debate. Zero chance for Hiden' Biden.
The opening of the AG Barr shows the World how the media, CNN and MSNBC hate America , as people are being killed, house burnt personellProperty and GovementProperty destroy they say its peaceful protest and thier is nothing wrong with it what a fricking Joke even if your Black ya cannot believe that
The only people that I know who hate America are the younger supporters of Trump who hate blacks, Jews, Hispanics,
Muslims, and anybody else who is not born in the U.S. of A. You show your true colors every day.
Do you have any legitimate media source that can back up your bullshit claims? Other than the alt-right examples you've posted here.
Umbrella Man has been outed and I have no doubt that right wingers are the instigators of a lot of stirring up of the crowds.
You want to know where the violence is coming from. Look no further than those jackbooted government "agencies" and the right wing muckrackers.
How fucken stupid are you ? YOu actually get in this forum and BULLSHIT yoiur ass off, pretending that you don't know about people getting killed ? You're a FUCKEN LIAR, and a cheap 2 bit SCUMBAG, who is representitive of the cause of all this tragedy, deaths, sadness sorrow.

You are a lucky bastard that this is just a computer forum, or if I were right next to you now, I'd be inclined beat the fuck out of you. I wouldn't let you go until every bone in your pathetic body was broken, you fucken worthless trashbag.

As for "umbrella man" who the fuck is that ? More of your liberal brainwashing trash ?

NO, the violence is NOT coming from the local police and the federal police. It's coming from YOU and your filthy thugs in the street, who should have bayonets in their faces, like the ones that got that from US Army troops, sent to Little Rock Arkansas, in 1957, by President Eisenhower.

So now with one little wave of your idiotic INVALIDATION CARD, you think you can get way with invalidating the sources of the links I posted, huh ? HA HA HA HA. ASSHOLE! That means you're saying the content is false.

And where do you think the TRUTH is going to come from ? The same lying, leftist media that my links have exposed ? You think THEY will tell the truth? They are the problem. Which one of them do YOU work for ?

MORON: Everybody KNOWS IT'S TRUE. This is established solid, It's not an issue for debate. Even the liberal slush pumps have already conceded the violence. So what are we doing here, then ? You need VIDEOS ? Is that your game ? They're all over the internet, you ASSCLOWN.

All you've done here is show the forum what a total fucken :lame2:BRAIN IDIOT you are/
This rant has all the earmarks and signs of a purely propaganda brainwashed misinformed individual. Even normally intelligent people can be influenced and led by professional propagandists using emotionally charged techniques.
Do you have any legitimate media source that can back up your bullshit claims? Other than the alt-right examples you've posted here.
Umbrella Man has been outed and I have no doubt that right wingers are the instigators of a lot of stirring up of the crowds.
You want to know where the violence is coming from. Look no further than those jackbooted government "agencies" and the right wing muckrackers.
No need to ask. All I provided are truth-teller legitimate sources, including videos., which refute lie-teller leftist media bullshit.

Seeing is believing, even for Jackass of No Brains. :biggrin:
This rant has all the earmarks and signs of a purely propaganda brainwashed misinformed individual. Even normally intelligent people can be influenced and led by professional propagandists using emotionally charged techniques.
Yeah ? And what do these videos/links have all the earmarks and signs of ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll provide the answer, They are signs of the TRUTH, and just the right antidote to the lying leftist media, foolishly trying to pass off the riots as peaceful. You too ? HA HA HA HA.

Media continue to pretend Portland riots are 'mostly peaceful'
Rarely is this much effort put into covering up a public event to keep people in the dark.

VICTOR JOECKS: The media’s insane whitewashing of Portland’s violence
If the media covered pandemics like they do the Portland riots, the coronavirus wouldn’t be dominating the headlines.

Media Falsely Claimed Violent Riots Were Peaceful And That Tear Gas Was Used Against Rioters
The media glommed onto the narrative that Trump was a monster who tear-gassed peaceful protesters to do something meaningless. None of that was true.

In First Weekend, Looting Damage In 20 Big Cities Exceeded $400 Million
'We hope that those businesses that experienced looting and damage will be able to bounce back, but we know that some will not make it,' said Peterson.

Riots, Violent Crime, ‘Defund Police’ Push Surged In June. Gun Sales Exploded To All-Time High, FBI Data Suggests.
The number of FBI background checks conducted last month for people attempting to purchase firearms shattered the previous all-time record, and experts say the surge in gun sales was directly tied to current events rocking the United States. “The new coronavirus pandemic, civil unrest after the...
Do you have any legitimate media source that can back up your bullshit claims? Other than the alt-right examples you've posted here.
Umbrella Man has been outed and I have no doubt that right wingers are the instigators of a lot of stirring up of the crowds.
You want to know where the violence is coming from. Look no further than those jackbooted government "agencies" and the right wing muckrackers.
No need to ask. All I provided are truth-teller legitimate sources, including videos., which refute lie-teller leftist media bullshit.

Seeing is believing, even for Jackass of No Brains. :biggrin:

No you didn't. You provided alt-right sources that have an agenda. And no credibility. And none of them take responsibility for the lies and propaganda they parrot.
The reason these agencies have been sent to these Democrat run cities is to intentionally cause conflict that will scare white suburban voters into backing Trump.
And I have no doubt that most of the violence is instigated by right wing supporters. Get one agitator to start breaking things and people start with the mob mentality.

Dictators and fascists pull this crap. And it's sad and disgusting to me that you buy into. It's un-American.

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