Media screenshots of Eric Cantor's (R-VA-07) primary loss

The general concensus that I am reading is that Cantor's stance on immigration reform did him in.

Already, news reports are speculating that immigration reform is dead this year.

Now, whether or not that is good for the GOP in the long run could be fun to talk about, but one thing is clear: the Tea Party is far from dead in 2014. McDaniel is very likely to win the MS Senatorial runoff on June 24th, so it appears to me that the GOP field for 2014 will indeed be tacking hard to the right.

I was thinking that Cantor could lose, but was surprised at the margin. When the final canvasses are in, I will compare the vote to the 2010 primaries to see how voter turnout shaped up, but in VA-07, it sure doesn't look like a low turnout got him. It looks a lot more like the hard-core extreme Right of his party came out in droves and voted him out, which is their good right.

I would say we have seen the first real surprise of 2014!

BTW, I would have also included a screenshot from redstatereport - but absolutely nothing was reported there.

Yes, the run off system allows for divided opposition to unite against an incumbent, which is why most don't have run offs, lol.

Cantor's immigration stance and his dirty backstabbing tactics is what made him vulnerable, not just the Tea Party, though they were the catalyst. The margin of 11% was a lot higher than I thought it would be (I live in Cantors district).

Cantor forgot that he worked for the PEOPLE of his district, a lesson I hope more incumbents learn in the near future.
here's the problem.

THe GOP has always been a divide between the rich who call the shots and the stupid rubes who vote against their own economic interest because they can be distracted by shiny things- Gays, Abortion, Guns, etc.

The Rich want immigration reform. They want more cheap labor.

The Rubes are more than a little racist, but they do have a valid complaint. The last thing most of the need is 11 million more competitors for those lower end jobs.

In this case, the Rubes rose up.

Unfortunately Obama and the democrats are trying to bring millions more here for cheap labor also.

Is Tyson's Foods a democrat?

They are money grubbing whores, so that would make them bipartisan politicians I suppose.
Once again the Media is influencing people's opinions.

David Brat was not a Tea Party backed candidate. He maybe had small local groups but not the larger money groups.
He was supported by mainstream Republican Voters along with the smaller local tea party groups.

Can anyone name any of the Tea Party groups that backed him?
I can't find any.

So much for big bucks and the Koch's influencing elections.
The people themselves were well informed.
Cantor 5.1 million
Brat 206,000 thousand.

Eric Cantor's arrogance and dirty politics is what did him in, as well as going against the majority of his constitutions who are against amnesty for illegals first, without boarder security first.

If it was dirty politics that did him in, most of the R party would be unemployed. Seriously.

People are sick and tired of the lies in both parties.

PHILLIPS: Eric Cantor's truth-in-advertising problem - Washington Times
More on Eric Cantors dirty politics.

The Significance of Fred Gruber?s Victory in the Brat / Cantor Primary Race | Virginia Right!

In Virginia Beach, the Middle Aged Eric Cantor and his paradoxically named Young Guns moved in and ambushed the Mass Meeting held by the 2nd District, and when the smoke cleared, more than a thousand potential Delegates were improperly “slated”. Slating is the process of taking away the votes of a large number of Delegates and giving them to a handful of individuals that are hand picked by the people behind the slating. In the Virginia Beach case, more than 1,000 Delegates had their votes stripped away and given to 34 people hand picked by the Cantor team.

Fortunately, this was overturned on appeal and all of the Delegates were approved.

But this opened up the eyes of the activists on the ground and awakened the sleeping grassroots giant. And when Cantor came in to Henrico County prepared to ambush the meeting and disenfranchise the Delegates in favor of his own cronies, we stopped them.

But the ire of the grassroots has become palpable as the underhanded dirty tricks and lies of the Cantor regime has grown. The blow-back on Cantor has been massive. Voters do not like a bully and while the diminutive Cantor hardly strikes fear into the hearts of anyone in his way, Cantor’s money is usually an effective weapon to quash dissent and force his will on the people.

But not with grassroots.

Cantor has taken off the gloves and stopped pretending to be nice. He is in the fight of his life with Dave Brat and he knows it. He has moved to lie, steal votes and cheat.
Stupid thread with the usual suspects trying to outdo each others ignorant comments. Color me surprised.

And yet, you are here, commenting...

Well, actually, I do these kind of screenshot threads about 10 times a year. For instance, when two popes were declared saints on the same day about 1 month ago or so, I made a thread very similar to this one. Surely on election night 2014, I will make a similar type of thread.

