Media Hoax: 20 Muslims Holding Hands Become 1,000-Strong ‘Ring of Peace’ at Oslo Synagogue

all you gotta do is look at muslim history from Mohamed to the present day to see what their goals are Coyote .
They are reported by faith matters, a muslim organization.
I really lack the time or the "give a fuck" to follow all of your links to see if they were bullshit or actual real evidence of harm done to Muslims.
So.... I randomly selected one link, namely, 15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo News teleSUR
I followed the link and read the story. About all it does is talk about how Iceland is racist. There is no evidence of even one anti-Muslim attack, let alone 15.

I won't follow another link without at least a teaser paragraph that supports your claim.

Everyone of those llinks is reported by faith matters? Wow. Who'd have known. Does that mean that if anti-semitic attacks are reported by Jewish groups it's likely fake?

Funny thing about this "faux Islamophobia". It's resulted in quite a few attacks against Muslims and mosques throughout Europe.

really? you got details? -----something like those "graffit" things that magically
show up in the morning? ----stuff nobody ever witnessed? no dead bodies-------or those -----supermarket packs of bacon on the door knob?i

Links to articles were provided.
all you gotta do is look at muslim history from Mohamed to the present day to see what their goals are Coyote .

We're talking about today. Ordinary citizens trying to live a normal life being attacked solely because of their faith. We we take a look at history then a lot of religions are in for a rough ride.
what kind of organization is "FAITH MATTERS"??? I am afraid to check---getting back to the issue I see NO SIGNIFICANCE in a muslim hand holding fest at
a synagogue------it is silly----it merely serves to HIGHLIGHT the fact that since
muslims are around-----synagogues are likely to be attacked I doubt that since world war II ----Denmark people attacked synagogues. The synagogues in my town
do not hire ARMED GUARDS now-----because there are so many protestants in town
I really lack the time or the "give a fuck" to follow all of your links to see if they were bullshit or actual real evidence of harm done to Muslims.
So.... I randomly selected one link, namely, 15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo News teleSUR
I followed the link and read the story. About all it does is talk about how Iceland is racist. There is no evidence of even one anti-Muslim attack, let alone 15.

I won't follow another link without at least a teaser paragraph that supports your claim.

She's a mouthpiece who pretends to be an unbiased moderator. Notice how fast she came up with those lame weak ass links . Like she had them at the ready
I looked at a second link. A Muslim kid in England got slapped.

Coyote! Got any stories of Muslims being beheaded? Burned alive? Planes flown into mosques?

People attacked, beaten, threatened, places of worship firebombed. That's ok by you. Is it only ok if it's targeting Muslims right? It it targets Jews it's anti-semitic. If it targets Muslims it's just fine in your book.
just look at some of the words that describe how they treat non muslims . These descriptive words and their definitions haven't changed in muslim history and language . Taqiya , kaffir , jizya and many other words and they all come from mohameds mouth and the mouths of his followers . Pardon the spelling as it may not be correct . Still a google of those 3 words and many others will teach how muslims think .
all you gotta do is look at muslim history from Mohamed to the present day to see what their goals are Coyote .

We're talking about today. Ordinary citizens trying to live a normal life being attacked solely because of their faith. We we take a look at history then a lot of religions are in for a rough ride.

sure----there were lots of Nazis like that too-----innocents tring to live a normal
life. You made no point-------HISTORY OF ISLAM FROM 1400 years ago TILL TODAY and counting
I really lack the time or the "give a fuck" to follow all of your links to see if they were bullshit or actual real evidence of harm done to Muslims.
So.... I randomly selected one link, namely, 15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo News teleSUR
I followed the link and read the story. About all it does is talk about how Iceland is racist. There is no evidence of even one anti-Muslim attack, let alone 15.

I won't follow another link without at least a teaser paragraph that supports your claim.

She's a mouthpiece who pretends to be an unbiased moderator. Notice how fast she came up with those lame weak ass links . Like she had them at the ready
I looked at a second link. A Muslim kid in England got slapped.

