Media Focus On Police Shootings, Ignore Homicide Victims


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn’s viral moment from 2014 regarding shootings in his city caught the country’s attention. He passionately hit on all the right points and called out the media for its witch hunt on the police. Six years later, Chief Flynn’s video deserves to go viral again as his message is even more relevant today as it shatters the Left’s growing anti-police narrative.

Flynn grabbed the media’s attention in his completely off-the-cuff speech. The reporters couldn’t keep the shocked looks off their faces. The press were thirsty for an anti-police headline but Chief Flynn served them up some truth.

They had been owned and humiliated for not caring about a five-year-old girl who was shot in the head while sitting on her dad’s lap.

Just like today in Minneapolis, it was a tense time for Milwaukee Police Department. An officer had been involved in a fatal shooting of Dontre Hamilton, a Black man. Flynn fired the officer involved, but the union was appealing that decision to the board.

During a Fire and Police Commission meeting, Flynn received notification of the child’s shooting. He looked at his phone so he could learn more. Then, a reporter accused the Chief of being disrespectful for checking his phone.

That’s when Flynn set them straight and called out their hypocrisy.

“Well, I was on my phone and yes, that’s true,” Flynn said as he was about to drop a bomb on the reporters.

“I was following developments with a 5-year-old little girl sitting on her dad’s lap who just got shot in the head by a drive-by shooting. And if some of the people here gave a good goddamn about the victimization of people in this community by crime, I’d take some of their invective more seriously.”

Flynn pointed out how the media was completely obsessed with officer-involved shootings. Even though the department was holding the officer responsible, it still wasn’t enough for the headline hungry reporters.

He called them to the mat for not knowing anything about other victims of shootings.

“Now they know all about the last three people that have been killed by the Milwaukee Police Department over the course of the last several years,” Flynn passionately told the crowd. “There’s not one of them who can name one of the last three homicide victims we’ve had in this city.”

The reporter’s faces completely changed as Flynn continued. They looked not only shocked but embarrassed as he continued holding their feet to the fire for unbalanced reporting

“We’re going up there and there’s a bunch of cops processing a scene of a dead kid, and they’re the ones who are going to be out there patrolling and stopping suspects that may have guns under the front seats. They’re the ones that are going to take the risks to their lives to try to clean this thing up,” Flynn said.

Police Chief Flynn has retired since this video garnered millions of views. But, his speech is still a very important one.

Flynn was right then and now. The Left and their adoring media are all over a guy who is killed by the police but virtually ignore the black people killed by someone else. Which is mostly another black person, around 90% of black homicides are committed by a black person. Where's the concern about that in the media? Why do you think that is? Is it merely "let's blame the white cop, who probably votes for the GOP anyway"?

Democrats have been running our major cities for decades, true? For the most part anyway, and what do we have to show for it? Black guys getting killed by white cops who have numerous complaints against them but are still on the force. After all this time, where's the justice?
Police officers have a sworn duty to protect. It is what the public expects and provides them some comfort. When they abuse this then it will always be headline news. Murder is reported but it is seldom front page news unless the person was famous or a really unusual murder. You can only read so much when roughly 15,000 people are murder in a year every year. People become desensitized to it. The police arrest if they have a suspect. Person is put on Trial. IF found guilty goes to jail. System generally works. the way it was set up to work

Black on Black murders is not a headline news. No more so that White on White, Asian on Asian, Hispanic on Hispanic. But when a police offers cause a death due to inappropriate behavior then it is front page news.

Since 2005, 98 non federal law enforcement officers have been arrested in connection with fatal, on-duty shootings, according to the Police Integrity Research Group’s data. To date, only 35 of these officers have been convicted of a crime, often a lesser offense such as manslaughter or negligent homicide, rather than murder.