The advantage of this is that sometimes, news servers shunt their old front pages off to other links and they are hard to find years later, but screenshots preserve things for a long, long time, and you get to see the headlines from competing news sources next to each other.

It was all pretty well explained in the OP. I would think it would take a totally ignorant asswipe to not be able to understand something this elementary. And I notice that a hard-core conservative (@JimBowey1958) thanked me for the OP - he got the point: you didn't.

But it is your 1st amendment right to bitch and moan, even when there is nothing to bitch and moan about. Carry on.
The general concensus that I am reading is that Cantor's stance on immigration reform did him in.

Already, news reports are speculating that immigration reform is dead this year.

Now, whether or not that is good for the GOP in the long run could be fun to talk about, but one thing is clear: the Tea Party is far from dead in 2014. McDaniel is very likely to win the MS Senatorial runoff on June 24th, so it appears to me that the GOP field for 2014 will indeed be tacking hard to the right.

I was thinking that Cantor could lose, but was surprised at the margin. When the final canvasses are in, I will compare the vote to the 2010 primaries to see how voter turnout shaped up, but in VA-07, it sure doesn't look like a low turnout got him. It looks a lot more like the hard-core extreme Right of his party came out in droves and voted him out, which is their good right.

I would say we have seen the first real surprise of 2014!

BTW, I would have also included a screenshot from redstatereport - but absolutely nothing was reported there.

Conservatives are sick of the double talk, saying one thing, then working with the crony capitalist behind the scenes. Cantor lost because he forgot who put him there, and he was arrogant about it.. "Extreme right"?...You're clueless with that description. nothing new with you there.

Ok, [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION] -

explain to me what you think extreme Right means.

There is no negative connotation in the adjective "extreme".

I also use it for the extreme Left. Both parties have their extremes and thier centers. This is totally normal in politics.

So, please, instead of bellyaching about semantics, tell me what you think. Or do you think it is possible for Conservatives to never be too extreme? Really?

The general concensus that I am reading is that Cantor's stance on immigration reform did him in.

Already, news reports are speculating that immigration reform is dead this year.

Now, whether or not that is good for the GOP in the long run could be fun to talk about, but one thing is clear: the Tea Party is far from dead in 2014. McDaniel is very likely to win the MS Senatorial runoff on June 24th, so it appears to me that the GOP field for 2014 will indeed be tacking hard to the right.

I was thinking that Cantor could lose, but was surprised at the margin. When the final canvasses are in, I will compare the vote to the 2010 primaries to see how voter turnout shaped up, but in VA-07, it sure doesn't look like a low turnout got him. It looks a lot more like the hard-core extreme Right of his party came out in droves and voted him out, which is their good right.

I would say we have seen the first real surprise of 2014!

BTW, I would have also included a screenshot from redstatereport - but absolutely nothing was reported there.

that is just one of several issues

he lost touch with his constituents

broken promises

plus he is a big government progressive

The Tea Party called him one of their finest in 2010. Are you aware of this?
Does this mean that the Tea Party is full of big-government progressives?

Once again the Media is influencing people's opinions.

David Brat was not a Tea Party backed candidate. He maybe had small local groups but not the larger money groups.
He was supported by mainstream Republican Voters along with the smaller local tea party groups.

Can anyone name any of the Tea Party groups that backed him?
I can't find any.

So much for big bucks and the Koch's influencing elections.
The people themselves were well informed.
Cantor 5.1 million
Brat 206,000 thousand.

Eric Cantor's arrogance and dirty politics is what did him in, as well as going against the majority of his constitutions who are against amnesty for illegals first, without boarder security first.

Oh, that's easy: every major news service is writing that he was backed by the Tea Party and not one single Tea Party organization in Virginia has stood up and cried "NO". Not one.

Tea Party activists in VA-07 DID endorse David Brat and also worked on his campaign. Also, Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter - both Tea Party darlings, endorsed him.

12 things to know about Dave Brat, the man who took down Eric Cantor - Vox

And from FOX NEWS:

However, Brat offset the cash disadvantage with endorsements from conservative activists like radio host Laura Ingraham and with help from local Tea Party activists angry at Cantor.
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The general concensus that I am reading is that Cantor's stance on immigration reform did him in.

Already, news reports are speculating that immigration reform is dead this year.

Now, whether or not that is good for the GOP in the long run could be fun to talk about, but one thing is clear: the Tea Party is far from dead in 2014. McDaniel is very likely to win the MS Senatorial runoff on June 24th, so it appears to me that the GOP field for 2014 will indeed be tacking hard to the right.

