Medvedev suggested that Ukraine shall be renamed as The Pig Bandera Reich

The real problem is that the Russians from Moscow has no any practical difference from the Russians from Novgorod, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kiev, Lvov or Vilno.
you are a dirty, ASIATIC mongol and have NO whatsoever connection to Kyiv Rus , the real problem that you can´t except this well-known fact . thats we fight you and you (Mongol slave ) try to destroy our Free World Civilization

Moscow (AsiaNews) – A recently published book has generated a lot of buzz in Muscovy . Titled The Great Batu Khan, founder of Muscovite Statehood (Великий хан Батый – основатель... государственности), the tome is by Gennady A. Tjundeshev (Haramos), a historian at Khakassia State University (in Asian Muscovy, where Tatar-Mongols hail from).

.... It has also inspired some comparisons, especially with tsar Putin, who was re-elected on 18 March and has acquired the status of tsar and great leader.

Actually, it's the same thing that the USA made with Iraq, Serbia, Libya and other countries. Ukraine started discrimination and genocide of local Russians (what is, may be, even more important - they had started NATO integration) - and Russia have no other choice than to react. The USA had violated laws - and since 1999 there is no more laws. Nothing to violate. The law must work for everyone or it doesn't work at all.

And anyway, practical question is not "Are the Russians lawful ( good/evil, civilized/barbaric, faithful or atheistic) ? " No. It is irrelevant now. The practical question is "Why they started this war? What is their motivation, and what is their goal? What they will consider as victory, and what price of it is acceptable for them? "
You and I both know there is not a single word of truth in your post. Putin has been telling the world for years about his colonialist ambitions, not only refusing to accept the collapse of the USSR, but even insisting that Russian school children be taught that Russia has no borders or boundaries,

training young Russian children to fight in Russia's colonial wars.

There clearly was no discrimination and certainly no genocide against ethnic Russians in Ukraine, although Russians genocide against Ukrainians in 1933, the Holodomor,

and its brutal treatment of Ukrainians throughout history might make such behavior seem reasonable to some.

The violence in Donbass was started by Russia after Putin's puppet, Yanukovych, was rejected by the Ukrainian people, as a pretext to the first Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Ethnic Russians constituted only 17.2% of the Ukrainian population and less than half the population of the Donbass, and there is no information concerning how many of these ethnic Russians supported Putin's Russia and how many supported the government of Ukraine, but Russia formed armed militias in Donbass to attack government buildings and other Ukrainians to try to establish a pretext for the first Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014 and first Russian land grab.

There was no possibility of Ukraine joining NATO in 2014 or since. The Ukrainian government was preparing to try to join the EU, and when Putin ordered Yanukovych to cancer such plans despite overwhelming support from the Ukrainian people and parliament, Yanukovych was rejected by the Ukrainian people and launched his first invasion of Ukraine.

The two Russian invasions of Ukraine, 2014 and 2022, were the result of Putin's colonialist ambitions and irresponsible behavior of the EU, most especially Germany and France, Finally, the EU recognizes that it had been led astray by Merkel and Macron, and that if Russia is allowed to benefit in any way from its invasion of Ukraine, laws and treaties will mean nothing and it will be seeing endless colonial wars launched by Russia.
He's back on the line. Short, tough, and scathing. The Supreme Nazi in Kiev instructed to work on the issue of renaming Russia into Moskovia. What can I say... Our answer? No, not Khokhlyandia, of course. And certainly not Malorossia. Only Schweinisch Bandera-Reich. Exakt!

For those who missed it all, earlier Kiev's hoary dwarf junkie instructed his prime minister to look into renaming Russia Moskovia. On a Ukrainian petition site, the proposal gathered the necessary number of signatures to make its way to the Ukrainian president for consideration.




How stupid are you? What has hate on Germans and Germany to do with what in context of the war of Russia against the Ukraine? Only Putin and his gang are responsible for this stupid, senseless and criminal war from Russia against the Ukraine.
How stupid are you? What has hate on Germans and Germany to do with what in context of the war of Russia against the Ukraine? Only Putin and his gang are responsible for this stupid, senseless and criminal war from Russia against the Ukraine.
Technically, it's not a 'war' yet. For both sides it's still an 'operation'. Germans just went in their crusade against East, as they accustomed to do at the recent centures. And, looks like, the EU, the fourth Reich, will be destroyed.
Technically, it's not a 'war' yet. For both sides it's still an 'operation'. Germans just went in their crusade against East, as they accustomed to do at the recent centures. And, looks like, the EU, the fourth Reich, will be destroyed.

When did you say amputated Putin the brains of all Russians and replaced reality with nonsense? Meanwhile hates nearly the whole world Russia - specially also all other Slaws - because of the Russian insatiability. It existed by the way in history only one real German "Reich". "Reich" means realm. The "Holy Roman empire of German nation" (=the middle European part of the Frankonian empire from 800-1806), what means:

Holy - basing on Christian values
Roman - basing on law and order
Empire - ="Reich"= realm or area
of German = deutsch = united by language (Latin + Germanic languages - what includes by the way also English)
nation = more exact nations with the idea "in pluribus unum" (ask the people of the USA what this could mean, if possible an US-American who is not as mad as you are on your own).

