Media Claims 'Largely Peaceful Protest' in Atlanta, Mayor Quickly Demolishes That

Yea, if you say so.

The American people made their choice, we can choose again in 2yrs.

How convenient.
1) yep
2) true, but thankfully we have midterms to give the gop back the house…not to mention it’s starting to loom like xiden will be removed from. office due to his crimes
3) yes it makes things easier not to read every post
2) true, but thankfully we have midterms to give the gop back the house…not to mention it’s starting to loom like xiden will be removed from. office due to his crimes.
Let's see what they do with it. If he is guilty of committing a crime then he should be removed. Too bad you didn't feel that way about your Orange God.
3) yes it makes things easier not to read every post
Or it makes it easier to claim that you haven't read the racist posts or the posts where they have made Babbit a martyr.

Let's see what they do with it. If he is guilty of committing a crime then he should be removed. Too bad you didn't feel that way about your Orange God.

Or it makes it easier to claim that you haven't read the racist posts or the posts where they have made Babbit a martyr.
if trump committed a high crime or misdemeanor i would support his removal…he just didn’t…you all spent four years and only came up with Adam Shifty parody

it’s racist to claim she’s a hero?? wow
The working class?

Most of the leaders and people with time to do this shit come from not the working class, but from the despised bourgeoise.

The working class typically doesn't have the class consciousness to lead, thus the need for a vanguard party, theoretically led by the higher levels of the proletariat, but more often consisting of dissatisfied bourgeoise
Beginning in 2020, mostly peaceful is the non-offensive way to say violent ... unless it's January 6.
Joey Xiden denied even the existence of this demafasict terrorist group. Protecting the brownshirts til the end

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