I was thinking that Cantor could lose, but was surprised at the margin. When the final canvasses are in, I will compare the vote to the 2010 primaries to see how voter turnout shaped up, but in VA-07, it sure doesn't look like a low turnout got him. It looks a lot more like the hard-core extreme Right of his party came out in droves and voted him out, which is their good right.

I would say we have seen the first real surprise of 2014!

BTW, I would have also included a screenshot from redstatereport - but absolutely nothing was reported there.

Yes, the run off system allows for divided opposition to unite against an incumbent, which is why most don't have run offs, lol.

Cantor's immigration stance and his dirty backstabbing tactics is what made him vulnerable, not just the Tea Party, though they were the catalyst. The margin of 11% was a lot higher than I thought it would be (I live in Cantors district).

Cantor forgot that he worked for the PEOPLE of his district, a lesson I hope more incumbents learn in the near future.

Thanks for the extra insight, [MENTION=39664]Jimbowey1958[/MENTION]
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here's the problem.

THe GOP has always been a divide between the rich who call the shots and the stupid rubes who vote against their own economic interest because they can be distracted by shiny things- Gays, Abortion, Guns, etc.

The Rich want immigration reform. They want more cheap labor.

The Rubes are more than a little racist, but they do have a valid complaint. The last thing most of the need is 11 million more competitors for those lower end jobs.

In this case, the Rubes rose up.

Unfortunately Obama and the democrats are trying to bring millions more here for cheap labor also.

Naw, the Democrats just want their votes.
Like Icarus, he flew too close to Obama and got burned

I'd put it more in that he laid down with dogs and woke up with fleas.

When he made the Crazy Teabaggers his constituency, they controlled his fate.

Much like Dr. Frankenstein, he was destroyed by the monster of his own making.

Would I be right to say that Cantor did more to cause the shut down than Cruz? Cantor had real power and used it against the speaker to draw the shut out.

What is weird is how they screwed him over for supporting some amnesty. These people are serious about wanting to remove 20 million illegals from our country. I believe they'd mow them down with our millitary.
Stupid thread with the usual suspects trying to outdo each others ignorant comments. Color me surprised.

And yet, you are here, commenting...

Well, actually, I do these kind of screenshot threads about 10 times a year. For instance, when two popes were declared saints on the same day about 1 month ago or so, I made a thread very similar to this one. Surely on election night 2014, I will make a similar type of thread.

The advantage of this is that sometimes, news servers shunt their old front pages off to other links and they are hard to find years later, but screenshots preserve things for a long, long time, and you get to see the headlines from competing news sources next to each other.

It was all pretty well explained in the OP. I would think it would take a totally ignorant asswipe to not be able to understand something this elementary. And I notice that a hard-core conservative (@JimBowey1958) thanked me for the OP - he got the point: you didn't.

But it is your 1st amendment right to bitch and moan, even when there is nothing to bitch and moan about. Carry on.
This isn't a public venue, Slick. It's private, first amendment rights don't apply.

No, I don't see the point. It's all over the news. The world doesn't need you to document anything, it won't go away. :cuckoo:
Once again the Media is influencing people's opinions.

David Brat was not a Tea Party backed candidate. He maybe had small local groups but not the larger money groups.
He was supported by mainstream Republican Voters along with the smaller local tea party groups.

Can anyone name any of the Tea Party groups that backed him?
I can't find any.

So much for big bucks and the Koch's influencing elections.
The people themselves were well informed.
Cantor 5.1 million
Brat 206,000 thousand.

Eric Cantor's arrogance and dirty politics is what did him in, as well as going against the majority of his constitutions who are against amnesty for illegals first, without boarder security first.

Well there is no denying that the Tea Bag Brotherhood are taking full credit for the victory. Are you admitting the Baggers are dishonestly taking credit for something they did not earn?
Like Icarus, he flew too close to Obama and got burned

I'd put it more in that he laid down with dogs and woke up with fleas.

When he made the Crazy Teabaggers his constituency, they controlled his fate.

Much like Dr. Frankenstein, he was destroyed by the monster of his own making.

Would I be right to say that Cantor did more to cause the shut down than Cruz? Cantor had real power and used it against the speaker to draw the shut out.

What is weird is how they screwed him over for supporting some amnesty. These people are serious about wanting to remove 20 million illegals from our country. I believe they'd mow them down with our millitary.

1) Cantor was dragged kicking and screaming into doing what the House should have done in response to an imperial Presidency where Obama is openly choosing what laws to enforce, which ones he will not enforce and what categories of people he will give a pass for what crimes (3 guesses which constituents these are and what crimes). It is the DUTY of the opposition party to PREVENT this from happening in our government that is designed with a division of power so that no one branch or group can take over the entire government, like what happens regularly in the UK where the Prime Minister has ALL the power in practical terms and there is no division of power.

