Media screenshots of Eric Cantor's (R-VA-07) primary loss


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
These are simply screenshots of how it appeared, mostly on front pages of the media, at around 5 AM this morning (EST).

The screenshots are in alphabetical order. And they are from media outlets from the far Left to the middle to the far Right - essentially, all over the spectrum.

This stuff is good to keep for posterity.

Some good stuff to discuss afterward - especially the WHY.

It's a very rare day when KOS and Townhall report in essentially the same way.

Notice the reference to G-d in the FOX NEWS reporting.

The news made it all the way to Germany. In fact, N-24 is reporting about it now.

Here we go:

ABC NEWS, front-page:


ABC NEWS, in-depth:


ARD (Germany):






Die Welt (Germany):










NBS NEWS front-page:


NBC NEWS in-depth:













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The general concensus that I am reading is that Cantor's stance on immigration reform did him in.

Already, news reports are speculating that immigration reform is dead this year.

Now, whether or not that is good for the GOP in the long run could be fun to talk about, but one thing is clear: the Tea Party is far from dead in 2014. McDaniel is very likely to win the MS Senatorial runoff on June 24th, so it appears to me that the GOP field for 2014 will indeed be tacking hard to the right.

I was thinking that Cantor could lose, but was surprised at the margin. When the final canvasses are in, I will compare the vote to the 2010 primaries to see how voter turnout shaped up, but in VA-07, it sure doesn't look like a low turnout got him. It looks a lot more like the hard-core extreme Right of his party came out in droves and voted him out, which is their good right.

I would say we have seen the first real surprise of 2014!

BTW, I would have also included a screenshot from redstatereport - but absolutely nothing was reported there.
Hopefully the democrats have someone that can beat the member of the American taliban.

Let us hope.
Just how much must republican voters hate America if the moment their republican candidate stands by the words on the plaque of the Statue of Liberty they run away and vote for some racist who studied skypixie science at college.
Stupid thread with the usual suspects trying to outdo each others ignorant comments. Color me surprised.
The general concensus that I am reading is that Cantor's stance on immigration reform did him in.

Already, news reports are speculating that immigration reform is dead this year.

Now, whether or not that is good for the GOP in the long run could be fun to talk about, but one thing is clear: the Tea Party is far from dead in 2014. McDaniel is very likely to win the MS Senatorial runoff on June 24th, so it appears to me that the GOP field for 2014 will indeed be tacking hard to the right.

I was thinking that Cantor could lose, but was surprised at the margin. When the final canvasses are in, I will compare the vote to the 2010 primaries to see how voter turnout shaped up, but in VA-07, it sure doesn't look like a low turnout got him. It looks a lot more like the hard-core extreme Right of his party came out in droves and voted him out, which is their good right.

I would say we have seen the first real surprise of 2014!

BTW, I would have also included a screenshot from redstatereport - but absolutely nothing was reported there.

Conservatives are sick of the double talk, saying one thing, then working with the crony capitalist behind the scenes. Cantor lost because he forgot who put him there, and he was arrogant about it.. "Extreme right"?...You're clueless with that description. nothing new with you there.
Just how much must republican voters hate America if the moment their republican candidate stands by the words on the plaque of the Statue of Liberty they run away and vote for some racist who studied skypixie science at college.

What racists have the Republicans elected? Come on... spit one out...
here's the problem.

THe GOP has always been a divide between the rich who call the shots and the stupid rubes who vote against their own economic interest because they can be distracted by shiny things- Gays, Abortion, Guns, etc.

The Rich want immigration reform. They want more cheap labor.

The Rubes are more than a little racist, but they do have a valid complaint. The last thing most of the need is 11 million more competitors for those lower end jobs.

In this case, the Rubes rose up.
The general concensus that I am reading is that Cantor's stance on immigration reform did him in.

Already, news reports are speculating that immigration reform is dead this year.

Now, whether or not that is good for the GOP in the long run could be fun to talk about, but one thing is clear: the Tea Party is far from dead in 2014. McDaniel is very likely to win the MS Senatorial runoff on June 24th, so it appears to me that the GOP field for 2014 will indeed be tacking hard to the right.

I was thinking that Cantor could lose, but was surprised at the margin. When the final canvasses are in, I will compare the vote to the 2010 primaries to see how voter turnout shaped up, but in VA-07, it sure doesn't look like a low turnout got him. It looks a lot more like the hard-core extreme Right of his party came out in droves and voted him out, which is their good right.

I would say we have seen the first real surprise of 2014!

BTW, I would have also included a screenshot from redstatereport - but absolutely nothing was reported there.

that is just one of several issues

he lost touch with his constituents

broken promises

plus he is a big government progressive
These are simply screenshots of how it appeared, mostly on front pages of the media, at around 5 AM this morning (EST).

The screenshots are in alphabetical order. And they are from media outlets from the far Left to the middle to the far Right - essentially, all over the spectrum.

This stuff is good to keep for posterity.

Some good stuff to discuss afterward - especially the WHY.

It's a very rare day when KOS and Townhall report in essentially the same way.

Notice the reference to G-d in the FOX NEWS reporting.

The news made it all the way to Germany. In fact, N-24 is reporting about it now.

Here we go:

ABC NEWS, front-page:


ABC NEWS, in-depth:


ARD (Germany):






Die Welt (Germany):










NBS NEWS front-page:


NBC NEWS in-depth:














A lot of scrolling. Looks like a Political Chic thread.
here's the problem.

THe GOP has always been a divide between the rich who call the shots and the stupid rubes who vote against their own economic interest because they can be distracted by shiny things- Gays, Abortion, Guns, etc.

