Meet Amanda Richardson of Springfield, Ohio. She wins the internet today.

She has an argument..

We are talking about low wage, low skill jobs. Ones with extremely high turnover. Just as easily they get hired, they get fired.

Then these low skill, low wage workers turn to crime to fund themselves including eating cats and dogs.
This tired old white supremacist garbage aging?

Must be 1983 again.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion, low IQ TDS afflicted moron?
Nobody from Springfield is backing up the RWNJ fearmongering.
I challenge you explain the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds with the tools of sound logic and reasoning and shove it up your ass.

I predict that you will flee from that challenge with your tail between your legs in a pathetic display of intellectual cowardice.
I challenge you explain the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds with the tools of sound logic and reasoning and shove it up your ass.

I predict that you will flee from that challenge with your tail between your legs in a pathetic display of intellectual cowardice.
One more time for the hard-of-thinking:









That's a fact.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion, TDS afflicted moron?

What are these jobs that you believe American's won't do just because some fat kunt told you so and you believed her because your extremely low IQ makes you extremely suggestible?

Could you list a few of those jobs that Americans allegedly won't do?
A Springfield resident started the story. There's nothing wrong with listening to what they have to say.
I challenge you explain the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that stupid conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds with the tools of sound logic and reasoning and shove it up your ass.

I predict that you will flee from that challenge with your tail between your legs in a pathetic display of intellectual cowardice.
No one believes Trump’s idiotic, racist lies about Springfield.
One more time for the hard-of-thinking:










Just saying the same thing with only one word per line is not an explanation, derpy retard.

Just as I predicted in post #34, when challenged to explain the reasoning that you used to come to your stupid conclusion, you scurried away with your tail between your legs in a pathetic display of intellectual cowardice.

How did you come to the conclusion that it's false?

Someone got rejected for the hall monitor job as a kid and is living his dream.
Obviously because you know you are fucking wrong, as usual, you are dodging the question that is the crux of the matter.

The question you are dodging is..

Could you list a few of those jobs that Americans allegedly won't do?

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