Media Hoax: 20 Muslims Holding Hands Become 1,000-Strong ‘Ring of Peace’ at Oslo Synagogue


Apr 22, 2007
Media Hoax 20 Muslims Holding Hands Become 1 000-Strong Ring of Peace at Oslo Synagogue - Breitbart

First, only 20 people showed up to the so called ring of peace. That was far less that who showed up for Copenhagen terrorist's funeral. "As many as 40 times more Northern European Muslims attended the funeral of the Copenhagen Muslim terrorist."

Second, this was NOT about peace, calls against Muslim antisemitism or protecting Jews. Rather it was 1. to equate the faux Islamophobia to Antisemitism (which is a common theme of Islamists, yet the rise in antisemitism in Europe is due to the rise of Islam in Europe) and 2. to present propaganda that most Muslims in Europe are peace lovers and not antisemitic and anti-Europe.

Third, the propaganda aim of the event is evidented by the organizer. The organizer is Ali Chishti. He is a huge antisemite and 9/11 troofer (not the inside job troofer, but the more ridiculous the JJJJOOOSSS did it troofer)! Your typical Islamofacist scumbag.

Yep the liberal cowards ate it up the propaganda and lied about the numbers. Typical leftist cowards.

In even worse news, it appears as if the organizer of the Muslim “peace ring” is a virulent anti-Semite, 9/11 truther, a gay-basher, and an Israel-hater.

Ali Chishti, who organized the event, said bluntly in 2008, “I hate Jews and how they operate,” reports Daniel Greenfield. Chishti added in his conspiracy-laden rant about the Jewish people, “It is a fact that during the attacks on the Twin Towers [World Trade Center] 1600 Jews were absent from work. OK, OK, what’s even more suspicious, is how unusually many Jews there were present in Mumbai on the day that Pakistani terrorists struck. How come?”

At a March, 2008 meeting in Oslo promoting his 9/11 conspiracy theory that the Jews were responsible for the World Trade Center attacks, Chishti read his speech titled, “Therefore I Hate Jews And Gays,” Haaretz reports.[/QUOTE]
Funny thing about this "faux Islamophobia". It's resulted in quite a few attacks against Muslims and mosques throughout Europe.
I can not envision radical Islam loving or even protecting in that ring of peace Israel

I just can not
I kind of thought the Troofers were extinct or had evolved into Birfers.
You seemed to understand it in the OP just fine: "...(not the inside job troofer, but the more ridiculous the JJJJOOOSSS did it troofer.."

Perhaps I'm speaking with the wrong accent :)
You seemed to understand it in the OP just fine: "...(not the inside job troofer, but the more ridiculous the JJJJOOOSSS did it troofer.."

Perhaps I'm speaking with the wrong accent :)

Perhaps you are.
do you have any links to the attacks on mosques and muslims Coyote . I know of an imam in Australia that staged an attack on his mosque to garner sympathy . Course Australia isn't Europe or England but I believe that lots of mosque attacks are done by muslims . I mean any attack on a muslim imported to Europe is bad but I'd like to see links to info about these attacks . Checkout 'sheik hilalli' for info on the Australian mosque attack that I mention .
good info if accurate 'GHook' . I still haven't checked your link but I will when I get back , gotta run out for a bit .
Media Hoax 20 Muslims Holding Hands Become 1 000-Strong Ring of Peace at Oslo Synagogue - Breitbart

First, only 20 people showed up to the so called ring of peace. That was far less that who showed up for Copenhagen terrorist's funeral. "As many as 40 times more Northern European Muslims attended the funeral of the Copenhagen Muslim terrorist."

Second, this was NOT about peace, calls against Muslim antisemitism or protecting Jews. Rather it was 1. to equate the faux Islamophobia to Antisemitism (which is a common theme of Islamists, yet the rise in antisemitism in Europe is due to the rise of Islam in Europe) and 2. to present propaganda that most Muslims in Europe are peace lovers and not antisemitic and anti-Europe.

Third, the propaganda aim of the event is evidented by the organizer. The organizer is Ali Chishti. He is a huge antisemite and 9/11 troofer (not the inside job troofer, but the more ridiculous the JJJJOOOSSS did it troofer)! Your typical Islamofacist scumbag.

Yep the liberal cowards ate it up the propaganda and lied about the numbers. Typical leftist cowards.

In even worse news, it appears as if the organizer of the Muslim “peace ring” is a virulent anti-Semite, 9/11 truther, a gay-basher, and an Israel-hater.

Ali Chishti, who organized the event, said bluntly in 2008, “I hate Jews and how they operate,” reports Daniel Greenfield. Chishti added in his conspiracy-laden rant about the Jewish people, “It is a fact that during the attacks on the Twin Towers [World Trade Center] 1600 Jews were absent from work. OK, OK, what’s even more suspicious, is how unusually many Jews there were present in Mumbai on the day that Pakistani terrorists struck. How come?”

At a March, 2008 meeting in Oslo promoting his 9/11 conspiracy theory that the Jews were responsible for the World Trade Center attacks, Chishti read his speech titled, “Therefore I Hate Jews And Gays,” Haaretz reports.

Yes, it sounded like media bullshit to me when I heard it. Fret not world! The muzzies don't want religious hegemony. No, they want peace and love and rainbows and unicorns. Sniff...the world is saved. I need a group hug. Put those RPG's down first.
I really lack the time or the "give a fuck" to follow all of your links to see if they were bullshit or actual real evidence of harm done to Muslims.
So.... I randomly selected one link, namely, 15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo News teleSUR
I followed the link and read the story. About all it does is talk about how Iceland is racist. There is no evidence of even one anti-Muslim attack, let alone 15.

I won't follow another link without at least a teaser paragraph that supports your claim.
They are reported by faith matters, a muslim organization.
I really lack the time or the "give a fuck" to follow all of your links to see if they were bullshit or actual real evidence of harm done to Muslims.
So.... I randomly selected one link, namely, 15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo News teleSUR
I followed the link and read the story. About all it does is talk about how Iceland is racist. There is no evidence of even one anti-Muslim attack, let alone 15.

I won't follow another link without at least a teaser paragraph that supports your claim.
Funny thing about this "faux Islamophobia". It's resulted in quite a few attacks against Muslims and mosques throughout Europe.

And what fraction of that is that of their attacks do you think? Some backlash is inevitable.
I really lack the time or the "give a fuck" to follow all of your links to see if they were bullshit or actual real evidence of harm done to Muslims.
So.... I randomly selected one link, namely, 15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo News teleSUR
I followed the link and read the story. About all it does is talk about how Iceland is racist. There is no evidence of even one anti-Muslim attack, let alone 15.

I won't follow another link without at least a teaser paragraph that supports your claim.

She's a mouthpiece who pretends to be an unbiased moderator. Notice how fast she came up with those lame weak ass links . Like she had them at the ready
oh , so Coyote is a woman , I didn't know that !! So thanks for that info !!

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