That's is a very low number compared to the total number of murders. thus when Policemen do it and there is a video of it then it becomes a cause. Any murder caught on tape will probably garner some headline news because it is has been recorded.
Police officers have a sworn duty to protect. It is what the public expects and provides them some comfort. When they abuse this then it will always be headline news. Murder is reported but it is seldom front page news unless the person was famous or a really unusual murder. You can only read so much when roughly 15,000 people are murder in a year every year. People become desensitized to it. The police arrest if they have a suspect. Person is put on Trial. IF found guilty goes to jail. System generally works. the way it was set up to work

Black on Black murders is not a headline news. No more so that White on White, Asian on Asian, Hispanic on Hispanic. But when a police offers cause a death due to inappropriate behavior then it is front page news.

Since 2005, 98 non federal law enforcement officers have been arrested in connection with fatal, on-duty shootings, according to the Police Integrity Research Group’s data. To date, only 35 of these officers have been convicted of a crime, often a lesser offense such as manslaughter or negligent homicide, rather than murder.

That's is a very low number compared to the total number of murders. thus when Policemen do it and there is a video of it then it becomes a cause. Any murder caught on tape will probably garner some headline news because it is has been recorded.

Where's the MSM outrage for that 5-year old little girl? Shouldn't there be somebody demonstrating about that? Do black lives matter less if the black person was killed by a cop instead of another black person in a drive-by shooting?

A murder does not have to be made front page news outside of a celebrity or a police misconduct, but you would think somebody would mention the fact that blacks killed by cops are far less that blacks killed by somebody else. When people like the Minneapolis City Council start talking about disbanding the police force, how many times did we see the MSM pointing out the disparity? Nothing wrong with emphasizing the misconduct, but where's the blame for the people that allowed the bad cop to stay on the police force for so long? And where's the blame on the democratic leadership in blue cities and states that have done nothing for decades about the problem? Can't have that, can we? Speak no evil on the democrats, right? Nope, blame it all on the white cop.
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the media has been trying to start a race war for years
most in the media are just too clueless to recognise the nature of who it is pulling their strings
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Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn’s viral moment from 2014 regarding shootings in his city caught the country’s attention. He passionately hit on all the right points and called out the media for its witch hunt on the police. Six years later, Chief Flynn’s video deserves to go viral again as his message is even more relevant today as it shatters the Left’s growing anti-police narrative.

Flynn grabbed the media’s attention in his completely off-the-cuff speech. The reporters couldn’t keep the shocked looks off their faces. The press were thirsty for an anti-police headline but Chief Flynn served them up some truth.

They had been owned and humiliated for not caring about a five-year-old girl who was shot in the head while sitting on her dad’s lap.

Just like today in Minneapolis, it was a tense time for Milwaukee Police Department. An officer had been involved in a fatal shooting of Dontre Hamilton, a Black man. Flynn fired the officer involved, but the union was appealing that decision to the board.

During a Fire and Police Commission meeting, Flynn received notification of the child’s shooting. He looked at his phone so he could learn more. Then, a reporter accused the Chief of being disrespectful for checking his phone.

That’s when Flynn set them straight and called out their hypocrisy.

“Well, I was on my phone and yes, that’s true,” Flynn said as he was about to drop a bomb on the reporters.

“I was following developments with a 5-year-old little girl sitting on her dad’s lap who just got shot in the head by a drive-by shooting. And if some of the people here gave a good goddamn about the victimization of people in this community by crime, I’d take some of their invective more seriously.”

Flynn pointed out how the media was completely obsessed with officer-involved shootings. Even though the department was holding the officer responsible, it still wasn’t enough for the headline hungry reporters.

He called them to the mat for not knowing anything about other victims of shootings.

“Now they know all about the last three people that have been killed by the Milwaukee Police Department over the course of the last several years,” Flynn passionately told the crowd. “There’s not one of them who can name one of the last three homicide victims we’ve had in this city.”

The reporter’s faces completely changed as Flynn continued. They looked not only shocked but embarrassed as he continued holding their feet to the fire for unbalanced reporting

“We’re going up there and there’s a bunch of cops processing a scene of a dead kid, and they’re the ones who are going to be out there patrolling and stopping suspects that may have guns under the front seats. They’re the ones that are going to take the risks to their lives to try to clean this thing up,” Flynn said.

Police Chief Flynn has retired since this video garnered millions of views. But, his speech is still a very important one.