Coyote! Got any stories of Muslims being beheaded? Burned alive? Planes flown into mosques?

People attacked, beaten, threatened, places of worship firebombed. That's ok by you. Is it only ok if it's targeting Muslims right? It it targets Jews it's anti-semitic. If it targets Muslims it's just fine in your book.

There are lots of synagogues in my town------lots have been vandalized. There are lots of mosques in my town-----none have been vandalized. In my town---so far-----not a single jew has murdered a muslim-------lots of jews dead ---killed by muslims. (of course lots of just about everyone has been killed by muslims in my town----not just jews)
I believe that many so called attacks on muslims are done by muslims Coyote !!
muslim history is 1400 years long . In all that time they have attacked , enslaved and tried to conquer Rosie.
They are reported by faith matters, a muslim organization.
I really lack the time or the "give a fuck" to follow all of your links to see if they were bullshit or actual real evidence of harm done to Muslims.
So.... I randomly selected one link, namely, 15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo News teleSUR
I followed the link and read the story. About all it does is talk about how Iceland is racist. There is no evidence of even one anti-Muslim attack, let alone 15.

I won't follow another link without at least a teaser paragraph that supports your claim.

Everyone of those llinks is reported by faith matters? Wow. Who'd have known. Does that mean that if anti-semitic attacks are reported by Jewish groups it's likely fake?

Funny thing about this "faux Islamophobia". It's resulted in quite a few attacks against Muslims and mosques throughout Europe.

really? you got details? -----something like those "graffit" things that magically
show up in the morning? ----stuff nobody ever witnessed? no dead bodies-------or those -----supermarket packs of bacon on the door knob?i

Links to articles were provided.
Those are generally very weak stories actually There were very little anti-muslim "attacks" here after 9/11. Anti Jew attacks far out weigh anything anti muslim anywhere in the world, but your'e here to push your narrative.
I believe that many so called attacks on muslims are done by muslims Coyote !!

Oh. You mean like many of the so-called anti-semitic attacks are done by Jews?

Seriously. I doubt it. The police investigate it.

She's a mouthpiece who pretends to be an unbiased moderator. Notice how fast she came up with those lame weak ass links . Like she had them at the ready
I looked at a second link. A Muslim kid in England got slapped.

Coyote! Got any stories of Muslims being beheaded? Burned alive? Planes flown into mosques?

People attacked, beaten, threatened, places of worship firebombed. That's ok by you. Is it only ok if it's targeting Muslims right? It it targets Jews it's anti-semitic. If it targets Muslims it's just fine in your book.

There are lots of synagogues in my town------lots have been vandalized. There are lots of mosques in my town-----none have been vandalized. In my town---so far-----not a single jew has murdered a muslim-------lots of jews dead ---killed by muslims. (of course lots of just about everyone has been killed by muslims in my town----not just jews)

Lots of Jews dead in your town? Killed by Muslims? Got any links? Or is this just another one of your stories?
They are reported by faith matters, a muslim organization.
I really lack the time or the "give a fuck" to follow all of your links to see if they were bullshit or actual real evidence of harm done to Muslims.
So.... I randomly selected one link, namely, 15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo News teleSUR
I followed the link and read the story. About all it does is talk about how Iceland is racist. There is no evidence of even one anti-Muslim attack, let alone 15.

I won't follow another link without at least a teaser paragraph that supports your claim.

Everyone of those llinks is reported by faith matters? Wow. Who'd have known. Does that mean that if anti-semitic attacks are reported by Jewish groups it's likely fake?

Funny thing about this "faux Islamophobia". It's resulted in quite a few attacks against Muslims and mosques throughout Europe.

really? you got details? -----something like those "graffit" things that magically
show up in the morning? ----stuff nobody ever witnessed? no dead bodies-------or those -----supermarket packs of bacon on the door knob?i

Links to articles were provided.
Those are generally very weak stories actually There were very little anti-muslim "attacks" here after 9/11. Anti Jew attacks far out weigh anything anti muslim anywhere in the world, but your'e here to push your narrative.

