Media screenshots of Eric Cantor's (R-VA-07) primary loss

It is why Boehner wants to do immigration reform piecemeal--amnesty is a non-starter with the right. He wants to dance around the subject by "securing the borders" first (as if that could ever happen).

The borders can be secured, the Chicoms have done it along their very long border with Russia, for example.

But it wont happen because we have a current political elite that want to engage in corporate cronyism rather than lead our nation in pursuit of the nations best interests.

We wouldn't need to build a wall stretching between the center of the earth and the moon if we had a more practical immigration system that made it easier for guest workers to come and go.

And why in God's Name would we want to import guest workers when we have record levels of workers statistically removed from the labor pool and unemployment and underemployment are well over 7% in real terms?

Don't American workers have an interest in this nation's policies too?
I'm a person who gets totally amused when I see you get so personal instead of sticking with the ideas?

So, the new government agencies that were created by Ronald Reagan were not his doing, you say? And he was not a Conservative?


Oh, I am enjoying this indeed.

I assume you voted for both Bushes, which means, if you voted for GHWB in 1988 and 1992, you voted for a Jew-Hater, right? Cuz Baker, his then campaign chief, told Bush 41 "fuck the Jews, they won't vote for you, anyway".

So, what was that about hack, again??


Too easy, like fish in a barrel...

Well that was a brainless post..Almost like some of these idiots we have here. I considered you a little smarter then them even though you're a lib...Flaming doesn't work with me, I'm not into it. Keep it serious or don't bother,this is not a silliness or smart ass competition :eusa_hand:

Pot, meet kettle. Now you know how it feels, bud. Remember that for the next time around.

So...i should expect another brainless post? ok.... I'll keep it serious, you can hide behind the silliness

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