Medicare Will Be Gone By Next Thanksgiving, If Republicans Have Their Way

Democrats have been telling this lie for years, trying to scare old folks:

Democrat voters are stupid, and are liable to fall for this kind of mindless propaganda.
i seen trump say he wants to protect Medicare because to many old folks depend on it.....and i doubt anyone would be stupid enough to try and eliminate get as stupid as the people you bad mouth with each thread....
Why would you think Republicans want to help average people? They don't now.

You've made these claims before but never back it up with anything.

Me on the other hand..........

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Keeping people unemployed is a driver of the Obama economy
Medicare will be gone just like Hillary will win by a landslide. Reminds me of those political ads of the GOP pushing grandma and her wheel chair off the cliff. As I see it the Dem's have inflicted more damage on the elderly and working man, woman, then the GOP can ever hope to accomplish.
Tom Leppert, the former mayor of Dallas who, it was announcedMonday, is a member of Donald Trump's "landing team" for the Social Security Administration, once released a plan calling for the privatization of Social Security and Medicare.
The "landing teams" interact with federal agencies in helping to set up the government under President-elect Trump after he is sworn into office.

Leppert, who released the plan during a failed bid for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate in Texas in 2012, most recently served as the CEO of Kaplan, Inc. Leppert supported Trump during the Republican primary and the president-elect thanked him at the time in a tweet.

But Leppert's past plans advocating privatizing both Social Security and Medicare make him a peculiar choice to run point on the Social Security Administration. Trump has unabashedly opposed any effort to change entitlements throughout the campaign, saying economic growth would keep entitlements from needing cuts. Emails to Leppert and Trump's spokespeople were not immediately returned.

Trump talked about entitlements earlier this year with a local Wisconsin radio station, saying, "Now, I want to get rid of waste, fraud, and abuse. I want to do a lot of things to it that are going to make it much better, actually. But I'm not going to cut it, and I'm not going to raise ages, and I'm not going to do all of the things that they want to do. But they want to really cut it, and they want to cut it very substantially, the Republicans, and I'm not going to do that."

Trump's Social Security point man called for privatization

Well, by Trump's words, he does not want to do away with SS and Medicare. So we shall see what his plans are after 20Jan2017.

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