Not according to FBI statistics - the same statistics that record anti-semitic viiolence.

Frankly, I always assumed attacks against ANY innocent people mattered and no one life weighed more than another.

You certainly have an interesting outlook on the value of life.
muslim history is 1400 years long . In all that time they have attacked , enslaved and tried to conquer Rosie.

Rosie's looking damn good for 1400...
just look at some of the words that describe how they treat non muslims . These descriptive words and their definitions haven't changed in muslim history and language . Taqiya , kaffir , jizya and many other words and they all come from mohameds mouth and the mouths of his followers . Pardon the spelling as it may not be correct . Still a google of those 3 words and many others will teach how muslims think .

You're assuming she doesn't know much about islam. You're wrong about that
I believe that many so called attacks on muslims are done by muslims Coyote !!

you are not allowed to write that------it will be called "HATRED"----
it is not "hatred" when a few dozen posters insist that just about every
Islamic act of terrorism is a FALSE FLAG MOSSAD OPERATION
Media Hoax 20 Muslims Holding Hands Become 1 000-Strong Ring of Peace at Oslo Synagogue - Breitbart

First, only 20 people showed up to the so called ring of peace. That was far less that who showed up for Copenhagen terrorist's funeral. "As many as 40 times more Northern European Muslims attended the funeral of the Copenhagen Muslim terrorist."

Second, this was NOT about peace, calls against Muslim antisemitism or protecting Jews. Rather it was 1. to equate the faux Islamophobia to Antisemitism (which is a common theme of Islamists, yet the rise in antisemitism in Europe is due to the rise of Islam in Europe) and 2. to present propaganda that most Muslims in Europe are peace lovers and not antisemitic and anti-Europe.

Third, the propaganda aim of the event is evidented by the organizer. The organizer is Ali Chishti. He is a huge antisemite and 9/11 troofer (not the inside job troofer, but the more ridiculous the JJJJOOOSSS did it troofer)! Your typical Islamofacist scumbag.

Yep the liberal cowards ate it up the propaganda and lied about the numbers. Typical leftist cowards.

In even worse news, it appears as if the organizer of the Muslim “peace ring” is a virulent anti-Semite, 9/11 truther, a gay-basher, and an Israel-hater.

Ali Chishti, who organized the event, said bluntly in 2008, “I hate Jews and how they operate,” reports Daniel Greenfield. Chishti added in his conspiracy-laden rant about the Jewish people, “It is a fact that during the attacks on the Twin Towers [World Trade Center] 1600 Jews were absent from work. OK, OK, what’s even more suspicious, is how unusually many Jews there were present in Mumbai on the day that Pakistani terrorists struck. How come?”

At a March, 2008 meeting in Oslo promoting his 9/11 conspiracy theory that the Jews were responsible for the World Trade Center attacks, Chishti read his speech titled, “Therefore I Hate Jews And Gays,” Haaretz reports.

Just like when the Kurds had a ISIS protest in Germany, and an even bigger group of Muslims showed up with knives and bricks to fight them. For every good Muslim there seems to be 5 others who think differently.
muslim history is 1400 years long . In all that time they have attacked , enslaved and tried to conquer Rosie.

Rosie's looking damn good for 1400...

you can see me? I am damned impressed------I thought only MAGICAL ZIONISTS have the whole world under surveillance. When did your community
first develop the art of WRITING? There was writing in Mesopotamia and in
India for more than 4000 years The arabs did not have the art at all until about
300 AD and are still largely illiterate
They are reported by faith matters, a muslim organization.

Everyone of those llinks is reported by faith matters? Wow. Who'd have known. Does that mean that if anti-semitic attacks are reported by Jewish groups it's likely fake?