We never had been an aggressive "empire" on reason we never had been a real empire. We had been a funny - the only one - pragmatocracy which ever had existed (with also a funny - but understandable - grammar; what you can see very nice in this sentence here). A mix from anything with everything and from everything with anything.

"Christian constitutionally united area of Germanic tongue" could perhaps be a better translation. And theoretically we could also call the USA "The German States of America". So you can see "alahu akbar"... "Germany is greater" ... ah sorry ... wrong translation ... this has now to do with VAndalusia ... but that's another story with also a lof of voltampere ...

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They do it for more than thousand years since Oleg of Novgorod captured Kiev back in 882. ...

Who did do what, when and on which planet in the Andromeda galaxy - because Putin likes to threaten in the beginning of the third millenium to wipe out with nukes all European and US-American metropolises? How many supermen do we need now?

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Who did do what, when and on which planet in the Andromeda galaxy - because Putin likes to threaten in the beginning of the third millenium to wipe out with nukes all European and US-American metropolises? How many supermen do we need now?

You don't need supermen. All what you need, and all what are you really begging about, are ordinary men and women who will come and denazificate you.
You sent German tanks on the Russian soil, so, Russian tanks will inevitably come on the German soil.

You don't need supermen. All what you need, and all what are you really begging about, are ordinary men and women who will come and denazificate you.
You sent German tanks on the Russian soil, so, Russian tanks will inevitably come on the German soil.

Childish absurdity - your name is Russia.

Only Putin and his gang are responsible for this stupid, senseless and criminal war from Russia against the Ukraine.

Putin is a freemason and a thief, not he but his masters command him to destroy Russia and Ukraina

Blame NWO, Illuminati and Schab

I doubt to start a stupid, senseless and criminal - and also a destructive - war is compatible with building a constructive masonry.

Do you know the final goal of Freemasonry?
The annihilation of humanity.

Freemasons are satanists and enemies of God who fight his creation at behalf of Satan.
Putin, Scholz, Biden, Macron, Trump, Schwab & Co, all of them are satanists and Freemasons who want as much deaths as possible beginning from SCAMdemic CONvid - 1984
Do you know the final goal of Freemasonry?
The annihilation of humanity.

Freemasons are satanists and enemies of God who fight his creation at behalf of Satan.
Putin, Scholz, Biden, Macron, Trump, Schwab & Co, all of them are satanists and Freemasons who want as much deaths as possible beginning from SCAMdemic CONvid - 1984

hmmm ... how did you overstep the gap between your universe and my universe?

Herer the opinion of Prof. Dr. Hans-Hermann Höhmann which he offered in Dresden in 2017:
Unter den Prinzipien, die Humanismus und Aufklärung für die Gegenwart begründen, scheinen mir die folgenden sieben Grundüberzeugungen – in die Form von Postulaten gefasst – für die Freimaurerei unserer Großloge von besonderer Bedeutung:

1. Leben, Wohlergehen, Freiheit und Glück jedes einzelnen heutigen Menschen sind Ziel und Maßstab des individuellen wie des gesellschaftlichen Handelns.

2. Die Anerkennung der Menschenwürde anderer wie der eigenen Würde ist Grundbedingung menschlicher Kultur und Gemeinschaft.

3. Die Verantwortung für die Erhaltung der Welt sowie eine gerechte und nachhaltige Nutzung ihrer Ressourcen ist die Basis jeder moralisch begründeten Politik.

4. Das Getragensein von Empathie, Menschenliebe und natürlicher Solidarität ist unverzichtbare Grundlage einer zu innerem wie zu äußerem Frieden fähigen Welt.

5. Die Förderung der schöpferischen Kräfte des Menschen ist Grundlage dafür, die Arbeit an der eigenen Persönlichkeit und an der Gesellschaft voran zu bringen.

6. Denken und Handeln haben sich am Maßstab der Redlichkeit, Wahrheitssuche und Vernunft zu orientieren.

7. Schließlich: Es ist Fortsetzung von Aufklärung erforderlich, verbunden jedoch mit der Einsicht, dass erst eine reflektierte Vernunft und eine selbstkritische Aufklärung als tragfähige Grundlagen menschlicher Lebensführung und sozialer Gestaltungsprozesse taugen.

Among the principles which humanism and enlightenment establish for the present, the following seven basic convictions - put into the form of postulates - seem to me to be of particular importance for the Freemasonry of our Grand Lodge:

1. the life, welfare, freedom and happiness of every individual today are the goal and standard of both individual and social action.

2. the recognition of the human dignity of others as well as of one's own dignity is the basic condition of human culture and community.

(3) Responsibility for the preservation of the world and the just and sustainable use of its resources is the basis of every morally justified policy.

(4) Empathy, love of humanity, and natural solidarity are the indispensable foundation of a world capable of both inner and outer peace.

5) The promotion of the creative powers of man is the basis for advancing the work on one's own personality and on society.

6. thinking and acting must be guided by the standards of honesty, truth-seeking and reason.

Finally: Enlightenment must be continued, but with the insight that only reflected reason and self-critical enlightenment can serve as a solid foundation for human life and social processes.

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