meet Oliver and Rowdy


VIP Member
May 26, 2011

These two clowns are my pugs. The black one was a rescue and the fawn was a gift to my wife. If i knew then what I know now I would have skipped kids and went straight to dogs. :eek:
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my uncle use to have a pack of we called them....i have never gotten the attraction...i mean really when you could have a doberman why would you have a pug?

but he loved those pugs and took them everywhere....
Pugs are stupid and have no survival skills whatsoever. You have to watch them all the time because they will always find the one thing to eat that will kill them.

But: to them you are a god, they love you with the affection of a 3 year old, and they are always good for a laugh. They cant protect you but they bark when someone comes in giving me time to get the gun.

I actually have 4 of them. They are like Lays chips you cant have just one. I need to get a pic up of the 2 girls Flossie and Sally Anne
Pugs are stupid and have no survival skills whatsoever. You have to watch them all the time because they will always find the one thing to eat that will kill them.

But: to them you are a god, they love you with the affection of a 3 year old, and they are always good for a laugh. They cant protect you but they bark when someone comes in giving me time to get the gun.

I actually have 4 of them. They are like Lays chips you cant have just one. I need to get a pic up of the 2 girls Flossie and Sally Anne
lol@your pack of pugs...why is that...people rarely have one pug.....

i hate when people let their little ass dog on a leash come up to my dog on a leash....and go....oooooo she is friendly and has made a new friend....while i know my dog is thinking..cant fuck it....or fight it...hell lets eat it....i am just waiting for him to swallow muffy whole...of course i would be pulling muffy out of his throat...yelling 'give' 'give' lol....

i like smart dogs....but dogs tend to be like men....louder and dumber in bunches
what is on your avatar i realize its by god wv....but what does the county maps says?

<---cant see even close up
Its just a list of the countys in WV. I could not find one that listed the countys where they could be read easily.

I have an outside dog. He is a Australian Shepard. He keeps the 2-3 cows and pigs that we keep under control. That is a smart dog. He actually herds the pugs when we let them outside so they cant hurt themselves. He treats them like they cant take care of themselves and he has to tell them what to do.
Dogs are happier and more natural in packs.

Not that I care, lol.

Pugs are awfully cute...I love small helpless dogs. I am also confused by people who will let their tiny dogs approach every canine they see. It only takes one little munch. I get the whole socialization thing, but you're supposed to do it with dogs and people you are fairly certain won't inhale your dog, otherwise it sort of defeats the purpose. I don't worry too much about my gargantuan pup approaching other dogs..I know they can't easily hurt him, and I know he's absolutely not going to trigger any aggression himself. But I keep Mylo far, far away from other dogs. She triggers aggressive behavior. Mylo never met a dog that didn't want to eat her. Until Klaus, anyway. He thinks she's great. It's very good for her Mylo-ness.
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Pugs are stupid and have no survival skills whatsoever. You have to watch them all the time because they will always find the one thing to eat that will kill them.

But: to them you are a god, they love you with the affection of a 3 year old, and they are always good for a laugh. They cant protect you but they bark when someone comes in giving me time to get the gun.

I actually have 4 of them. They are like Lays chips you cant have just one. I need to get a pic up of the 2 girls Flossie and Sally Anne
lol@your pack of pugs...why is that...people rarely have one pug.....

i hate when people let their little ass dog on a leash come up to my dog on a leash....and go....oooooo she is friendly and has made a new friend....while i know my dog is thinking..cant fuck it....or fight it...hell lets eat it....i am just waiting for him to swallow muffy whole...of course i would be pulling muffy out of his throat...yelling 'give' 'give' lol....

i like smart dogs....but dogs tend to be like men....louder and dumber in bunches

I have the opposite experiences, I have had big dogs (100 and now a 90lb one) and when I walk them people get scared and act like they are about to be eaten and all my dog wants to do is play with the little dogs and love up the people.

My guy who reached 100lbs ( sweet boy is gone by about 4 years) was blind in his last year and people would just back away when he was strolling down the street. I would tell them not to worry because he was blind and could not see them. People would go from fear to AWWWWW poor boy and come up to him and want to snuggle him. I would never turn down a blind dog as a pet. They are really not much problem at all.
Pugs are stupid and have no survival skills whatsoever. You have to watch them all the time because they will always find the one thing to eat that will kill them.