Funny thing about this "faux Islamophobia". It's resulted in quite a few attacks against Muslims and mosques throughout Europe.

really? you got details? -----something like those "graffit" things that magically
show up in the morning? ----stuff nobody ever witnessed? no dead bodies-------or those -----supermarket packs of bacon on the door knob?i

Links to articles were provided.
Those are generally very weak stories actually There were very little anti-muslim "attacks" here after 9/11. Anti Jew attacks far out weigh anything anti muslim anywhere in the world, but your'e here to push your narrative.

Not according to FBI statistics - the same statistics that record anti-semitic viiolence.

Frankly, I always assumed attacks against ANY innocent people mattered and no one life weighed more than another.

You certainly have an interesting outlook on the value of life.

Religious bias
Of the 1,340 victims of an anti-religious hate crime:

  • 62.4 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
  • 11.6 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.
  • 7.5 percent were victims of a bias against groups of individuals of varying religions (anti-multiple religions, group).
  • 6.4 percent were victims of an anti-Catholic bias.
  • 2.6 percent were victims of an anti-Protestant bias.
  • 0.9 percent were victims of an anti-Atheist/Agnostic bias.
  • 8.6 percent were victims of a bias against other religions (anti-other religion). (Based on Table 1
Sikhs are often targeted because ignorant people think they are Muslims.

Here's some examples of non-existent Islamophobia (guess they just slapped a kid)

History of Hate Crimes Against Sikhs Since 9 11

Sept. 15, 2001 -- Mesa, Ariz.: Four days after the infamous attacks of 9/11, Balbir Singh Sodhi, a 49-year-old Sikh, is shot and killed outside the gas station he owned by Frank Silva Roque. When police approached to arrest him, Roque says, “I'm a patriot and an American. I'm American. I'm a damn American.” [More from HuffPost.]

Nov. 18, 2001 -- Palermo, N.Y.: Three teens burn down Gobind Sadan, a gurdwara (Sikh temple) in New York, because they thought it was named for Osama bin Laden. [More from BeliefNet and Tribune of India.]

Dec. 12, 2001 -- Los Angeles, Calif.: Surinder Singh Sidhi, a liquor store owner in Los Angeles who took to wearing an American flag turban after 9/11 out of fear of being attacked, is beaten in his store by two men who accuse of him of being Osama bin Laden. [More from Real Sikhism.]

Aug. 6, 2002 -- Daly City, Calif.: Sukhpal Singh, brother of Balbir Singh Sodhi, who was the first Sikh murdered following 9/11, is shot while driving his cab. [More from HuffPost, Real Sikhism and Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund.]

May 20, 2003 -- Phoenix, Ariz.: Fifty-two-year-old Sikh immigrant and truck driver Avtar Singh is shot in his 18-wheeler while waiting for his son to pick him up. As he is being shot, he hears someone say: “Go back to where you belong.” [More from Real Sikhism.]

July 12, 2004 -- New York, N.Y.: Rajinder Singh Khalsa and Gurcharan Singh, cousins on their way to dinner at a restaurant, are beaten by two drunk white twentysomething men. The attackers describe Gurcharan’s turban as a “curtain.” When Rajinder tries to intervene, saying that Sikhs are peaceful, he is beaten unconscious and suffers a fractured eye socket, among other injuries. [More from Real Sikhism.]

Jan. 14, 2008 -- New Hyde Park, N.Y.: A 63-year-old Sikh, Baljeet Singh, has his jaw and nose broken when attacked outside his temple by a man who lived next-door. David Wood, the attacker, had apparently disturbed members of the gurdwara in the past. [More from United Sikhs.]

Jan. 30, 2009 -- Queens, N.Y.: Three men attack Jasmir Singh outside of a grocery store. Racial slurs are heard. A broken glass bottle is used. Singh loses vision in his left eye. [More from NY Daily News and United Sikhs.]

Aug. 5, 2012 -- Oak Creek, Wis.: A gunman is shot dead by police after he opened fire in a gurdwara during Sikh prayer services, killing six. [More from HuffPost.]

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