Media VS Reality

the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.

I don't think it is that easy. Ratings are down for everyone, probably due to streaming, but left networks like CNN and MSNBC are down dramatically. They are going for the conflict points, but they are not getting them. Despite all negativity and crap they push, their numbers are sinking faster and faster. Are they too dumb to see it isn't working anymore, or are corporations like Disney just taking a loss to push an agenda?

Nobody anywhere "takes a loss to push an agenda". If anyone's ratings are down it means they haven't done as well in that period at sensationalizing shit. It really IS that easy.

Yes they'll go for conflict points but if those don't work, then they'll shift to other conflict points, and they'll exaggerate them too. People watch freak shows, it's as simple as that.

Then why did late night shows and comedy shows chuck most of their conservative audience? Doesn't that affect advertising? Losing huge chunks of viewers should hurt them somewhere on the bottom line, shouldn't it? As for the news shows, they are specifically shooting for a tiny, friendly audience. How is that not pushing an agenda?
the MSM is anti-white--this is undeniable
NPR is anti-white, yet they get government funding
the blacks are more racist/hateful than the whites

They aren't doing black people any favors either. Pictures of rioting and unrest in every shot. They are promoting conflict in general. I know it seems like it is to get ratings, but their ratings are awful. They are stirring up unrest for some other reason.

Conflict draws attention, and attention means ratings, and ratings means ad dollars.

If they portrayed everybody getting along harmoniously it wouldn't be conflict, it wouldn't sell, and they wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank.

It's really that simple.

I don't think it is that easy. Ratings are down for everyone, probably due to streaming, but left networks like CNN and MSNBC are down dramatically. They are going for the conflict points, but they are not getting them. Despite all negativity and crap they push, their numbers are sinking faster and faster. Are they too dumb to see it isn't working anymore, or are corporations like Disney just taking a loss to push an agenda?

Nobody anywhere "takes a loss to push an agenda". If anyone's ratings are down it means they haven't done as well in that period at sensationalizing shit. It really IS that easy.

Yes they'll go for conflict points but if those don't work, then they'll shift to other conflict points, and they'll exaggerate them too. People watch freak shows, it's as simple as that.

Then why did late night shows and comedy shows chuck most of their conservative audience? Doesn't that affect advertising? Losing huge chunks of viewers should hurt them somewhere on the bottom line, shouldn't it? As for the news shows, they are specifically shooting for a tiny, friendly audience. How is that not pushing an agenda?

No, if anything it's targeting what it supposes its audience is with topical content. Besides which, a late-night show that's lampooning Rump on a regular basis, with his disapproval ratings, isn't going to 'chuck' much.

"Conservative audience" or "liberal audience" is meaningless. TV shows are out for attention, whether it's sympathetic, adversarial or neutral. You might hate everything Lush Rimjob says but if you tune in to find out what that is today, you're the same amount of ratings as the sheep who has a shrine to him.
Yeah, it's called being human and the day to day necessities thereof. I live in a mixed race community just off a major East Coast military installation. Person to person, neighbor to neighbor most of us get along quite well. One could even call our usual neighborhood relations "normal". Most all children learn early no such thing exists as a bad "race" or creed. People are people until bad cultures and ideologies farm them into terrified "animals" paranoid, fearful and mistrustful of one another. Population control is most often the name of the game. However, some cultures simply do not mix without creating toxic or explosive atmospheres. That is, unless one or the other assimilates. In that assimilation either meaningful, normative cohabitation happens or one culture must oppress the other to keep order. Sometimes the effort is not worth the friction, blood and tears.

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