But: to them you are a god, they love you with the affection of a 3 year old, and they are always good for a laugh. They cant protect you but they bark when someone comes in giving me time to get the gun.

I actually have 4 of them. They are like Lays chips you cant have just one. I need to get a pic up of the 2 girls Flossie and Sally Anne
lol@your pack of pugs...why is that...people rarely have one pug.....

i hate when people let their little ass dog on a leash come up to my dog on a leash....and go....oooooo she is friendly and has made a new friend....while i know my dog is thinking..cant fuck it....or fight it...hell lets eat it....i am just waiting for him to swallow muffy whole...of course i would be pulling muffy out of his throat...yelling 'give' 'give' lol....

i like smart dogs....but dogs tend to be like men....louder and dumber in bunches

I have the opposite experiences, I have had big dogs (100 and now a 90lb one) and when I walk them people get scared and act like they are about to be eaten and all my dog wants to do is play with the little dogs and love up the people.

My guy who reached 100lbs ( sweet boy is gone by about 4 years) was blind in his last year and people would just back away when he was strolling down the street. I would tell them not to worry because he was blind and could not see them. People would go from fear to AWWWWW poor boy and come up to him and want to snuggle him. I would never turn down a blind dog as a pet. They are really not much problem at all.

It depends on the type and socialization of the dogs you're talking about.

I've had people who are walking by my house want to approach the yard and my rabid, barking, racing terrier, as if she will relax if they come over to the fence she is racing along and hitting, trying to get at them. Peeps, it doesn't work that way and when you stick your hand down for her, she will bite it. She isn't racing and barking because she likes your looks and wants some loving. She is racing and barking because she wants to attack you, or if you have one, your dog.
I have had a dog come after me in the street rushing and barking.

I had no where to go so instead of panicing I leaned over and slapped my thighs and started saying come on come on like I was calling him over for a snuggle. By the time he got to me he was ready to snuggle.

Dogs barking at a fence like you talk about just want to tell you "this is the line of my territory and you better not cross it" I often talk sweetly to them and tell them I dont want to eat them because I dont like how dog tastes. It doesnt make much differance to their behavior but its good for a laugh for anyone whos arround.
Yes, she is good for a laugh, provided you aren't bleeding...

She's not territorial in the sense that she recognizes certain spaces as her own. She recognizes ALL space as her own. Her space here in the yard, down the street, about a mile away, at the neighbor's house...all that space is HER space. She owns it.
a friend has a jack russell its still not housebroken....she ask me about it..and i told her big dogs are housebroken from pee pads.....her dog is 2 yrs old
the worst experience with a dog i owned:

we were out in public....hump mountain....has a big bald on it....there were guys with stunt kites.....i had my large golden with me...i let him off leash....and i swear just as soon as i did it...i hear a sound...we both turn to the sound....its a stunt kite crashing....about 100 ft away....well hell they call them retrievers for a reason...the chase is is running towards the very expensive stunt kite.....stunt kite owners are running towards their very expensive kite.....i am just kinda doing this painful looking trot...yelling at my dog...when about 5 ft from the kite he turns.....whew

all my dogs are always trained to follow my example...if i am chilled they are chilled...the minute i can see the hair rise on both of them....thor will get between me and anyone he does not know...but if the rapist has treats....well ....its over lol
I dont worry too much about socialization outside my pack here on my place. We have 55 acres and no neighbors to speak of. My dogs have the run of the place. The oldest pug (the black one) is about 10 years old now and he does not do much running. If it were not for the shepard the pugs would leave and never come back. All i have to do is tell him to "hunt em up" and he brings them back home every time.
Best dog I ever owned was a Doberman/Retriever mix named buck. Got him when I was about 10. He went everywhere with me. Stayed with us when we hunted and camped out. Could tree a coon like nobodys business. A true faithful companion. I had to put him down when he was about 15. I miss that dog to this day.
If your talking about the New River Gorge Bridge; I did it one time. I had friends that came in from Northen VA who wanted to go. I was not too impressed but I have driven across that bridge since they built it. My friends loved it though.
so you didnt like it? damn it is pricey.....i have driven over it a great many times but never can get the pic i want..since they will not let you stop on the bridge...they go climbing and rafting up there.

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