The Rich want immigration reform. They want more cheap labor.

The Rubes are more than a little racist, but they do have a valid complaint. The last thing most of the need is 11 million more competitors for those lower end jobs.

In this case, the Rubes rose up.

Unfortunately Obama and the democrats are trying to bring millions more here for cheap labor also.
here's the problem.

THe GOP has always been a divide between the rich who call the shots and the stupid rubes who vote against their own economic interest because they can be distracted by shiny things- Gays, Abortion, Guns, etc.

The Rich want immigration reform. They want more cheap labor.

The Rubes are more than a little racist, but they do have a valid complaint. The last thing most of the need is 11 million more competitors for those lower end jobs.

In this case, the Rubes rose up.

Good point. NEITHER party wants to enforce that law, party because the scope of the problem is so big but prolly moreso because its a demographic that they can exploit to further their political ambitions.
Once again the Media is influencing people's opinions.

David Brat was not a Tea Party backed candidate. He maybe had small local groups but not the larger money groups.
He was supported by mainstream Republican Voters along with the smaller local tea party groups.

Can anyone name any of the Tea Party groups that backed him?
I can't find any.

So much for big bucks and the Koch's influencing elections.
The people themselves were well informed.
Cantor 5.1 million
Brat 206,000 thousand.

Eric Cantor's arrogance and dirty politics is what did him in, as well as going against the majority of his constitutions who are against amnesty for illegals first, without boarder security first.
here's the problem.

THe GOP has always been a divide between the rich who call the shots and the stupid rubes who vote against their own economic interest because they can be distracted by shiny things- Gays, Abortion, Guns, etc.

The Rich want immigration reform. They want more cheap labor.

The Rubes are more than a little racist, but they do have a valid complaint. The last thing most of the need is 11 million more competitors for those lower end jobs.

In this case, the Rubes rose up.

Unfortunately Obama and the democrats are trying to bring millions more here for cheap labor also.

Is Tyson's Foods a democrat?
Eric Cantor Called Out For Headlining Soros Funded PAC’s Event Against Conservatives


“Having the GOP leadership headline an event for a left wing organization funded by George Soros and Big Labor Unions, with a stated mission to destroy the conservative movement is stunning.

The Republican Mainstreet Partnership PAC makes no bones about it. Their stated goal is to ‘bolster our incumbents who are under attack from the far right, and ensure that we hold on to seats represented by pragmatic Republicans that we would otherwise loose [sic] if there was an ultra-conservative in the general runoff.’

And at their upcoming meeting on the ultra-exclusive Amelia Island in Florida, their announced headliners are GOP Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Whip Kevin McCarthy.

“These men, who claim to be ‘leaders’ of the Republican Party, know what they’re doing. They’ve joined forces with left-wing billionaires like George Soros against their own base. What they don’t seem to understand, however, is that they’re committing political suicide.

It’s just a shame they are dragging down the entire Republican Party with them. Frankly, this is what the GOP deserves with leaders like these.-Brent Bozell, For America

Now Bozell is going after House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. In an open letter to Cantor, Bozell tells Cantor that “conservative leaders” are “stunned to learn” that he is “headlining” the conference in Florida, that aimed at talking down “Tea Party conservatives.”

Here is the letter:

Conservative leaders were stunned to learn that you will be headlining a conference in Florida this weekend that is, purely and simply, a direct attack on Tea Party conservatives.

Worse still, this event is sponsored in part by ultra-liberal financier/activist George Soros and organized labor – both of which have openly, repeatedly – and often viciously – waged war on conservatives and Republicans for years.

What has possessed you to headline this event? Do you think so little of conservatives that you would directly insult them by attending?

Read more at Eric Cantor Called Out For Headlining Soros Funded PAC's Event Against Conservatives - Shark Tank
here's the problem.

THe GOP has always been a divide between the rich who call the shots and the stupid rubes who vote against their own economic interest because they can be distracted by shiny things- Gays, Abortion, Guns, etc.

The Rich want immigration reform. They want more cheap labor.

The Rubes are more than a little racist, but they do have a valid complaint. The last thing most of the need is 11 million more competitors for those lower end jobs.

In this case, the Rubes rose up.

Unfortunately Obama and the democrats are trying to bring millions more here for cheap labor also.

Another problem is that so many of the low information rubes ignore facts in favor of continuing to spout the lie that Obama is "trying to bring millions more here for cheap labor". :cuckoo:
Once again the Media is influencing people's opinions.

David Brat was not a Tea Party backed candidate. He maybe had small local groups but not the larger money groups.
He was supported by mainstream Republican Voters along with the smaller local tea party groups.

Can anyone name any of the Tea Party groups that backed him?
I can't find any.

So much for big bucks and the Koch's influencing elections.
The people themselves were well informed.
Cantor 5.1 million
Brat 206,000 thousand.

Eric Cantor's arrogance and dirty politics is what did him in, as well as going against the majority of his constitutions who are against amnesty for illegals first, without boarder security first.

If it was dirty politics that did him in, most of the R party would be unemployed. Seriously.
here's the problem.

THe GOP has always been a divide between the rich who call the shots and the stupid rubes who vote against their own economic interest because they can be distracted by shiny things- Gays, Abortion, Guns, etc.

The Rich want immigration reform. They want more cheap labor.

The Rubes are more than a little racist, but they do have a valid complaint. The last thing most of the need is 11 million more competitors for those lower end jobs.

In this case, the Rubes rose up.

Unfortunately Obama and the democrats are trying to bring millions more here for cheap labor also.

Is Tyson's Foods a democrat?

Or Smithfields?

Or most livestock processing companies?


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