The House is under the GOP and it is given by the Constitution the power of the budget to reign in such imperial presidents as the current fascist we now have who insists on ruling by decree. And so they cut some things in the budget as they have EVERY RIGHT TO DO.

The reaction of the Obama administration was to shut down the government when they had the funds to keep it open. They did not shut it down out of desperation due to lack of financing; they did it as punishment on the American people then blamed the GOP in the House. The leadership of the House needed to fight the PR battle and convince the public and educate them so that they might prevail and bring the Obama regime into line with the Constitution. Thanks to RINOs like Cantor they did not even try. They just complied with the wishes of their majority and let the whole thing fail so they could use it as an excuse to not use their due power to oppose Obama again in an effective way.

2) Cruz caused no shut down, hell, he isn't in the leadership of the GOP, and he is in the SENATE not the House, and it was the House that defunded various items in the budget, not the Senate. Cruz simply challenged the GOP in the House to do their fucking jobs and they still have not done it, and that is to effectively oppose Obama. And we are seeing the results of that with one scandal after another, the President acting like a dictator enforcing only the laws he thinks worth enforcing, and granting himself the legal authority to rule with war time powers even in peace time under nonemergency conditions, the first President to have ever done this.

3) IF you don't like the Tea Party, you will hate the next three years, lol.
Once again the Media is influencing people's opinions.

David Brat was not a Tea Party backed candidate. He maybe had small local groups but not the larger money groups.
He was supported by mainstream Republican Voters along with the smaller local tea party groups.

Can anyone name any of the Tea Party groups that backed him?
I can't find any.

So much for big bucks and the Koch's influencing elections.
The people themselves were well informed.
Cantor 5.1 million
Brat 206,000 thousand.

Eric Cantor's arrogance and dirty politics is what did him in, as well as going against the majority of his constitutions who are against amnesty for illegals first, without boarder security first.

The Tea Party is composed mostly of these small local groups that network together. and are not controlled or even dominated by the larger national orgs that are mostly just posturing, IMO.

What groups are these? Here are a few articles that discuss the topic and one example, Bozzell's For America group.

ForAmerica Chairman Brent Bozell Endorses Senator Ron Johnson for Vice Chairman of the Republican Conference : America, Inc

L. Brent Bozell III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Brat?s Win Upends Conservatives? Casual Dinner - Washington Wire - WSJ

5 Things About Tea Party-Backed David Brat, Who Beat Eric Cantor - NBC News

Eric Cantor Loses to Tea Party's David Brat in Virginia Primary - WSJ

Though Brat is the legit GOP candidate now, the GOP national leadership will pu9ll the rug out from under him like they did Cuccinelli. as they would rather a Democrat hold the seat than a Tea Party candidate.
The general concensus that I am reading is that Cantor's stance on immigration reform did him in.

Already, news reports are speculating that immigration reform is dead this year.

Now, whether or not that is good for the GOP in the long run could be fun to talk about, but one thing is clear: the Tea Party is far from dead in 2014. McDaniel is very likely to win the MS Senatorial runoff on June 24th, so it appears to me that the GOP field for 2014 will indeed be tacking hard to the right.

I was thinking that Cantor could lose, but was surprised at the margin. When the final canvasses are in, I will compare the vote to the 2010 primaries to see how voter turnout shaped up, but in VA-07, it sure doesn't look like a low turnout got him. It looks a lot more like the hard-core extreme Right of his party came out in droves and voted him out, which is their good right.

I would say we have seen the first real surprise of 2014!

BTW, I would have also included a screenshot from redstatereport - but absolutely nothing was reported there.

Conservatives are sick of the double talk, saying one thing, then working with the crony capitalist behind the scenes. Cantor lost because he forgot who put him there, and he was arrogant about it.. "Extreme right"?...You're clueless with that description. nothing new with you there.

Ok, [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION] -

explain to me what you think extreme Right means.

There is no negative connotation in the adjective "extreme".

I also use it for the extreme Left. Both parties have their extremes and thier centers. This is totally normal in politics.

So, please, instead of bellyaching about semantics, tell me what you think. Or do you think it is possible for Conservatives to never be too extreme? Really?


People who want smaller government and individual liberty are extreme to people like you. the founding fathers were extreme, the Constitution is extreme in the minds of you leftists. Conservatives are generally not extreme. Libertarians can be, liberals absolutely can be, as we see with our current president.
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