Media VS Reality


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2018
Just going by the media, you would think that all cops are shooting away at minorities, all black neighborhoods are oppressed and rioting, and the KKK is retaking the South. I live in a majority white neighborhood, but I will tell you what I see with my own eyes. I see white people holding the door open for Hispanic people, black people giving elderly white people a place to sit while waiting for seats in a restaurant, and people of all races saying thank you to each other. In my son's school, the black and white kids sit apart to a degree, but they are still friends and go to each others houses. Before someone jumps on me and says I'm denying that racism exists, of course not. Racism absolutely exists, but for people in mixed race areas, I'm guessing there are not out of control rioting and gunfire. Overall, I see people treating each other pretty well. What you look like is such a moronic way to judge people, I think most have figured it out.
Just going by the media, you would think that all cops are shooting away at minorities, all black neighborhoods are oppressed and rioting, and the KKK is retaking the South. I live in a majority white neighborhood, but I will tell you what I see with my own eyes. I see white people holding the door open for Hispanic people, black people giving elderly white people a place to sit while waiting for seats in a restaurant, and people of all races saying thank you to each other. In my son's school, the black and white kids sit apart to a degree, but they are still friends and go to each others houses. Before someone jumps on me and says I'm denying that racism exists, of course not. Racism absolutely exists, but for people in mixed race areas, I'm guessing there are not out of control rioting and gunfire. Overall, I see people treating each other pretty well. What you look like is such a moronic way to judge people, I think most have figured it out.

That's because commercial media's purpose is to make money, and the way they make it is by going "BOOGA BOOGA".
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.
if not for $$$$$, then what for?
Have they ever portrayed minorities in a positive light? They imply every minority lives in a drug infested project. It is complete BS. I can only speak for myself, but in my own neighborhood, people get along, work together, and it doesn't look like a set from the Escape From New York.
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that. The media doesn't make a habit of reporting on ghetto negros and the trouble they cause. Only when it swells to epic proportions like the Ferguson riots does it make headlines and even then, they are always blaming black behavior on someone else...
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.
it's undeniable the MSM is anti-white --plain and simple
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.
......bullshit--they constantly portray the whites as the ONLY evil race--even though blacks commit hate crimes at over twice the rate of whites
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.
it's undeniable the MSM is anti-white --plain and simple

Yeah again I'm afraid that simply posting something on a message board doesn't make it "undeniable". :lmao:
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.
it's undeniable the MSM is anti-white --plain and simple

Yeah again I'm afraid that simply posting something on a message board doesn't make it "undeniable". :lmao: have to be a dumbass and/or racist to not realize the MSM portrays whites worse than blacks
....I've documented this many times
here's a perfect example--this BLACK murders 2 whites because of racism--but race was never headlines---race never mentioned:
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.
it's undeniable the MSM is anti-white --plain and simple

Yeah again I'm afraid that simply posting something on a message board doesn't make it "undeniable". :lmao:
........a white cop DEFENDS himself against a jackass criminal and the MSM makes the WHITE cop out to be a bad guy
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.
it's undeniable the MSM is anti-white --plain and simple

Yeah again I'm afraid that simply posting something on a message board doesn't make it "undeniable". :lmao:
........a white cop DEFENDS himself against a jackass criminal and the MSM makes the WHITE cop out to be a bad guy

........ a poster makes up a story and thinks it's "undeniable"
They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.
it's undeniable the MSM is anti-white --plain and simple

Yeah again I'm afraid that simply posting something on a message board doesn't make it "undeniable". :lmao:
........a white cop DEFENDS himself against a jackass criminal and the MSM makes the WHITE cop out to be a bad guy

........ a poster makes up a story and thinks it's "undeniable"
WHITE cop --that's all I need to say
o---you do remember Covington---???!!!!!!
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.

I don't think it is that easy. Ratings are down for everyone, probably due to streaming, but left networks like CNN and MSNBC are down dramatically. They are going for the conflict points, but they are not getting them. Despite all negativity and crap they push, their numbers are sinking faster and faster. Are they too dumb to see it isn't working anymore, or are corporations like Disney just taking a loss to push an agenda?
Bill Burr had a joke about black guys getting the worst publicity. He said it is always riots and even the rich guys in rap videos are always angry. I know it was a joke, but man, they are not getting any favors.
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.

I don't think it is that easy. Ratings are down for everyone, probably due to streaming, but left networks like CNN and MSNBC are down dramatically. They are going for the conflict points, but they are not getting them. Despite all negativity and crap they push, their numbers are sinking faster and faster. Are they too dumb to see it isn't working anymore, or are corporations like Disney just taking a loss to push an agenda?

Nobody anywhere "takes a loss to push an agenda". If anyone's ratings are down it means they haven't done as well in that period at sensationalizing shit. It really IS that easy.

Yes they'll go for conflict points but if those don't work, then they'll shift to other conflict points, and they'll exaggerate them too. People watch freak shows, it's as simple as that.

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