Flynn was right then and now. The Left and their adoring media are all over a guy who is killed by the police but virtually ignore the black people killed by someone else. Which is mostly another black person, around 90% of black homicides are committed by a black person. Where's the concern about that in the media? Why do you think that is? Is it merely "let's blame the white cop, who probably votes for the GOP anyway"?

Democrats have been running our major cities for decades, true? For the most part anyway, and what do we have to show for it? Black guys getting killed by white cops who have numerous complaints against them but are still on the force. After all this time, where's the justice?

Blacks murdering blacks is like wads of cash in democrat politicians' pockets. The constant state of low intensity warfare in cities across America maintains the eternal need for democratic party intervention to "save" the poor colored folk, but not from themselves or horrible cultures, from evil white people. That's the Black Lies Mantra: blame an entire race of people for the violence and generational malaise of another. Tell you what, if we ended the democratic party and all its enabling social programs today inner-city American blacks would be doing better by dawn tomorrow. Instead democrat politicians continue to get away with, year after year, generation after generation, the overt oppression of poor black Americans.
Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn’s viral moment from 2014 regarding shootings in his city caught the country’s attention. He passionately hit on all the right points and called out the media for its witch hunt on the police. Six years later, Chief Flynn’s video deserves to go viral again as his message is even more relevant today as it shatters the Left’s growing anti-police narrative.

Flynn grabbed the media’s attention in his completely off-the-cuff speech. The reporters couldn’t keep the shocked looks off their faces. The press were thirsty for an anti-police headline but Chief Flynn served them up some truth.

They had been owned and humiliated for not caring about a five-year-old girl who was shot in the head while sitting on her dad’s lap.

Just like today in Minneapolis, it was a tense time for Milwaukee Police Department. An officer had been involved in a fatal shooting of Dontre Hamilton, a Black man. Flynn fired the officer involved, but the union was appealing that decision to the board.

During a Fire and Police Commission meeting, Flynn received notification of the child’s shooting. He looked at his phone so he could learn more. Then, a reporter accused the Chief of being disrespectful for checking his phone.

That’s when Flynn set them straight and called out their hypocrisy.

“Well, I was on my phone and yes, that’s true,” Flynn said as he was about to drop a bomb on the reporters.

“I was following developments with a 5-year-old little girl sitting on her dad’s lap who just got shot in the head by a drive-by shooting. And if some of the people here gave a good goddamn about the victimization of people in this community by crime, I’d take some of their invective more seriously.”

Flynn pointed out how the media was completely obsessed with officer-involved shootings. Even though the department was holding the officer responsible, it still wasn’t enough for the headline hungry reporters.

He called them to the mat for not knowing anything about other victims of shootings.

“Now they know all about the last three people that have been killed by the Milwaukee Police Department over the course of the last several years,” Flynn passionately told the crowd. “There’s not one of them who can name one of the last three homicide victims we’ve had in this city.”

The reporter’s faces completely changed as Flynn continued. They looked not only shocked but embarrassed as he continued holding their feet to the fire for unbalanced reporting

“We’re going up there and there’s a bunch of cops processing a scene of a dead kid, and they’re the ones who are going to be out there patrolling and stopping suspects that may have guns under the front seats. They’re the ones that are going to take the risks to their lives to try to clean this thing up,” Flynn said.

Police Chief Flynn has retired since this video garnered millions of views. But, his speech is still a very important one.

Flynn was right then and now. The Left and their adoring media are all over a guy who is killed by the police but virtually ignore the black people killed by someone else. Which is mostly another black person, around 90% of black homicides are committed by a black person. Where's the concern about that in the media? Why do you think that is? Is it merely "let's blame the white cop, who probably votes for the GOP anyway"?

Democrats have been running our major cities for decades, true? For the most part anyway, and what do we have to show for it? Black guys getting killed by white cops who have numerous complaints against them but are still on the force. After all this time, where's the justice?

I’m with the media. Who the heck wants to hear about yet another murdered thug and innocent 9-y-o girl in the street?
Dog bites man. Nobody cares.

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